The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Sure they are. They said that old man Joel goes into the unknown, badly outnumbered, and slays everyone with a rifle in close-quarters combat without breaking a sweat.

It's going to suck whoever directs it.

I have seen this happen for real. Someone who is trained and motivated will wipe the floor with people who are not, even if they are carrying guns. Most people are like a rabbit in car headlights, they just react too slowly. It's then that either experience or training kick in, and if you don't have either you are very likely to die.
I recently saw exactly the same situation happen in Ukraine. A Ukrainian soldier, alone, killed half a dozen Russians. He just marched forward shooting them one by one, while all they did was try to hide, yet every single one was armed.
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Yeah, well out of harms way. Not in an urban environment where some filthy peasants might be prowling about looking to shank you...

Moreover, if Joel has survived this long and is alluded to having a shady past, done some heinous things or whatever, he'd of been like Kyle Reece and straightened that stupid bint out on day one, explaining how her dumb hubris attitude in a world of anarchy will soon get them both killed. But here he is at the end of it all, meandering to the destination in plain view without a care in the world, just asking to get bent over again. I guess the only explantation for this re complacency, is simpy Joel is so far gone, so consumed with fawning over a douchebag teenager and satisfying his own neediness, he's utterly oblivious to deploying any semblance of the vigilance he had at the start of this series. What a loser :cry:

Sure they are. They said that old man Joel goes into the unknown, badly outnumbered, and slays everyone with a rifle in close-quarters combat without breaking a sweat.

It's going to suck whoever directs it.
You are just negative for the sake of being negative.
Cant enjoy anything at face value or get yourself in to the story?
Bet Twitter loves you.
I have seen this happen for real. Someone who is trained and motivated will wipe the floor with people who are not, even if they are carrying guns. Most people are like a rabbit in car headlights, they just react too slowly. It's then that either experience or training kick in, and if you don't have either you are very likely to die.
I recently saw exactly the same situation happen in Ukraine. A Ukrainian soldier, alone, killed half a dozen Russians. He just marched forward shooting them one by one, while all they did was try to hide, yet every single one was armed.

I guess the point could also be argued that Joel was ex-forces and has likely kept his skills in check since the breakout. Whereas he's going up against wannabe revolutionaries who've not seen much combat outside of planting some bombs here and there. If you want to go that deep into it of course.

Or could just enjoy it at face value and a fun little action sequence which I would assume offers some fan service for those who've played the games.
I guess the point could also be argued that Joel was ex-forces and has likely kept his skills in check since the breakout. Whereas he's going up against wannabe revolutionaries who've not seen much combat outside of planting some bombs here and there. If you want to go that deep into it of course.

Or could just enjoy it at face value and a fun little action sequence which I would assume offers some fan service for those who've played the games.
er, he worked in construction pre outbreak. There's absolutely nothing to suggest he's ex-forces.
er, he worked in construction pre outbreak. There's absolutely nothing to suggest he's ex-forces.
Maybe I misheard during the series, thought it was mentioned about time served in iraq - or was that his brother?

EDIT: From a brief google, seems to be the brother, muh bad.
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If people want to being condescending about the reasons someone doesnt enjoy an episode at least be correct or you just look like an idiot :p
Don't think I was being condescending, already said a page or so back that I had some issue with that scene, I was just offering a counterpoint of why it might be valid based on his combat history carpentry :D
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It's been 20 years since the outbreak and no doubt he's learnt a lot since then, especially as Tommy did get marine training and likely passed on the knowledge he had to Joel as it would have helped them stay alive.
It's been 20 years since the outbreak and no doubt he's learnt a lot since then, especially as Tommy did get marine training and likely passed on the knowledge he had to Joel as it would have helped them stay alive.
Indeed. It’s not like they were sitting around watching Family Guy reruns.

But it’s besides the point. Some people are going to always be negative about this show no matter what. In fact people nowadays seem to thrive on hating on entertainment. Yawn.
I have seen this happen for real. Someone who is trained and motivated will wipe the floor with people who are not, even if they are carrying guns. Most people are like a rabbit in car headlights, they just react too slowly. It's then that either experience or training kick in, and if you don't have either you are very likely to die.
I recently saw exactly the same situation happen in Ukraine. A Ukrainian soldier, alone, killed half a dozen Russians. He just marched forward shooting them one by one, while all they did was try to hide, yet every single one was armed.

You're reaching with that. The bloke is on the verge of having a heart attack.

More importantly, they weren't hiding or reacting slowly, they were firing at him, with assault rifles, sometimes even having the drop on him or at point-blank range. Yet he survived all that gunfire, didn't even get hit. It's fantasy land.

You are just negative for the sake of being negative.
Cant enjoy anything at face value or get yourself in to the story?
Bet Twitter loves you.

I'm actually just reinforcing my earlier point.
Maybe get some standards instead of accepting abysmal writing?
I don't use Twitter, but carry on making assumptions, it's a great look.
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I never understand why people who don't like something will stay around to argue their point. It's like if I didn't like football, then buy a ticket for a football game and complain in the stadium, surrounded by football fans, about how rubbish football is.
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