The Last Of Us

Continuing from...

Looks like the bit I stopped originally was "Downtown" as I'm in some flat concrete part with a clean red brick wall on my right, a locker on the left with something inside which was apparently nothing. :s Near 5 clickers? walking around in some big square section? As one keeps walking past the front as I'm hidden behind something on the right rear of the area. Very dim grey looking scene.

Oh and I had originally chosen Hard difficulty.

God damnit! The AI is running all over the place running into clickers alerting them all getting me killed.

clickers can't see you, move slowly.....use shivs on them.

From what I remember the infected can't see the AI characters until you've been detected.

You'll know this has happened when they stand up and start running about. Up until then they can be standing right in from of an infected and nothing will happen so just concern yourself with where your character is.

Honestly I watched Ellie yell when she ran in front of a runner that was next to a clicker then she started struggling and alerted them as I wasn't even moving then all the action kicked off. Dead.

I can't believe so many never completed the first one. I couldn't put it down till it was done!

Normally with sequels I'm nervous, but I trust Naughty Dog to deliver. Can't wait to see just a tad more, not too much though.

I think this was why I stopped. It became hard and scary. :p

Though it doesn't seem as bad now I'm understanding it. When I wrapped up last night I'm nearly at Bill's place with all the wire traps.

Loved the brawl fight with the runners, 7 - 9 of them? Before getting out onto the stair landing before going into the woods.

Really loved the section with the police? Once I obtained the rifle. Never had to send off a round. Must have been 8 - 10 of them throughout all the rooms. The stealth was extremely fun. Waiting until one cop went into another room while hiding behind desks and old sofas then strangling or beating them up.

Also very cool how the AI changes. One of them got up on top of a desk/sofa (show yourself) trying to find me so sent him flying with the plank. This whole part was so fun taking out one at a time before going out the building into the gassed subway. Another two cops.

The last I remember when I got this game Hard was the hardest difficulty? Or is it the same like Uncharted, complete the game and Survivor unlocks... Also read there is a Survivor+... O_o
Ooof. If that's the bit after falling down the elevator shaft, get prepared to panic. I hate that bit haha.

That's the gym section.

The bit they are talking about is the generator section, that's a real "**** just got real" moment.

Currently in the hotel (The Hotel Grand?) next to the coffee shop. Sadly missed the red X. Damn there were some amount of mercenaries in the hotel. Felt like 25... and some came up the stairs out of nowhere behind me when the area was cleared. Finished up last night where Ellie was boosted up and the elevator collapses with Joel falling into the water. Is this the same part you're speaking of?

The gym section was a lot easier than I thought. Maybe because of all the light? 3 or 4 runners in the dark with a few clickers. Had no molotovs there... In fact I had no molotovs for a while through the gardens/houses and buses with only 2 shivs. Some crazy amount of runners there as well. The hanging upside down boobytrap was a bit... awkward.

That became quite messy in the dark to the entrance of the gym. Felt like The Dark Knight Rises as Batman took out the thugs while the gun flashes lit up the place before facing Bane. :D

Oh and those damn runners coming down after the Bloater before Bill pulled Joel up. Geez Bill is one cranky git! The jump start was intense each push.
yeah thats the bit, where you're seperated from ellie and have to make your way back up to her.

its a bit of a panic moment for me, and the only section of the game i REALLY dread doing. its fairly simple. i just hate the thought of being stuck in dark places.

just like when you're forced to run back to a safehouse at night on dying light. do not want. :p
Is this the worst part coming up? Or is there worse to come... Like a 12 foot 3 headed mutant with 8 arm tentacles and teeth like razors dripping in goo like a bad nightmare.
Geez, Naughty Dog and bloody generators in the dark. Uncharted all over again. The creepy sounds and action kicks off when the damn thing has powered up.

