The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

How long is the first game story wise ? i've seen a movie on Youtube at around 2 hours 55 mins ( which I havent watched ) , which I presume is made up of mostly cut scenes.
With gameplay a google search suggests 14-15 hours upto 21 hours if you do all the side quests.

I presume the game has some running about / shoot em up sections which the series wont have, so at 9 hours wouldn't you expect some stories to be expanded / given more context ?

Normally people complain about adaptions taking crucial stuff out, or am I missing something ?
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Why don't you guys raging at the series listen to the official podcast? Its the guy who developed the game and the guy who developed the series (also developed Chernobyl) they explain all their choices in it and they all make sense. I think the guy who made the game knows a little more about this than some gamers butt hurt because "woke".
4 pages of crap - thread needs a tidy up and some bans from posting.


Left Behind - I think an origin story for Ellie would be a good addition. Why do we need to rush a great story?

Why didn't the dog attack Ellie? She flags as red on the scanners, so shows as infected.

Why did Tommy let Ellie go with just Joel? Future hope for mankind, you would think they would send a team to bodyguard them.

Where was the giraffe? That was a great game moment.
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Not enjoying it at all. They seem to have e the priorities of the story all wrong. They willingly swap things around so Ellie can do all the important things like kill they guy attacking Joel. Joel seems to have no emotions what so ever. I was an emotional wreck after playing the game, I don't see myself getting the slightest bit upset apart from remembering story the way it was meant to be...

They 1 hour and 30 mins gay episode added nothing for me. We knew the character was gay and they even changed that to make them more likeable rather than be the characters they are in the game.

Then the diaphragm they gave Ellie... she's 14 fgs...
Not enjoying it at all. They seem to have e the priorities of the story all wrong. They willingly swap things around so Ellie can do all the important things like kill they guy attacking Joel. Joel seems to have no emotions what so ever. I was an emotional wreck after playing the game, I don't see myself getting the slightest bit upset apart from remembering story the way it was meant to be...

They 1 hour and 30 mins gay episode added nothing for me. We knew the character was gay and they even changed that to make them more likeable rather than be the characters they are in the game.

Then the diaphragm they gave Ellie... she's 14 fgs...

You'll get flamed for the gay comment. I enjoyed their story, but I'm watching for Joel and Ellie, that's the reason i'm on the fence about that particular episode.

It wasn't a 'diaphragm', birth control etc, it was a menstrual cup ie for her period now she is at that age.
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You'll get flamed for the gay comment. I enjoyed their story, but I'm watching for Joel and Ellie, that's the reason i'm on the fence about that particular episode.

It wasn't a 'diaphragm', birth control etc, it was a menstrual cup ie for her period now she is at that age.
Yea I know, even though I said nothing bad, we don't really get a big story about them in the game, they just are. But we had to have massive signaling and pandering. They just seem to be concentrating on the wrong parts. They had a massive winner by just converting the game to the tv screen, but they have to trigger some people by changing things that didn't need changing. The gay episode in the grand scheme of things added nothing to the show. It jist doesn't make sense to concentrate of something we get to see only in that episode and then never again... he survived in the game and was not likeable at all.

I wasn't sure what that thing was so took what a youtuber female said it was. Thay sounds dangerous if it does what I think it does then, keeps the stuff inside instead of letting it out.
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