**The Mental Health Thread**

22 Nov 2007
I think the problem for many people is that there simply isn't time even for those simple pleasures. When you have to work 10+ hours 6 days a week just to pay the bills, put food on the table, and keep a roof over your family's head, coupled with looking after the kids, it doesn't really leave space for much else. Particularly if you live in a city and can't afford to run a car then regular access to nature is pretty difficult.
Who is working six ten hour days, thats mad.
24 Feb 2004
Has an appointment with the psychiatrist today discussing ongoing ADHD medication/treatment and everything is a-ok in that department. Happy with progress and lack of side effects so definitely some good news today :)

Still having some trouble with sleep that comes and goes sadly. On a bit of downswing right now but the good days outweigh the bad so fingers crossed I'm over the worst of whatever I've been struggling with!
22 Nov 2007
Has an appointment with the psychiatrist today discussing ongoing ADHD medication/treatment and everything is a-ok in that department. Happy with progress and lack of side effects so definitely some good news today :)

Still having some trouble with sleep that comes and goes sadly. On a bit of downswing right now but the good days outweigh the bad so fingers crossed I'm over the worst of whatever I've been struggling with!

What sleeping issues do you have? I always wake up a couple of times a night for around 20 mins or so.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Has an appointment with the psychiatrist today discussing ongoing ADHD medication/treatment and everything is a-ok in that department. Happy with progress and lack of side effects so definitely some good news today :)

Still having some trouble with sleep that comes and goes sadly. On a bit of downswing right now but the good days outweigh the bad so fingers crossed I'm over the worst of whatever I've been struggling with!

I've just had my private prescription transferred to the NHS saving me over £100 a month for ADHD.
24 Feb 2004
What sleeping issues do you have? I always wake up a couple of times a night for around 20 mins or so.

I just don't get refreshing sleep some nights. On good days I have all the energy in the world and can function as a 'normal' human being albeit with a slightly wonky sleep pattern (3am - 11am or so). The bad days? I'm lucky to see 6 - 7 hours awake in a single chunk and usually spend a day or two recovering in bed.
22 Nov 2007
I just don't get refreshing sleep some nights. On good days I have all the energy in the world and can function as a 'normal' human being albeit with a slightly wonky sleep pattern (3am - 11am or so). The bad days? I'm lucky to see 6 - 7 hours awake in a single chunk and usually spend a day or two recovering in bed.
How much sleep do do you get on a bad day?
18 Oct 2002
So... As someone who has supported people with MH problems for over 20 years I considered myself quite resilient.

Then late last year a routine scan showed a lesion in one of my kidneys (no symptoms), cue downward spiral into anxiety and depression. Had all the classic symptoms to the point I thought life was over whilst I waited for a full diagnosis and treatment. Prescribed various things to try and calm me down and help me sleep and now on low dose of sertraline. I simply couldn't function on a day to day basis, and had a full meltdown in work.

Outcome of the kidney issue was stage 3 renal cell carcinoma and kidney was removed in January and I'm now heading for a course of immunotherapy. Sat waiting for full body CT scan and bone scan today.

On the whole and all things considered I'm in a pretty good place. Making the most of the positives, cancer was found early and surgery was the primary treatment with curative intent. So fingers crossed and all that...

So why write this... Well I used to pop in and out of this thread out of interest and despite seeing the impact of MH issues on others, I never expected to feel the way I did and how hard it would hit. I'm lucky now that I have coping mechanisms in place and am full functional again. Back at work and back to running etc. So keep on plodding!
24 Dec 2004
It really shows it can happen to anyone anytime. Mine started after a huge flare up of my colitis out of the blue. Never had any issues with MH before even through the really tough times. It’s been ongoing since.

Glad you are getting sorted and they have found it early enough to sort it out with surgery. Making the most of positives and acceptance are the keys to MH but it’s damn hard at times.
13 Jun 2013
i was diagnosed with schizophrenia and ADHD in 2010. after going for 7 years without schizo meds my life was literally a living hell, no exaggeration i nearly died, then in 2017 i was sectioned and forced on antipsychotics. the meds changed everything. i'm now symptom free and lately my psychiatrist is talking about getting me back into the workplace again.
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28 Dec 2017
Think I'm just waiting to die TBH.

Agreed to start a new job in my team last week. Not particularly excited, I have a lot of doubts and apprehension, not least because they gave me less than 2 weeks to transfer.

Haven't finished moving house so this role is going to simultaneously put pressure on me to finish so I'm local to the workplace, and make me too busy/stressed to do any moving. Net result is probably I'll finish at the same time but with a lot more stress and compromises e.g. throwing stuff in boxes and not sorting it. House wiring not finished. Etc.

I just don't care. I don't see the job going well, I'm fed up with home life and don't see anything in the future to look forward to. So I'm still in bed and for 3 days I've just lay and stared at my phone continuously.

Have to hope that this is all just anxiety and worry and it will pass when I'm in the new house, new job and don't have so many unknowns and changes looming over me.

Fat ****ing chance TBH.
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8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Things took a turn for the worst this week, although it looks like I'll be getting extra support just waiting on long term help through Mental Health. Crisis team were contacted FEB and still waiting.

I have awful body tremors at the moment, even using the keyboard
14 Apr 2014
Sunny Sussex
Think I'm just waiting to die TBH.

Agreed to start a new job in my team last week. Not particularly excited, I have a lot of doubts and apprehension, not least because they gave me less than 2 weeks to transfer.

