The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Jesus christ. please educate yourself to a level where you don't embarrass yourself.

I'm actually shocked at OCUK's knowledge of female hygiene. I hope to god none of you have daughters.
Moon cups have only recently became popular though to be fair, and most men turn their noses up/rather not know at the thought of women bleeding from their vagina and/or they go about it. Unless they're into blood sport.
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In this same thread we have posters arguing Joel is too weak and emotional and posters arguing he isn't emotional at all.

OK maybe we are not explaining it correctly. But I understand what people mean by he is to emotional but also what I meant. His emotions in the game made him strong and sort of likeable character, in the tv show they jist make him look weak.

BTW the game is like over 10 years old. I won't be acknowledging any spoiler cries.

I have no reason to search for female hygiene knowledge. That thing does not fit into that world in the slightest, it can't be hygienic at all after the apocalypse...
That's like saying smartphones have only recently become popular....

I'd say most on this forum remember the time before smartphones were a thing. 2007 isn't that long ago (when the iPhone changed the game almost over night)

And if anyone here has kids, smart phones and the internet is all they have ever known. I don't know about others but our lot have a panic attack when there's no wifi available, and the eldest threw her phone at her mother because she threatened to take the phone away from her.

We didn't replace the phone for a month as a lesson, suffice to say she was an absolute angel for that month.
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Meh !!
I was dreading the DLC episode of TLOU :(
I know they can't all be action packed and apocalyptic but after last week's story filled episode too, I think this was the wrong time to recap Ellie's QZ life.
There must have been about 30mins with cordyceps infected things on screen. Probably been more screen time for *******.

They are just not allowing Ellie and Joel to bond. Something doesn't seem right between them. As far as I remember he treated her like she was his daughter a lot earlier than he seems to be showing her love in the tv series.
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I know they can't all be action packed and apocalyptic but after last week's story filled episode too, I think this was the wrong time to recap Ellie's QZ life.
Likewise. I had no issue with the writing, acting or the story being told but for me the timing was all wrong. I’ve waited a week from the cliffhanger to find out what happens (I’ve never played the game) and now they expect me to be interested in the flashback. They do this in other shows too, it might work for other people but it doesn’t for me, I was just too distracted with wanting to know what was happening now.

After I realised it was going to last for the best past of the episode, I skipped to the end to see what was happening in the ‘now’ part of the story. Then I went back and watched the flashback. I did enjoy the flashback part once I went back to watch it. There will be more flashback to come I’m sure but hopefully not the best part of an episode next time.

EDIT: Oh, and guys not having a basic understanding of menstruation, I’m pretty stunned by that. Moon cups have been around for decades too, also when you saw the shape and size how did you think it would work as a contraceptive, didn’t you think it would get in the way and be, well, pokey :cry:
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I guess they should keep going to the store to buy tampons :confused:
so how exactly do you imagine a girl roaming the wilds of a post apocalyptic world cleans that thing? im pretty sure she will be perfectly fine making a fire and boiling water and sticking it in that every day for a week or more one week per month...

EDIT - why exactly would i ever have researched a moon cup. i dont understand when i would ever need to apart from fathering a daughter and tbh it wouldnt be something i would more than scroll past when seeing some of the other options, like the ones advertised on tv...
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The gay episode in the grand scheme of things added nothing to the show. It jist doesn't make sense to concentrate of something we get to see only in that episode and then never again...

I can understand the argument that it was largely a 'filler' episode. Even having not played the game, it was pretty obvious to me that it wasn't really progressing the main story arc - but I thought it was a fantastic character-driven episode.

I think if you could see passed your own bias, you'd realise that end result (whether they live/die in the game) is not at all important.

The episode was about their life together during a post-apocalyptic event.
so how exactly do you imagine a girl roaming the wilds of a post apocalyptic world cleans that thing? im pretty sure she will be perfectly fine making a fire and boiling water and sticking it in that every day for a week or more one week per month...
:confused: why even ask this?!

I imagine in a worst case scenario it would get a clean once a month in a stream.

Is that better than no sanitary products at all…? Well, what do you think?

Is this what we’ve reached? People requiring clarity because they are stuck on whether having optional, non-ideal sanitary product usage makes sense, against the option of having no sanitary products at all.

I can understand the argument that it was largely a 'filler' episode. Even having not played the game, it was pretty obvious to me that it wasn't really progressing the main story arc - but I thought it was a fantastic character-driven episode.

I think if you could see passed your own bias, you'd realise that end result (whether they live/die in the game) is not at all important.

The episode was about their life together during a post-apocalyptic event.
Yea it was a great story and if it wasn't in this show and I somehow watched it I might think it was, but not something I tuned in for. We didn't need it, want it or feel like it adds to the story of Ellie being a cure for the world ending fungus...
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:confused: why even ask this?!

I imagine in a worst case scenario it would get a clean once a month in a stream.

Is that better than no sanitary products at all…? Well, what do you think?

Is this what we’ve reached? People requiring clarity because they are stuck on whether having optional, non-ideal sanitary product usage makes sense, against the option of having no sanitary products at all.

Maybe they could do this in some other show. I wanted to see the game I played brought to life. So far I'm seeing plenty of changes and extra scenes and non of them make the story any better what so ever.

Would this have fit into the game of thrones show?
Bit bored with this - interesting idea for an episode but again took up far too much time than it needed. Be a bit different if it was something like Game of Thrones with lots of characters with interwoven story lines.
:confused: why even ask this?!

I imagine in a worst case scenario it would get a clean once a month in a stream.

Is that better than no sanitary products at all…? Well, what do you think?

Is this what we’ve reached? People requiring clarity because they are stuck on whether having optional, non-ideal sanitary product usage makes sense, against the option of having no sanitary products at all.

Probably because it doesn't need to be in the show as it doesn't add anything to the story. Now of course you'll have the usual folks cheering and clapping about 'realism' or whatever by having it in, but the same people will be strangely silent when it comes to s2 and the antagonist, who is entirely implausible in a post-apocalyptic setting.

As to the latest episode, dull and bad acting all round. Absolutely no need for the bulk of it to be about Ellie's backstory, 10 minutes top would have been fine as per my previous post. They keep dropping the ball for me, there's a real lack of suspense being built and with all the constant filler it's really taken the focus away from what should be a fantastic story that's told. It's a real shame as this could have been a great, instead it's a fair to middling tv show.
There must have been about 30mins with cordyceps infected things on screen. Probably been more screen time for *******.

They are just not allowing Ellie and Joel to bond. Something doesn't seem right between them. As far as I remember he treated her like she was his daughter a lot earlier than he seems to be showing her love in the tv series.

You are comparing a game to a TV show/film, they are completely different mediums. You can't jump around characters in a game, you can and do in TV/film format. Expecting it to feel like that game is just a recipe for disappointment.

I thought the ep6 was fine. Not the best but helped build her story.
It's actually pretty average TV.
If it wasn't for the games fandom i don't think I'd be that bothered.
I'm not hugely invested in the characters, bit they are decent enough..... For a tv show.

Like I say with zero emotional baggage to the game it's just another tv zombie show
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