The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

The Mouth of Sauron was creepy.

Considering that was a man who made billions from it all. I guess Peter doesn't know much according to them, right?

Not sure if money is a good measure.

What if it resulted in the same form of progress that we saw between LOTR and the Hobbit and then further in that direction again.

It still made a ton of money.
This is just a POS made up story from amazon.

It doesn't even vaguely resemble Tolkien work.

All they wanted was the IP name and a few characters to try and get people interested.
With every trailer released, this looks more and more of a dumpster fire :p

I'll stick with the original Peter Jackson lord of the rings trilogy thanks Amazon.
I was very sceptical of house of the dragon and then it turned out to be quite good (so far, albeit only one episode) - so I'm trying so hard to give this a chance. I really hope it's good.
I was very sceptical of house of the dragon and then it turned out to be quite good (so far, albeit only one episode) - so I'm trying so hard to give this a chance. I really hope it's good.

They are dropping the first 2 episodes, which I guess is they either don't think the first is enough on it's own or the second has more happening to try hooking people in.
Not sure if anyone has posted but the first two episodes are going to be available at selected cinemas.

The streamer will reportedly screen its first two episodes at in-cinema fan events across the world on August 31st, a full two days before it makes its streaming debut on Amazon Prime Video.

Outside North America, Amazon will also screen the series in locations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Argentina, Colombia, Australia and New Zealand.

The fan event will unfold across roughly 200 locations globally and is a largely unprecedented push by Amazon trying to promote what is being dubbed “the largest television series ever made”.

With every trailer released, this looks more and more of a dumpster fire :p

I'll stick with the original Peter Jackson lord of the rings trilogy thanks Amazon.

It's just not Tolkien. One of the major problem here is, this Galadriel is not Galadriel. Not book Galadriel, and not PJ Galadriel which 80% of people will be more familiar with. It's "young Galadriel" you say? - No, it isn't, this is an entirely new carachter called Galdriel.

It is always been abundantly cleear from day 1 that this is the Mary-Sue Galadriel show, this presents several problems.

1. See above.

2. The actress is not convincing in this role as a bad-ass warrior princess, she is no Kathryn Winnick who played Lageartha in Vikings who had the physique and presence to totally convince as a shield maiden. She trained brutally hard for the role and was a full grown woman. This girl looks like she's just finished her a-levels and does some pilates twice a week.

3. She isn't charismatic at all, just like Daisy Ridley.

Asking Morfydd Clarke to lead this series as an unconvincing Galadriel is a massive mistake.
2. The actress is not convincing in this role as a bad-ass warrior princess, she is no Kathryn Winnick who played Lageartha in Vikings who had the physique and presence to totally convince as a shield maiden. She trained brutally hard for the role and was a full grown woman. This girl looks like she's just finished her a-levels and does some pilates twice a week.
God, I could rewatch Vikings just for the Lageartha scenes.
There are so many red flags for this series but I love LotR so I will obviously watch it and see what its like.

Its hard to say if the recent trailers are just awful marketing or actually representative of the final show. The most recent one with junk emotional music combined with every cliched soundbite doesn't fill me with much hope. They have shown far too many shots of characters turning around dramatically followed by dialogue that is intended to be deep and meaningful but just comes off as trying too hard.

Looks like Galadriel will indeed be the Mary Sue everyone doesn't want. Killing a cave troll on her own while looking effortlessly cool after we saw the entire fellowship struggle with a single one in LotR is just silly. This looks like it will be far closer to the Hobbit films than the LotR and we all know the gulf in quality between those series of films.
God, I could rewatch Vikings just for the Lageartha scenes.

She was amazing, I think all the major women in it were actually, Torvi Aslaug etc not all warrior types but they were all good.

Looking back now those early few seasoins before Travis Fimmel left and we had that disastrous Floki storyline were really great TV, especially compared to the crap that's come since.
There are so many red flags for this series but I love LotR so I will obviously watch it and see what its like.

Its hard to say if the recent trailers are just awful marketing or actually representative of the final show. The most recent one with junk emotional music combined with every cliched soundbite doesn't fill me with much hope. They have shown far too many shots of characters turning around dramatically followed by dialogue that is intended to be deep and meaningful but just comes off as trying too hard.

Looks like Galadriel will indeed be the Mary Sue everyone doesn't want. Killing a cave troll on her own while looking effortlessly cool after we saw the entire fellowship struggle with a single one in LotR is just silly. This looks like it will be far closer to the Hobbit films than the LotR and we all know the gulf in quality between those series of films.

Literally the first line of that song in the trailer "Speak your truth"...says it all really, page 1 of the woke instruction manual. I agree the modern music was terrible, totally unbefitting Middle-earth. The more Morfydd tries to look like she's has precense and menace the less convincing she is. You've got it or you haven't and she hasn't, just like that tabula rasa Daisy Ridley.

I agree, they're trying to make these trailers have menace and grave portents of what's to come and they're failing hard, this has no gravitas at all - early season GOT could pull this kind of thing off at the drop of a hat.
Galadriel is one of the oldest elves to be fair, the firstborn were capable of pretty superhuman things.

Even the elves of that time weren't one man armies. I mean, if you go back far enough in Tolkiens timeline it seems to degenerate into a bit of high concept faffery that makes little sense.

Either way, not too long to go before we can see how this plays out.
Even the elves of that time weren't one man armies. I mean, if you go back far enough in Tolkiens timeline it seems to degenerate into a bit of high concept faffery that makes little sense.

Either way, not too long to go before we can see how this plays out.

I'm pretty sure Feanor is described as standing off against multiple balrogs in the Silmarillion before eventually the leader managed to bring him down. It's pretty clear the older elves were stronger.
I'm pretty sure Feanor is described as standing off against multiple balrogs in the Silmarillion before eventually the leader managed to bring him down. It's pretty clear the older elves were stronger.

He also couldn't decide how big a balrog was or how powerful or how many there were in the world as far as I know. Thats what I mean about it being somewhat hazy when you go back far enough.

What is usually quite consistent in Tolkiens more mainstream work is the power of his characters but I will wager now that Galadriels power will be all over the place depending on the scene and so will that of her contemporaries.
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