The Manly Shaving Thread

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That's what I meant, it's damp, I can't get away from that in the bathroom and my brush usually slides out of its stand. It just isn't a very good design.
Shaving Shack Buccaneer brush on a Bluebeards Revenge plastic stand.


No chance of slippage there. appears to have the DE89L in stock or to be more precise, it doesn't say it's out of stock.

That's the razor I posted a picture of back in post #2100
Had my first bad Feather blade the other day. It was right in the middle of a pack so it wasn't a bad batch. Felt OK when I was using it, but by the end I could feel my face wasn't anywhere near as baby-bottom smooth as usual :)

Also ran out of Proraso soap so thought I would try some Col. Conk ( almond for a change. Seems pretty good and no noticeable difference in shave quality - but I prefer the smell of the Proraso.
Had my first bad Feather blade the other day. It was right in the middle of a pack so it wasn't a bad batch. Felt OK when I was using it, but by the end I could feel my face wasn't anywhere near as baby-bottom smooth as usual :)

Also ran out of Proraso soap so thought I would try some Col. Conk ( almond for a change. Seems pretty good and no noticeable difference in shave quality - but I prefer the smell of the Proraso.

This what you normally use?
Dammit! I trimmed my stache this morning in a rush and now the edges aren't as long, not really "twirly". My stache wax is nice but doesn't have a great deal of hold.
I've got a pic I'll put up when I get back.
Two soaps i've recently tried and recommend trying if you haven't already Mitchells Wool Fat (MWF) and VITOS Extra Super Coconut (Almond soft soap).

Both of these produce a great protective lather and both leave my face feeling great after a shave with no real need for Balms etc...

These two along with Proraso Menthol Soap (Green) are my favourites.
Been shaving with my DE89 since Christmas and its been awesome.

Although I did have it in the end pocket of my Holdall when travelling last weekend and it cut its way out into the main part of my bag :D

Such a good smooth shave as long as the blades are sharp and you prepare.

I used Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood cream and an Edwin Jagger Badger Brush.
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