The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

That girl had a tiny graze. There was a poster saying how long it can take for infection for small biter (24 hours IIRC) and it's a gradual thing that fogs up your brain, hence the counting with Ellie when she was in chains

That girl was ages away from changing still, so they killed her before they were in much danger.

Doesn't really makes sense why the guard didn't scan her outside the wall though...clearly that was for the audience
I wasn't sure about that. I can't imagine that would be anyone's first idea in a pandemic/outbreak thingy. Especially a Doctor's :confused:

I disagree with you on that and argue, as the expert in the field, she is the only one that should have jumped to such an extreme answer. She makes the same comments as the interview at the beginning of the show - there's no way to treat the infection never mind a cure or even a chance of a cure. She instantly knows it's the end of the world unless the infection can be contained yet by that point it's already beyond local containment.
It's not like they can catch it from a cough in the face.
Well that's my point. As someone who's not played the game (and also hearing how the infection is different in the TV show anyway) I didn't know that. I think a bit more to explain how this spreads would be good. One minute it's apocalypse in 30secs after the news gets hold.. and planes falling out of the sky, another minute two people are perfectly happy to get cosy with someone who's definitely infected. And on the other hand Joel was ***scared of Tess 5mins after she was bit. I'm not hating on the show, but as a viewer I need to know what exactly is at stake etc.
Well that's my point. As someone who's not played the game (and also hearing how the infection is different in the TV show anyway) I didn't know that. I think a bit more to explain how this spreads would be good. One minute it's apocalypse in 30secs after the news gets hold.. and planes falling out of the sky, another minute two people are perfectly happy to get cosy with someone who's definitely infected. And on the other hand Joel was ***scared of Tess 5mins after she was bit. I'm not hating on the show, but as a viewer I need to know what exactly is at stake etc.

I think in the game's version of how the infection spread has more contradiction. In the game it is done with spores, so airborne. There are areas where the character in the game wears a mask when inside. But then they don't wear it 99% of the time, even when they encounter an infected, which means clearly the area has spores. So in that respect, the game has a massive plot hole.

The show it just spread via physical contact through bite, scratch or physically ingesting the fungus in the flour. It's more a traditional zombie like spread.

I guess there is a way to prevent the spread if everyone on the planet has the gut and the means to kill someone they love the second they notice they changed. Or people who have been infected are brave enough to kill themselves first. The start of the 2nd episode shows that if the host dies, that's it, the fungus can't make it move anymore. So a plain old bullet to the head still works.

The difficulty and problem is the moral dilemma to kill someone you love who just turned, even if technically their brain is now gone. That hesitation is what cause the infection spreads.
I guess there is a way to prevent the spread if everyone on the planet has the gut and the means to kill someone they love the second they notice they changed. Or people who have been infected are brave enough to kill themselves first. The start of the 2nd episode shows that if the host dies, that's it, the fungus can't make it move anymore. So a plain old bullet to the head still works.

The difficulty and problem is the moral dilemma to kill someone you love who just turned, even if technically their brain is now gone. That hesitation is what cause the infection spreads.
Episode 2 of the HBO Last of Us podcast they said there was a scene written (possibly filmed even) showing Tess during the initial outbreak

She's a wife and mother, and her husband and son both turn. She kills the husband but can't bring herself to kill her child so locks him in the basement.

They speculate that he could even still be in there 20 years later.
Episode 2 of the HBO Last of Us podcast they said there was a scene written (possibly filmed even) showing Tess during the initial outbreak

She's a wife and mother, and her husband and son both turn. She kills the husband but can't bring herself to kill her child so locks him in the basement.

They speculate that he could even still be in there 20 years later.

If the logic that it needs a host to live then I guess it would die if the host don't get enough nutrients...eventually it gets too weak for the muscles to function, as it still needs energy. A bit like leaving a loaf of bread to get mouldy, eventually it will stop looking like bread and just go all blue..after 20years i doubt it will still be bread like...aka human like.
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If the logic that it needs a host to live then I guess it would die if the host don't get enough nutrients...eventually it gets too weak for the muscles to function, as it still needs energy. A bit like leaving a loaf of bread to get mouldy, eventually it will stop looking like bread and just go all blue..after 20years i doubt it will still be bread like...aka human like.

Look what it did to that disabled old woman though, it sort of 'healed' her body so she could walk around and go after people.
Look what it did to that disabled old woman though, it sort of 'healed' her body so she could walk around and go after people.

I put that down to the sense of pain isn't there anymore so it just "walk". The old lady might still be capable to walk if not for the pain?

I am guessing...
I went back and re-watched the part with the girl as some were saying they could not understand the non-urgency etc. On the wall of the room where she was wheeled into it showed a poster:


As the bite/scratch was on her leg, they had 12 - 24hrs before she started turning. However, how would they know when the 24hr clock started i suppose?
That girl had a tiny graze. There was a poster saying how long it can take for infection for small biter (24 hours IIRC) and it's a gradual thing that fogs up your brain, hence the counting with Ellie when she was in chains

That girl was ages away from changing still, so they killed her before they were in much danger.

Doesn't really makes sense why the guard didn't scan her outside the wall though...clearly that was for the audience
See my post here.
The Camera work is horrendous in this TV show! Take for example in the School and it focuses on the Clock, it's all over the place. :rolleyes:

Can't watch it like this sadly, just me feel sick.. I mean seriously, use still cams if it's too damn heavy to hold
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The Camera work is horrendous in this TV show! Take for example in the School and it focuses on the Clock, it's all over the place. :rolleyes:

Can't watch it like this sadly, just me feel sick.. I mean seriously, use still cams if it's too damn heavy to hold
Can’t say I’ve noticed that at all tbh
The closeness of the locations/gear/clothes etc between Game and the TV show has led to multiple people doing side by side comparisons and they do look extremely well done! Here's just one from the first Episode as an example and it shows how closely the TV show is to the game -

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