The last game you completed, and rating.

Mass Effect 2 (for the millionth time).
It has started to show it's age now, some of the mechanics seem a little clunky, but the Mass Effect games are not just about gameplay, it's the lore, the characters etc.

Still so good.

Nine Shepards out of ten.
Alien Isolation - 9/10

Fantastic game and even with its issues, of which there were a couple, is still my game of the year so far.... well joint with Dark Souls 2 anyway.

My only gripes were the obscene amount of time spent hiding in a cupboard, some of which pointlessly when I would just automatically just jump in a cupboard assuming danger must be near.....

Also the last mission was a bit of an anticlimax really. You are at the end point and the floor just drops and you have to get back to the exact same point again but instead of the dozens of aliens being a threat, its trains and facehuggers.... it just felt a bit cheap and an easy way for them to extend the length of the game.

I did actually like the ending but didn't see the point in the 'press left' 'press right' with the last alien.
Quake Epsilon / Quake Nehahra.

Great graphical update for the game in the series (Epsilon). The most visually impressive I've seen yet for quake, 8.5 / 10.

Nehahra is well worth playing if you fancy more mileage out of the quake engine. The modders have clearly put a lot of work in to it, 7/10.

Did you ever try the Classic Doom 3 mod for Doom 3? I loved that. Unfortunately they only re-made the first episode of Doom. But wow, looked absolutely amazing in the Doom 3 engine. The guys behind it really captured the essence of the original but worked so hard to visually bring it up to date. I think the original level designs also stand up to the test of time in this update too. If you didn't know what doom was when playing through CD3 you would never know it was a mod based on a 14 year old game (at the time of release in 2007).
Did you ever try the Classic Doom 3 mod for Doom 3? I loved that. Unfortunately they only re-made the first episode of Doom. But wow, looked absolutely amazing in the Doom 3 engine. The guys behind it really captured the essence of the original but worked so hard to visually bring it up to date. I think the original level designs also stand up to the test of time in this update too. If you didn't know what doom was when playing through CD3 you would never know it was a mod based on a 14 year old game (at the time of release in 2007).

Yes, I did. As you say, it's a shame that only one episode was created. :)
Alien Isolation

My hopes were not particularly high, but this was one hell of an experience!


  • It's Alien...and it nails it! Imo, it fits in perfectly with the movies, and is as much canon as they are.
  • Graphics are incredible, really incredible. The games runs really well as well.
  • Presentation is absolutely amazing, with first class animations, voice acting and cutscenes. The atmosphere built is perfectly pitched for an Alien game. There are some amazing set-pieces.
  • The setting is great. Sevastapol is massive and really well designed.
  • The overall story is really good, and there are plenty of twists and turns throughout. Objectives are pretty much always clear(highlights how bad some recent games have been...Watch Dogs, Black Flag etc) and actually make sense which is rare nowadays!
  • Some interesting characters, with Amanda Ripley being strong enough to carry a whole game. Audio logs and appearances from original Alien actors are a neat touch as well.
  • Stealth gameplay is really good in places, with many ways to get through areas, and some interesting tactics involving craftable items.
  • The Alien itself is amazing. Being stalked the whole game by a really designed enemy with great AI that you can't kill makes for some incredibly tense moments, and some of the most memorable pieces of gaming in recent years. Watching(and hearing) The Alien rip through some NPCs is absolutely epic. It has great animations and is absolutely terrifying!
  • Sound. Incredible. It helps to create the atmosphere and build tension in a really good way. Perfect.
  • Some interesting crafting and extra things to do such as hacking and collecting Audio logs
  • There are some specific moments in the game that rank up there as absolute classic moments. I can't tell you about them as it would be a spoiler.
  • Overall, I would say the pacing is spot on apart from some issues in the last quarter of the game. The general pacing in terms of breaking up gameplay with different enemies/mechanics worked really well though.
  • You can explore a fair bit in the game, though it isn't particularly well implemented tbh.
  • The scanner is awesome, a great mechanic that really starts to feel indispensable.
  • Half way through the game, you get an item that changes the entire dynamics of your encounters with the Alien. It is really well done and keeps the game fresh.

  • The game does lose it's way in the last quarter. The last 4 hours should probably be condensed in to about 1, or even cut completely tbh. As it is, the game probably does feel slightly too long.
  • The crafting UI is an atrocious piece of design!
  • There are some sections early on that can get a bit tedious, mainly involving the humanoid enemies.
  • As I mentioned, you can explore the station a fair bit, but there is never any need to really. There are also lots of locked doors that you have to just leave and often never go back to. Imo, the game is really crying out for some side quests. Just something simple, like coming across an NPC who wants you to find something or someone. It might actually give you a reason to explore. As it is though, the story is too tight and focused for exploring to really make sense.
  • Lots of backtracking in the last few hours, including one bit that is exactly the same as earlier in the game, with the same enemy doing the same things. Bits like this really do make the game seem repetitive.

