I need some serious help
How are you doing Flak?
I need some serious help
Following a recent break up from a long term partner, the anxiety and panic attacks I used to experience a few years ago have come back with a vengence. It's made worse because I now feel depressed and internally focussed as well. I can cap my feelings quite well through the day because I focus on my studies and going to the gym, however I fall apart when I get home. Sleeping alone for the first time in almost a decade sucks worse than I would ever have imagined, as does having no one at home to talk to. If anyone has any tips for overcoming, or at least reducing such feelings (hard drugs asside), I'd be happy to hear. In a way, and I hope this doesn't sound too weird, but reading through comments on here from people in similar situations is quite cathartic.
I think my anxiety probably started when my dad passed away nearly 6 years ago. I just never realised how much I'd lost myself until the start of this year.
I've had counselling in the past which has helped me to learn it's ok to feel sad, angry etc but lately there have been more stressful things happening and it's pulling me down again.
I recently went to the doctors because I feel sometimes my heart rate is too fast when I'm sat down watching tv and it wasn't a situation where I felt it was a panic attack starting. Trouble was it was causing me to freak and have a panic attack lol.
My ECG and blood test have come back fine so they've given me info on how to deal with stress etc. Until the main stressors go I feel like I'm going to be like this for a while. (Mostly things to do with my mum's house - I live with her as I can't afford to move out) Even now writing this I can feel myself getting worked up thinking about it all. I know it's not on me to take on everyone else's worries but that's just who I am. I'm a worrier. I stress about stress before there's stress to stress about.
I split with my OH in Aug which I am gutted about but I think it's probably for the best. I miss having someone but I need to focus on myself first. It's not really fair to drag someone down by being a miserable moo half (most of) the time!
I've just lost so much motivation, I'm tired all time and then I get annoyed at myself for not being proactive :/
Hey man,
You mentioned you've had counselling - have you ever been referred for cognitive behaviour therapy? It really helped me out. I USED to be a massive worrier - i used to disaster-ise everything to the point where the worry just took over.
CBT really gave me some great techniques to deal with these issues and i can safely say it was like having a new lease of life.
Hey mate, I came out of a nearly four year on and off relationship 6 months ago. I didn't want kids and she did, horrible letting someone go over that. But anyway my anxiety had been mostly fine when I was with her but after we stopped talking it came back hard. I've resisted contacting her for help and gritted through it. After 6 months I feel like I'm heading towards letting her go and being happier. The anxiety comes and but hits hard at times with depression.
So far I've found the gp has thrown more meds at me which I don't want, I want to come off what I'm on now.
I'm paying for therapy which is helping more than I could imagine. Shes great and hot which probably doesn't help me emotionally but at least I enjoy it ha. Gym at first but I've switched that to climbing/bouldering as I find it more fun and I socialise within the climbing centres. Outdoors, walking, climbing mountains, planning trips while testing my anxiety. Using the meetup app as well to go to clubs.
Nothing has cured me but this all helps, bouldering/climbing is probably the best thing I've done. Building up my confidence while getting fit and there is always a nice view of hot people climbing.
It has got easier me over the 6 months but it's been tough. Hope you feel better soon.
/Edit and the feeling of coming home alone/sleeping I found very hard to deal with. I tried distractions and staying out but I felt like I was avoiding it. Sometimes just accepting it and feeling it has been the best thing I've done.
Can you switch your thoughts off, or at least reduce the quantity of them? I think a lot of people that get depressed/anxious have strong internal monologues.
Pretty much sums me up. In my case I can't turn them off, not sure about tek81's case though.
Thanks for that I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and start pushing myself into more challenging situations. I used to but became complacent. With regard to your break up; that's pretty much the same reason for mine. Ah well, the world keeps turning. Gonna get myself out on the bike tommorow, which helps.
Pretty much sums me up. In my case I can't turn them off, not sure about tek81's case though.
As someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, it's quite cathartic hearing others talk of their issues here. I've posted a few times in the last month, here's a brief update.
So, after 3 weeks and 2 days, I return to work tomorrow. Been on medication for 2 weeks, not really feeling any changes yet. Have pretty overwhelming anxiety today about going back, almost lost my appetite completely and if I think about it too much, start getting the verge of those panicky feelings again. I have a telephone referral interview for a counselling/therapy/CBT service on 16th, had to wait almost 5 weeks for that.
This time off has been amazing, feel like my 6 month old truly recognises me properly and responds so well to me now, only been seeing him an hour or two a day prior to this. Time with the wife has helped as well. A bunch of friends all got together to see me yesterday, that really made me feel cared for, told them all whats going on and they've been offering so much support. I still wake up every morning with a heavy weight and feels like a struggle to get out of bed, hits me hard before I fall asleep as well.
I still don't know what is really causing my anxiety/depression/panic...I think it's probably a combination of just hitting 10 years in a job that has no progress but pays well for what I do, some debts and my wife off on maternity and the whole lifestyle change that has come with having a baby in my life.
It doesn't helped that I realised when I return to work tomorrow i'll have a file note for my bradford factor score being too high due to 2 days I had off sick last December. This puts extra pressure on because it means if I need more time off with this issue in the next 12 months, i'll then face disciplinary, feels a little no win. Also as it's Q4 and really our busiest time of year, I feel that I "should" go back to work and try to get back to normal.
I've rambled again as I always do, thanks to anyone who's listening.
Wow, this sounds so close to what I'm going through right now! (Other than a slightly older baby, he's nearly 2 so i guess not really a baby but still. )
I've been hating work for a while now, took a promotion doing a boring non technical job but thought if i didn't it would look like i didn't want to get anywhere. Fast forward 2 years and I'm bored to tears and just want to leave. I'm late every day, struggle to get up, worry about going in etc etc. Couple that with me being the only bread winner while my wife looks after our son and i just feel trapped in this job. Its like i have to go because i have no choice as the bills wont get paid. We've also got our own little business we've started and i really enjoy that but know that it will never pay me the same money. Well unless it really took off, however its trying to get to the crossover of where the business pays more than the day job and this just isn't in sight.
Anyway, fast forward to last Thursday and I'm at work and feeling particularly terrible. My wife was driving by the office so stopped by to check on me. I went out to see her and just couldn't hold it in anymore and just started crying. At that point i literally just wanted to go home.. My wife used to work there so she decided to go in and talk to my boss, i didn't want her to at first but just gave in as she obviously wasn't going to. She goes and chats with him and he's really understanding about it. Says he can basically do what he likes with my job and what my responsibilities and calls me a numpty for not saying something sooner. I didn't say anything because i didn't want to look like a failure or that i couldn't do such a straightforward job. It makes no sense as i read it but its what has happened. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off/working from home to try and catch up as i haven't been in since Thursday and on Tuesday my boss is taking me out for a drink. I guess so we can talk away from the office and work out what we can do to make my work life happier again. I know he doesn't want to lose me and if I'm honest I'm not sure i want to start again somewhere else right now, not with the debt and other factors going on.
Its funny but writing all this stuff out helps, and if someone reading it can also relate to it and feel like they aren't alone like i did with SixTwoSix's post then all the better. Great thread guys.
I’m lucky enough to have been able to leave jobs when things became monotonous or boring, it would legitimately have driven me crazy if I’d continued in some of the roles I’ve had.