Haven't finished moving house so this role is going to simultaneously put pressure on me to finish so I'm local to the workplace, and make me too busy/stressed to do any moving. Net result is probably I'll finish at the same time but with a lot more stress and compromises e.g. throwing stuff in boxes and not sorting it. House wiring not finished. Etc.

I just don't care. I don't see the job going well, I'm fed up with home life and don't see anything in the future to look forward to. So I'm still in bed and for 3 days I've just lay and stared at my phone continuously.

Have to hope that this is all just anxiety and worry and it will pass when I'm in the new house, new job and don't have so many unknowns and changes looming over me.

Fat ****ing chance TBH.

Hi mate

Hope you’re doing better :)

The way you’re feeling at the moment is something I can relate to - have definitely felt I’m in an endless cycle at times.

What hobbies do you have atm? Different things have helped me through it including playing football twice a week/running.
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24 Dec 2004
Things took a turn for the worst this week, although it looks like I'll be getting extra support just waiting on long term help through Mental Health. Crisis team were contacted FEB and still waiting.

I have awful body tremors at the moment, even using the keyboard

Yeah mine is pretty bad at the moment too. Keep calling the crisis team and tell them you are worse it might help get them moving on doing something.
1 Nov 2007
Things took a turn for the worst this week, although it looks like I'll be getting extra support just waiting on long term help through Mental Health. Crisis team were contacted FEB and still waiting.

I have awful body tremors at the moment, even using the keyboard
If the crisis team is not helping you, go to A&E and get a mental health evaluation. They'll direct you to the best treatment promptly. They have an on-duty psych nurse/psychiatrist.
28 Dec 2017
Hi mate

Hope you’re doing better :)

The way you’re feeling at the moment is something I can relate to - have definitely felt I’m in an endless cycle at times.

What hobbies do you have atm? Different things have helped me through it including playing football twice a week/running.
Am doing mildly better thanks - in the sense that I'm too busy to be depressed :D

Started the new job, did 2 days on site to welcome the new guy, then back to London office for one day, then a 4 day weekend for packing/moving. Except I'm also run down and ill with some kind of sore throat, so that's fun.

In terms of hobbies, none right now - when I have time, TV, films and some gaming. The usual hobbies are all neglected and/or packed up e.g. guitar, woodwork, electronics. TBH I feel like most of my hobbies and projects will stay boxed up indefinitely because once the DIY is done I'd like to keep a neater home...

Sadly never been able to make myself do sport or exercise. I enjoy physical work but it needs to have purpose e.g. building stuff or moving things around for work.
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14 Apr 2014
Sunny Sussex
Am doing mildly better thanks - in the sense that I'm too busy to be depressed :D

Started the new job, did 2 days on site to welcome the new guy, then back to London office for one day, then a 4 day weekend for packing/moving. Except I'm also run down and ill with some kind of sore throat, so that's fun.

In terms of hobbies, none right now - when I have time, TV, films and some gaming. The usual hobbies are all neglected and/or packed up e.g. guitar, woodwork, electronics. TBH I feel like most of my hobbies and projects will stay boxed up indefinitely because once the DIY is done I'd like to keep a neater home...

Sadly never been able to make myself do sport or exercise. I enjoy physical work but it needs to have purpose e.g. building stuff or moving things around for work.

Devil makes work of idle hands - it’s a saying which really resonates with me.

I’ve realised I struggle to do holidays where I’m sat down doing sweet FA, regardless of how busy I am at work/life.

I also get run down though if I push myself too hard. I’ve become quite tuned into it now, but for a few years it really affected me. I’ve become ruthless with going to bed on time, because if I don’t for too many consecutive days, I know I’ll be ill.

Hope you can get back into hobbies or find a new one :D

Perhaps look at setting a goal for an existing hobby/a new one. A small goal to start with

E.g. running - set a goal of running 2km, and then up it.
28 Dec 2017
Devil makes work of idle hands - it’s a saying which really resonates with me.

I’ve realised I struggle to do holidays where I’m sat down doing sweet FA, regardless of how busy I am at work/life.

I also get run down though if I push myself too hard. I’ve become quite tuned into it now, but for a few years it really affected me. I’ve become ruthless with going to bed on time, because if I don’t for too many consecutive days, I know I’ll be ill.

Hope you can get back into hobbies or find a new one :D

Perhaps look at setting a goal for an existing hobby/a new one. A small goal to start with

E.g. running - set a goal of running 2km, and then up it.
Ew, running :D I do need to get in shape though. I've been driving to the new job but it's an embarrasingly short drive so hoping to get back into cycling. That should be some healthy activity built into my daily routine in a month or so.

In terms of set goals I guess I could break some house move stuff into tasks to finish (I consider DIY a hobby!) e.g. set up the network and wireless AP, plasterboard the new wall, etc...

Just need to rest first. Considering calling in sick for work tomorrow as I don't know if I'm contagious anyway.
14 Apr 2014
Sunny Sussex
Ew, running :D I do need to get in shape though. I've been driving to the new job but it's an embarrasingly short drive so hoping to get back into cycling. That should be some healthy activity built into my daily routine in a month or so.

In terms of set goals I guess I could break some house move stuff into tasks to finish (I consider DIY a hobby!) e.g. set up the network and wireless AP, plasterboard the new wall, etc...

Just need to rest first. Considering calling in sick for work tomorrow as I don't know if I'm contagious anyway.

Definitely worth getting some rest! And also make sure you’re getting your vitamin D

Thought that’s tough with the current weather :p
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