The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

I bet that guy subscribed to Andrew Tate's Hustlers University :cry: :cry: he looks like he's still angry his mentor got busted.
Why would you assume that? Plenty of people dislike Andrew Tate on the right and left, he is decisive.

Don't understand why people on the left assume everyone else supports AT.. it's weird.

Mentor? Grow up and stop being a loser.
Why would you assume that? Plenty of people dislike Andrew Tate on the right and left, he is decisive.

Don't understand why people on the left assume everyone else supports AT.. it's weird.

Mentor? Grow up and stop being a loser.

Clearly his whole thing is culture wars/identity politics and that is the first of his videos I've watched. "They just had to have a women of colour in a position of power ordering men around" and that is just 1 example of his complaints. It is amazing how some people see the world, they are desperate to be triggered and if you look hard enough you'll find something to be triggered by. He just comes across as an angry middle aged man who likes to rant on YT about "woke".
Clearly his whole thing is culture wars/identity politics and that is the first of his videos I've watched. "They just had to have a women of colour in a position of power ordering men around" and that is just 1 example of his complaints. It is amazing how some people see the world, they are desperate to be triggered and if you look hard enough you'll find something to be triggered by. He just comes across as an angry middle aged man who likes to rant on YT about "woke".
Never mind she said she wasn't the leader and was on a democratically elected council.

I also don't recall her ordering men around.
Clearly his whole thing is culture wars/identity politics and that is the first of his videos I've watched. "They just had to have a women of colour in a position of power ordering men around" and that is just 1 example of his complaints. It is amazing how some people see the world, they are desperate to be triggered and if you look hard enough you'll find something to be triggered by. He just comes across as an angry middle aged man who likes to rant on YT about "woke".

That's not his whole thing at all, but he's not afraid to point it out when it appears so he gets respect from me, so many media shills are afraid to talk about it due to cancel culture and all that nonsense.

You can criticise all you want, but he's not wrong. Denying that woke culture and diversity quotas are infecting Hollywood productions and society as whole is just disingenuous at this point.

I'm assuming you support it, but the majority of people don't.
That's not his whole thing at all, but he's not afraid to point it out when it appears so he gets respect from me, so many media shills are afraid to talk about it due to cancel culture and all that nonsense.

You can criticise all you want, but he's not wrong. Denying that woke culture and diversity quotas are infecting Hollywood productions and society as whole is just disingenuous at this point.

I'm assuming you support it, but the majority of people don't.

No of course his videos aren't all about woke.... he's only been going for 2 months and woke is all over the titles of his videos. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2+2 together does it.

You culture wars lot really need to lighten up a bit. Its not healthy being this angry all the time.

Never played the game, but I want to now. The Wife and I are absolutely loving this show. Love both the main characters and every episode so far. Enjoying the chemistry between the two even if it does remind me a bit of Arya and the hound.
No of course his videos aren't all about woke.... he's only been going for 2 months and woke is all over the titles of his videos. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2+2 together does it.

You culture wars lot really need to lighten up a bit. Its not healthy being this angry all the time.

Look at the state of that.
No of course his videos aren't all about woke.... he's only been going for 2 months and woke is all over the titles of his videos. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2+2 together does it.

You culture wars lot really need to lighten up a bit. It’s not healthy being this angry all the time.

… and not that I care, but even as is it - with all such purported ‘wokery’ - the show is literally about a straight white male lead, heroically trying to do the right thing and save the world.

How anyone can get so uptight about the most inconsequential race / gender swapping to be more inclusive, in that context, is beyond me :o
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Never played the game, but I want to now. The Wife and I are absolutely loving this show. Love both the main characters and every episode so far. Enjoying the chemistry between the two even if it does remind me a bit of Arya and the hound.
You should definitely give the 1st one a go, the storytelling is much better than the show. the actual relationship between Joel and Ellie develops 'on screen' as it were rather than the silly trite writing they've adopted in the show to show the bond between the 2.
How anyone can get so uptight about the most inconsequential race / gender swapping to be more inclusive, in that context, is beyond me :o
Because the anti-woke brigade nowadays are literally just racists/xenophobes/sexists (etc.) in disguise... Problem with that - being as soon as they see a woman in charge, or a black/minority person, or a gay person they totally lose their ****. What they're forgetting nowadays is that it's quite normal to see one (or more!) of the above because, ya know, that's actually what life is now in the modern age.
What they're forgetting nowadays is that it's quite normal to see one (or more!) of the above because, ya know, that's actually what life is now in the modern age.
Hate to break it to you buddy but the ethnic and sexual demographic of London isn't representative of the UK.
Um, you don't need to be surrounded by examples of diversity/representation to not be a tool :o
That's not what you said though is it, it's still extremely common to go through your everyday life in the vast majority of the UK with only seeing the occasional person that isn't white. There's a reason people often get roasted on social media for thinking life is as 'diverse' as portrayed on tv shows.
You should definitely give the 1st one a go, the storytelling is much better than the show. the actual relationship between Joel and Ellie develops 'on screen' as it were rather than the silly trite writing they've adopted in the show to show the bond between the 2.
One is a game that takes about 20 hours to complete and you only see the POV from one character (maybe 2) the other is a TV show.

Completely different mediums, which allow the TV show to go off on a tangent and without the need for lots of shoot-outs every 10 minutes.
That's not what you said though is it, it's still extremely common to go through your everyday life in the vast majority of the UK with only seeing the occasional person that isn't white. There's a reason people often get roasted on social media for thinking life is as 'diverse' as portrayed on tv shows.

This show isn't set in the UK though....

Also, I don't live in London and there's plenty of minorities around here.
One is a game that takes about 20 hours to complete and you only see the POV from one character (maybe 2) the other is a TV show.

Completely different mediums, which allow the TV show to go off on a tangent and without the need for lots of shoot-outs every 10 minutes.
And? What's your point? Arguably the 'filler' episodes have taken away the focus from the core story which is the relationship between the 2 main characters, hell they've had to explain the development of Joel and Ellie as parent/child via a lazy time cut rather than let the relationship develop naturally as per the game. Yes I know the game had the occasional time skip but they weren't used as a plot device to explain the aforementioned relationship having developed.....that's not good writing within a show that has some very good writing in parts!
This show isn't set in the UK though....

Also, I don't live in London and there's plenty of minorities around here.
No, it's set in Texas/Massachusetts.. where's all the damn Latino's?
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