Worth mentioning

  • The save system. Overall, I thought it worked quite well, but I can understand why some wouldn't. There definitely needs to be some kind of autosave at certain points to stop you from replaying cutscenes etc
  • Commits one of the cardinal sins- 'Start New Game' is the first option in the menu, before continue. Schoolboy error!
Overall, I adored this game. At times I found it terrifying, nerve-shredding, tense, exhilarating, at times tedious. It was never short of awesome though. I read a review that called it a game-changer, and I couldn't agree more. It has raised the bar for story-driven action games and brought survival horror back. It isn't just a great Alien game, it is a truly great game! 9.5/10
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Wow, I have been so on the fence about Alien Isolation. Might have to pick it up. Tell me, did you bother with any of the couple of dlc bits? Cheers.
Yes. They are both good. Crew expendables in particular, in which you can play as the original alien crew room the movie(!) is excellent. They are both quite short though.
BioShock Infinite - 5/10

I've 'only' played 5 hours but really can't bring myself to play it. Yes its pretty, yes the world is clever and interesting but the actual game is thinner than paper. Might be showing my age but I expect more.

Awesomenauts - 9/10

Considering I bought this in a sale on a whim for a few quid, it's proven great fun. Swallowed 25 hours, great for a quick blast. I like the game mechanics and team work online. A real bargain bucket gem.
BioShock Infinite - 5/10

I've 'only' played 5 hours but really can't bring myself to play it. Yes its pretty, yes the world is clever and interesting but the actual game is thinner than paper. Might be showing my age but I expect more.

That was pretty much my feeling after playing it. Looks over agameplay content in my opinion. It is basically a run and gun shooter with not a lot else going on. The only redeeming features were the story and voice acting.
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point.

It's been a while since I've played this all the way through, but it still surprises me what a good second release this is. The only minor negatives I can think of are that they used a different actor for Norton Mapes - (most unconvincing imo), and the lack of phone messages / the few that are included are two dimensional. Also, I don't know if the original did this or not, but doors swing shut after you open them. It sounds silly, but it can be quite a nuisance when one is in the middle of combat.

Overall, very close in quality to the first game imo. :)

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate.

+ Nice to have some added bonus content at the end.
+ Like the first game, you can now pick up your proximity mines. You couldn't in Extraction Point.
+ Doors stay open like in the first game, unlike EP.
+ I thought EP gave plenty of game time, but this seemed like even more.
+ Nice variety of weapons (both expansion packs), and enemies in PM.
+ A little more in the way of phone messages than compared to EP.
+ Still as surreal as Fear and EP. Really made me jump in one instance.
+ Storyline is nicely fleshed out and ties in nicely with the the two previous titles.
+ I haven't played this in a long time, so it was most appreciated that I had forgotten quite a lot of the content. I must thank myself later.
+ As with F.E.A.R., there is an easter egg (bit of video / audio) at the end. This is why I always watch the credits until the very end in all games.
+ A little more in the way of variety (for EP and PM) within the environments than compared to the first game.

- I always found it odd that the character you play in PM has super fast reflexes (like point man did in Fear and EP). Seemed a bit odd to me that you could use slow-mo with this character. I mean, after all you aren't 'from' Alma in this game, you're a sergeant in the F.E.A.R. team.
- Some graphical corruption in PM, though of course that could be down to a number of things.
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First play through of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Nowhere near as good as BL2, but interesting dynamics with the atmosphere change and low grav. Humour is still there, but story and levels/maps aren't as good.

Shadow Warrior 7/10.

The gun / sword play is extremely fun, my main gripe is that the game was too long (~15 hours) and occasionally the objectives wasn't clear enough.

Good old fashioned FPS.
Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

An enjoyable point and click adventure.

Storyline was surprisingly dark and had quite a few funny moments. The puzzles were all straightforward enough to ward off frustration, but were interesting enough to be fun. There are some more complex truth-table and similar puzzles, but these can be skipped.

Nice looking, good fun, decent length (without being too long), the 2nd act did drag a little though compared with 1st & 3rd.

X-com enemy within.

Easily one of the best games in this genre. Still going back to play a bit of it every couple of months. For the current price it's a steal.
First play through of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Nowhere near as good as BL2, but interesting dynamics with the atmosphere change and low grav. Humour is still there, but story and levels/maps aren't as good.

Glad I didn't waste my money - still can't bring myself to finish borderlands 2.

They've let the formula stagnate and there needs to be a radical shake up of the gameplay for a future title - even something simple like more than one skill per character.
Elder Scrolls - Skyrim.

I loved Oblivion and even though we all know the flaws in the GFX engine and how they could have made it better etc etc it was awesome.

There isnt a single location on the map I haven't been to and the main story line was great. A steep learning curve for certain things but never impossible. So many places and missions made the game worth the money and time invested.

Wolfenstein: New Order.... finally enjoyed Single Player on FPS's game in a long time.
Loved pretty much everything about the game, graphic, visual, weapons, characters and story and sound/music was pretty cool.
Some missions were average but in common enjoyed game and was not bored at all like I am nowadays playing single player: 8/10.
Next is Aliens or Ryse son of rome
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CoD Ghosts Single Player

You have to be in the mood for the usual CoD shooting gallery style gameplay. But if you are, then this is superb. The space and underwater missions add great variety and overall maxed out I thought it looked fantastic too. Great fun.

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