The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

It's strange, but I think the second game will make a better series then the first, and I REALLY don't like the second game. I think the first benefits a lot from being in Joels shoes (for the most part) and that sense of intimacy can never really be replicated in a TV show. The second season feels a lot more broad emotionally and thematically and the range of characters would fit the TV format a lot better.
It's strange, but I think the second game will make a better series then the first, and I REALLY don't like the second game. I think the first benefits a lot from being in Joels shoes (for the most part) and that sense of intimacy can never really be replicated in a TV show. The second season feels a lot more broad emotionally and thematically and the range of characters would fit the TV format a lot better.
Yeah, going from the 'zombie' genre to a standard revenge is bad m'kay story is bound to be better TV :rolleyes::p
Yeah i thought it looked great and i know they bombed the cities as it was referenced in the episode but the crater was much smaller and wouldnt have thought that would cause a skyscraper to topple over. Meh its a show, i guess its a bit of artistic licence.

The bit that had me going "eh?" was 2 seconds after they mentioned bombing the city they walked passed a restaurant, some of the glass on the window blown out but all the tablet settings still there, glasses and vases, albeit with plants growing out of it.
Yeah, going from the 'zombie' genre to a standard revenge is bad m'kay story is bound to be better TV :rolleyes::p

You joke, but for all it's faults there are some great characters in the second game and generally speaking there's a lot more going on in it to help fill out a shows run time.
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Thought ep. 2 was really good.

Although, the whole episode all I could think was… man, I really can’t believe some people (not just here) were so hung up on how the old lady got infected in the first episode.

Even if they didn’t explain it at all, it would still be the most minor of gripes at best. There really no need to get hung up on the slightest of things.

The best thing about this episode was the lack of tedious ‘side plots’ and irrelevant characters. Pure focus on the main characters. Let’s hope it keeps that up. It doesn’t need an ensemble cast.
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The bit that had me going "eh?" was 2 seconds after they mentioned bombing the city they walked passed a restaurant, some of the glass on the window blown out but all the tablet settings still there, glasses and vases, albeit with plants growing out of it.

Bombing cities doesn't really make sense unless large scale nuclear or massive use of FAEs (beyond the kind of stocks normally held) - conventional carpet bombing even wouldn't stop an infection like this.

Though in theory might be used against concentrated groups of infected while they still thought there was a chance to contain it. Some types of explosives use shaped energy blasts so might not destroy everything around them if used to try and target specific things.
Backdrops and scenery are beautiful, Bella is fugly - there i've said it and got it off my chest. But, her dialogue is very good, deffo getting Ellie vibes.

It was great to see the set pieces from the game, it's like "Oh ****, i remember this, i know what's coming!" especially with Tess.....................

Not sold on the infected being able to communicate miles away, but ok.

Also, why can Joel not hold a rifle properly? It looks like he's picked one up for the first time when he's meant to have been out foraging in the wild for 20 years. was the flour!! Was it one infected batch or has no-one eaten bread etc for the last 20 years? That is going to need some explanation.
So did they including the games mention flour being the cause?

I already asked that above. No its something new to the show as they didn't want to hide the actors faces in gas masks. The game as it was explained to me was air contagion via spores in certain areas.
I already asked that above. No its something new to the show as they didn't want to hide the actors faces in gas masks. The game as it was explained to me was air contagion via spores in certain areas.

Spreading via flour infected with the fungous is fine as there as real world examples of this happening, they were clever to avoid the main character's eating anything flour based, with Joel mentioning being on Atkins, and forgetting to buy cake.

I'm not against this but the spores in the last of us are part of the visual aesthetic of the show which has been lost. Not seeing their faces would be an improvement for the some of the characters anyway. :)

Also don't like the fact they killed two clickers in the second episode, would been better if they managed to sneak around, maybe throwing items to distract them, makes them feel like less of threat now.
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I haven't got round to watching this yet, but is it the same as in the game where they go into a new area, taking great care to be stealthy, then about 75% through an area someone spots someone's arm or leg sticking out, then they just resort to bashing everything with a piece of 2" by 4" that was lying around, and then relax with some bandages before the next area?
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