The Last Of Us

Then I think you will love Last of Us. I normally get bored with that kind of thing eventually, but in this game making the most of what;s around you isn't only vital, it's incredibly satisfying.

Well, it is for me. But then I have got very, very "deep" into playing the character. Creeping around has never thrilled me either... not for most of a game, certainly! But... but...

Just play it, ok? :-)

I just hit Spring. I want to press on, but I know I need a break. I feel like I've been run over by an emotional truck.

In PC games I generally turn my nose up at any kind of assistance, even if I play through games on easy in an attempt to clear my Steam backlog. But here I feel so handicapped by having to use a controller rather than a mouse that I'm a lot more inclined to take help where it's offered. :-)

I actually like the listen mode. It really does feel like I'm closing down my senses and concentrating on listening *really* hard. It also helps make up for the silly stuff, like not being able to collect more bullets. I wish they'd given us the option to dump a weapon and keep more ammo, which would have added more value to replays as well.... even though I'd have spent hours stood around trying to decide which weapon(s) to leave behind.

Still, I'm not going to complain. I love it just the way it is, warts and all.

Talking of warts, many people have mentioned the AI. It's possible that above Easy and Normal (the only settings I've run so far) these defects are more obvious. But even if that's not the case, when I've met issues they barely register on my radar. I mean, I barely know which direction I'm going in next, so how can Naughty Dog's code predict that in advance?

And the being ignored by enemies thing is just something we almost always have to live with in sneaky co-op games, otherwise we'd end up frustrated after ten minutes of play.

Back in the depths of 32-bit time I did a bit of co-op AI programming for a simple top-down shooter on the Acorn Archimedes (we never finished because I discovered Doom and got depressed. :-)) I can still remember the headaches I had then, and that was in a very, very simple situation. So I may be more forgiving than most.

At the end of the day, playing computer games always requires a certain suspension of disbelief, which is why it can be so hard to persuade non-gamers to take this hobby seriously. But Last of Us pulls me so far and deep into the moment that it'd take a lot more than a bit of daft AI code to freak me out. That's the Clickers' job! :-)

I never even think of using listen mode, pretty redundant feature I think
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Yeah I don't like listen mode at all. Turned it off right from the start since it took away from the experience IMO.

I loved the part where you were controlling Ellie and you were hunting the deer, fantastic. The snow looked amazing in this game as well, I wish it lasted longer.
really looking forward to what they're gonna do with the single player DLC.
But having set the bar so high, it'll be so easy for them to disappoint. In some ways I'd rather they just left it there... until Last of Us 2.

Which needs a working title. How about 'The Rest of Us'? The Least of Us? The Lust of Us? The Last of Them? No, that'd be the third title, after the infected have been almost eradicated.

All I know is I want more, but I know how long it takes to make really good content. So I'm not going to be paying for anything in advance.
Yeah when I bought the last of us they tried to get me to get the season pass because they said it was on offer. I noticed it's the same price on PSN.

I didn't get it then because I wanted to see what the game was like.

But having set the bar so high, it'll be so easy for them to disappoint. In some ways I'd rather they just left it there... until Last of Us 2.

Which needs a working title. How about 'The Rest of Us'? The Least of Us? The Lust of Us? The Last of Them? No, that'd be the third title, after the infected have been almost eradicated.

All I know is I want more, but I know how long it takes to make really good content. So I'm not going to be paying for anything in advance.

I agree, I think they should just leave the Joel and Ellie story and maybe the DLC can be about one of the characters you met.
I agree, I think they should just leave the Joel and Ellie story and maybe the DLC can be about one of the characters you met.

Did the Ishmael story have an ending? I don't remember finding him, but chances are I missed something in that rather hectic section.

I'm getting a bit worried about my last of Us 'hangover'. I started another playthrough with my new 'elite' controller skillz, but got distracted by a playthrough by this idiot...

The worrying thing is I started to enjoy his quirky commentary (me and 3 million others, apparently! That's a bigger audience than Game of Thrones), and it's kind of funny to see someone else's reactions to the game 'live'. So I'm now playing through bits, then watching him do the same bit. Which is ridiculous, because I have far better things to do. :-)

I think I need to go cold turkey on this thing. Maybe I can get my teeth into Demon's Souls, thanks to PS+.
I'm getting a bit worried about my last of Us 'hangover'. I started another playthrough with my new 'elite' controller skillz, but got distracted by a playthrough by this idiot...

I can't watch Let's Plays, they talk too much and they miss stuff in the game. A few minutes in and he's doing plenty of both.

3.3 million people should be playing the game instead of watching the damn thing.
I can't watch Let's Plays
Oh, until this morning I'd have 100% agreed with you. I've watched a bit of messing about in things like Minecraft, but it's always struck me as a strange way to waste your life.... both making and watching!

But I guess there are millions on gamers without PS3s, and Last of Us is a game which -- given the brief spurts of action and many dramatic cut scenes -- lends itself quite well to being watched. And this guy is rather entertaining at times.

Or maybe I just need more sleep. :->
Did the Ishmael story have an ending? I don't remember finding him, but chances are I missed something in that rather hectic section.

I'm getting a bit worried about my last of Us 'hangover'. I started another playthrough with my new 'elite' controller skillz, but got distracted by a playthrough by this idiot...

The worrying thing is I started to enjoy his quirky commentary (me and 3 million others, apparently! That's a bigger audience than Game of Thrones), and it's kind of funny to see someone else's reactions to the game 'live'. So I'm now playing through bits, then watching him do the same bit. Which is ridiculous, because I have far better things to do. :-)

I think I need to go cold turkey on this thing. Maybe I can get my teeth into Demon's Souls, thanks to PS+.

Watched all of it as the episodes were uploaded. Thought it was a good laugh.
You guys read the story that actor : Ellen Page is not happy that ellie looks like her lol
, its probably cause she is doing beyond 2 souls ect, but apparently she was having a dig at the director lol
I must be in the small minority of people that think this game is just fairly average :confused:
Story is good but gameplay is a bit meh. Half of the time sneaking is too much of a pain so I resort to my shotgun.
And I've just got into my first boss battle? Really?! And it's a totally generic "boss with weak spots you have to shoot to kill". Plus there are a few weaker enemies thrown in to make it even more annoying. This boss has actually ruined the experience IMO.
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