The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

An ok episode but the kid swearing all the time is just off putting and unnecessary.

In a world with no law and order, a child with no parents or father figure in her life, where she had to grow up think she should talk like the Queen? Yes I know you will say you don't mean it like that, but swearing at that age, in that world is not really not inkeeping of the character.
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Enjoyed this episode even though nothing major happened. I think for me it's probably the weakest one so far, which really just shows how high quality the show has been to this point.

Also, there really are some absolute broke-brains on this forum. Desperate to find any imagined half-slight to their world view in a fictional TV series.
Watched episode 5....It's mostly good, but missing a lot of good dialogue from the game.... And Ellie is a lot more annoying, they had one relationship building episode and now they interact like they they've been together for years... It's weird and feels rushed, would feel better if there was another episode like episode 4 but I guess they had to get that gay stuff in there.... That was clearly more important then building a believable relationship between the two main characters.

Why did they make the boy deaf? Weird. Why? don't understand why they did that. Diversity and inclusively reasons probably.... :(

I suppose some will look for trumpy woke reasons everywhere,
but I saw it as showing Joel/Ellie that as bad as all as they had it, try looking after someone that has no idea if they are making noise or not, or if there is something happening and to suddenly be quiet.

Joel has been completely deconstructed, he's now an incompetent broken man who has panic attacks, breaks down crying and an apologist. Pathetic from the writers.

He is only "deconstructed" for the tiny minority of viewers that played the game. For the vast vast majority of viewers, what happened in the video game is completely irrelevant. Yeah he is no jack Reacher, but so what ?

Why was a 14 year girl given birth control??!
How does an adult confuse a product for woman's personal hygiene with birth control.

Joel if I remember correctly fell onto glass in the game.
Clearly unless this is act for act the same as the game, you will not be happy.

They didn't arrive at the gate on horseback, I'M DONE WITH IT !
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I hope Hollywood script writers are following these threads on OCUK, it surely is the blueprint for another dystopian future where there are unorganised groups of anti-woke freedom fighters living in pockets scattered throughout a bleak fully woke future Britain, where certain groups, who insist on there being on minimum numbers of white male cast members in the films of the day, seek out other like minded groups who crusade against gender re-appropriation and general angry frothers, as they battle against the Woke Police in weekly 43minutes adventures. The main crux of the story is the effort to recover the last remaining sample of Jeremy Clarkson's DNA, which is being held at Woke Central under maximum security. Starring ebilcake as Jim Davidson.
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I hope Hollywood script writers are following these threads on OCUK, it surely is the blueprint for another dystopian future where there are unorganised groups of anti-woke freedom fighters living in pockets scattered throughout a bleak fully woke future Britain, where certain groups, who insist on there being on minimum numbers of white male cast members in the films of the day, seek out other like minded groups who crusade against gender re-appropriation and general angry frothers, as they battle against the Woke Police in weekly 43minutes adventures. The main crux of the story is the effort to recover the last remaining sample of Jeremy Clarkson's DNA, which is being held at Woke Central under maximum security. Starring ebilcake as Jim Davidson.

You Sir win the post of the day!
Maybe, thought they'd gone full Hollywood communist pedo utopia. :cry:
Even if if was "birth control pills" it would make sense from a purely logical perspective.
The "pill" works by regulating when you get your period (and that is one of the secondary approved uses), that means that if you're heading out on a long journey with uncertainty about where you'll be able to safely stop and resupply (let alone wash), you've got basically two choices, one is to take a ton of clean underwear and trousers with you so you can change them potentially several times a day for several days, or something to contain or control menstruation. A tiny packet of pills that weighs a few grams or a "mooncup" are about ideal for that, far better than loads of clean clothes, loads of disposable pads, or an almost certain infection from not being able to maintain hygiene.
I've not even seen the series, or played the games but that is a lovely bit of world building that says so much about the situation the world is in and the level of planning required for the journey if you are paying attention to it, and is something that has been a joking bugbear with some of my friends re most of the zombie series "if they can smell blood..." (alongside how does everyone keep their hair fabulous and get the stains out of the clothing they wear for weeks at a time).
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You can say its a "lovely bit of world building" but at the same time ignore a bunch of fatty actors? In a post-apocalyptic setting you can bet your ass that if I was to run into any chubbers the 1st thing I would be doing is beating the snot out of them to find out where they are keeping the excess food they are snaffling down on..
You can say its a "lovely bit of world building" but at the same time ignore a bunch of fatty actors? In a post-apocalyptic setting you can bet your ass that if I was to run into any chubbers the 1st thing I would be doing is beating the snot out of them to find out where they are keeping the excess food they are snaffling down on..

Yeah, that was weird, what was he bringing back after hunting? McDonalds and KFC? :D
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Joel hasn't been portrayed as being weak at all. He's 50+ and has had a few injuries and a pretty brutal life. He's also running on very little sleep when they're on the road, so it's not unfeasible to see he'd start having issues with his heart or anxiety when he's trying to look after a girl who potentially has the cure.
Indeed. Every time they bed down for the night I keep thinking there's absolutely no chance I'd get any sleep out in the open.. with flippin' zombies around :p
Came for the episode talk, stayed for the triggered comments :cry:
Every week, like clockwork!
the USA is also awash with guns and bullets, and Joel said that millions of people died within 24 hours of the outbreak.

Stands to reason there would be plenty of guns and ammo left really, even 20 years later.

I imagine they can make their own in Jackson even.
Yes but they'd be using those guns 20 years non stop fighting/killing each other and the infected.
I do align with the comments here that the kid's script is getting a bit annoying, yeah she's all grown-up super fast, but for some reason her cursing stands out more, and it doesn't seem to add to much, but it is jarring.
Sums it up quite well, but I would say worse than episode 3, that was it's own stand alone episode, it didn't add anything to the story and there was still some potential..

Watch Episode 6, and I'm done with the show..

You are so done with the show that you are watching youtube videos about it to confirm to yourself why you are done with the show.
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You are so done with the show that you are watching youtube videos about it to confirm to yourself why you are done with the show.
I subscribe to the channel. Hardly a huge time investment when I watch videos at 1.5x or faster.

Done watching the show for sure, because I know what's coming. I'll be watching reviews just to see how bad it gets, better they suffer through this than me. Reviews are often more entertaining than the shows, especially considering the state of TV from the US, so long as they're not media shills. :)
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