The Lord of the Rings Online - Name / Class / Server thread .. etc etc

Just spent the afternoon playing again after ages away. Still got my WoW head on though so everything seems weird, it took me bloody ages to figure out which way I had to go to get out of Thorin's Hall!!

Was lvl 6 and now lvl 10 and enjoying it. Only thing that's bugging me at the moment is finding where the quests are on the map - WoW made everything too easy! Off back on for another session before watching England get stuffed :)
There is now a quest guide as well as a tracker. For almost all of the quests it will show a golden ring on the map , and a big arrow in it's direction when you set it as the main quest focus.

Can be turned on in the options although i thought it was on by default as of book 7.
Railan LvL64 Man minstrel
Railor LvL60 Elf hunter
Railo LvL54 Hobbit Burglar
Railip LvL31 Hobbit Warden
Railina LvL25 Man Champion

R4 Warg Railak
R4 Blackarrow Railbash

all on the Eldar server.
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Started this Monday tea-time, enjoying it, currently playing on the Snowbourne server, Severyn, Level 28 Man Champion :)
Perywinkle: Champion :Laurelin
Just started today after monumental boredom kicked in lol

You better be a Hobbit with that name :p

Got to the stage were I've got a fair bit of free money, is it worth buying a house in this game?

No really the right topic i know but didnt want to necro an old lotro topic or make a new one just for this.
You better be a Hobbit with that name :p

Got to the stage were I've got a fair bit of free money, is it worth buying a house in this game?

No really the right topic i know but didnt want to necro an old lotro topic or make a new one just for this.

Well you get a teleport spell to your front door, so it's handy for getting to (near) Bree /Thorin's Hall / Duillond. You also get storage in the house that all your characters can access.

Other than that, you won't spend much time there :)
Bupa? Holy crap! What are the chances....

Turzkahrn here, Defiler of Karn Aanug. ;)

hehe small world ;p

i dont go out much on Bupa atm, cant stand all the lame BA's

i ranked up a Defiler to 4 over the last few months but plan to get my weaver to r7 as only 9k to go !!

see you on the moors mate :)
hehe small world ;p

i dont go out much on Bupa atm, cant stand all the lame BA's

i ranked up a Defiler to 4 over the last few months but plan to get my weaver to r7 as only 9k to go !!

see you on the moors mate :)

Oh, I'm not so sure about that. Currently running through a dry-spot with LotRO! Maybe soon, though. ;)
I just started playing this again, but very rusty as it was over a year ago since I last played. Seems a fair bit has changed since then.

I'm on the Evernight server. Playing a lvl 35 Dwarf Minstrel called PINTOFGUINNESS.

So if anyone's on that server and needs a healer for their group give me a shout ;)
cant beleive there is a ocuk LOTRO thread i havent posted to! shock horror.

Lokion lvl 60 Minstrel
Lokio Lvl 60 Hunter
Stunned lvl 56 Lore Master
Lokibo Lvl 47 Burgular
Voltz Lvl 45 Rune Keeper
Creamegg lvl 25 Champion

All on lovely Snowbourne :)

Officer, United Kingdoms Snowbourne.
Kasim : Hunter : Snowbourne : Level 52

The liftime mebership thing meant I really didn't play this game that often. Now seem to play it a lot more and really enjoying it.

All on evernight:

Airandhar - 60 Hunter
Kegbo - 60 Guard
Pirlo - 60 Burg

A myriad of other races/classes below 60

Officer of The Ringbearers

Only boss we've never downed is the huge one in the ettens delving.
a free week of play,...

The Lord of the Rings Online™ Welcome Back Week with +25% XP event!

Codemasters Online invites you to join us for an amazing Welcome Back Week from the 3rd until 10th August, 2009. The doors of Middle-earth will be open for former players to enter for a week of FREE game play.

If you’ve got a friend who used to play LOTRO and hasn’t logged in for a while then why not let them know about this great week too? Then everyone can take part!
All you have to do is download or patch up to the most recent version of the game client and log in starting 3rd August. Your account will already have been re-activated for you and your previous characters will be there waiting to resume their adventure!
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