The Manly Shaving Thread

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Any of you ever used a site called Shaving Shack? I'm really tempted to see if I can get someone to buy me a merkur for Christmas.

One thing I've always worried about though is if I go for a one blade than it is easier to slice yourself?
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Any of you ever used a site called Shaving Shack? I'm really tempted to see if I can get someone to buy me a merkur for Christmas.

One thing I've always worried about though is if I go for a one blade than it is easier to slice yourself?

yes! but go through this thread, have a look at the various youtube sites and remember the golden rule - no pressure. you'll be fine.
Can some one find me a nice little bundle while I'm in work? :) Traditional Shaving is out of stock of the DE89L in their starter kit. :(

Looking for DE89L, brush, soap, maybe a bowl and a stand.
ok... here is my progress.

only going with and across the grain, it'll be a while until i go against.

1st shave with DE : nice and smooth... not quite used to the no pressure thing. tiny cut under nose.
2nd shave: not so smooth.... crap lather. 2 niks on my jaw. not an enjoyable experience.
3rd shave: ahhhh, so thats what lather is meant to look like. super smooth, no irritation, no cuts or scrapes, closest shave i have ever had.
Question for you DE users.

When you started did you sort blade angle by having the handle perpendicular and lowering, or parallel (safety bar against skin) and raising. Both give different angles to blade contact. The safety bar method feels safer, but perhaps the blade angle isnt optimal.
What's a good trimmer for my beard? My beard is insanely rough and the hairs are short and sharp because I've been shaving everyday for years now. I've tried my brothers and it doesn't do anything!

The past two weeks instead of shaving everyday like I used too I've been shaving every two days, after a day without shaving I get a nice stubble look which I want to try as I've been clean shaven for years need a good trimmer to help me, anyone recommend any please? :P
The Merkur 34C HD

Does anyone get red bumps / blemishes on there face for the few days after shaving?

I probably had my worst shave today, severe razor burn on my neck with a new Feather blade in my Merkur 34C today.

I've asked for some Mitchells Wool Fat shaving foam for Christmas so hopefully Santa delivers!
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