It wasn't as bad as I had read or imagined but damn! What an intense build up. The light falling made me so edgy. There was the start of the elevated heart pump. Love the way the AI always changes in this game. The clickers running about then stayed behind the doors. Damn was it creepy! I was surprised how easy the bloater was on hard but it wasn't smooth sailing. The damn torch went out as it was coming through the water in sight as the others grabbed me in the dark while it was coming up. Horrid outline. Yippee ki-yay time. Pretty white/red flashes. :D

Bloody bloater didn't even walk into my nail surprise. At least I got it back. Cannot wait to try the harder difficulties. First time playing this on hard.

Those sounds though before all the action. Horrid, horrid stuff. All the scaffolding falling somewhere and the eerie screams and screeches. So intense. Between the sound build up then turning around and my flashlight caught a clicker running after obtaining the keycard. :o

What intense lighting and experience that was let alone the swimming/diving physics. I nearly got lost in the swimming part. *Panic*

  • Easy: For beginners. Lot of ammunition, crafting supplies, melee weapons, and healing items are spawned in the world. Also, the enemies are quite easy to kill.
  • Normal: For casual players. Supplies spawn at a normal rate. Enemies are moderately strong. Sharp melee weapons spawn late in the game.
  • Hard: For experienced players. Supplies are rare to come by, and non-infected enemies are more aggressive and use cover very often. Powerful melee weapons, such as the Machete and Hatchet, are very rarely seen.
  • Survivor: For players that want a considerable challenge. Supplies are extremely rare to find. Game hints, prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do double damage. Powerful melee weapons appear once.
  • Grounded: For the toughest of the hardcore. Supplies are next to non-existent. Listen Mode is disabled. All enemies do triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Enemy AI is extremely sharp; more so than survivor. Multiple mid-combat and mid-stealth checkpoints have been removed.

What is this the equivalent to the Uncharted games? Sounds worse than brutal. Nearly non existent supplies, no hud ouch :eek: let alone no listen mode. LoL!

Read about enemy listening mode damn. Some you have to go half pace others quarter pace. LoL! It is Rise of the Tomb Raider style. No checkpoints on its Extreme Survivor unless at base camp. Damn!

Hard sounds like wuss mode now.
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Damn, that was some crazy carnage before all the house looting part/darts and sniper fest. Same for the sewers. Poor Sam, then Henry. :/

Really loving the bow kills. This game is so addictively bad ass. :D

Impressive place and scenery for the dam. Cute how Ellie high fives Joel.
Also loved the little details, like the toy shop and the Uncharted toy. The model bridge in the office before heading out at night.
I've just got this over the weekend having never played it before, but figured I should after all the sequel hype WHAT A GAME

It's incredible, I'm about 3/4 the way through and can't put it down. I played about 16 hours since Saturday and feel like I'm in a coma today through lack of sleep, but so worth it. Naughty Dog are the kings of this genre

Not going to read any posts in this thread until I finish it though :p
ND certainly know how to tell a story. I did the same with uncharted 4 over the weekend. Loved every second of it and was pretty much gutted when the game finally ended.

The last of us was a funny one for me.. picked it up originally for the PS3. Played an hour or so and thought it was cack. And left it for years, until the remaster came along and I thought I'd give it another shot.

It's now my GOAT. :D
I've just got this over the weekend having never played it before, but figured I should after all the sequel hype WHAT A GAME

It's incredible, I'm about 3/4 the way through and can't put it down. I played about 16 hours since Saturday and feel like I'm in a coma today through lack of sleep, but so worth it. Naughty Dog are the kings of this genre

Not going to read any posts in this thread until I finish it though :p

Haha you'll be a wreck by the end. No other game has affected me as much with with its ending. Not even close. My main criticism of TLoU is that is raises the bar by so much when it comes to narrative in video games that everything else that relies on story seems like cheesy pulp fiction in comparison!
Haha you'll be a wreck by the end. No other game has affected me as much with with its ending. Not even close. My main criticism of TLoU is that is raises the bar by so much when it comes to narrative in video games that everything else that relies on story seems like cheesy pulp fiction in comparison!


One boss fight in particular with such a simple shift in mechanic put my heart in my stomach, so simple yet so brilliant.
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