**The Mental Health Thread**

23 Apr 2014
Yes I've been on 3 different meds, as for the reclusiveness it's more that it just build up over time. It wasn't any reason, it's I just stopped going out and then after awhile that just became the norm.

So absolutely no issues before then such as problems socialising, issues with mood and focusing on things? Did you have any ambitions for a career etc?

If it’s genuinely treatment resistant then it could be something else at play like neurodivergence.
13 Apr 2018
So absolutely no issues before then such as problems socialising, issues with mood and focusing on things? Did you have any ambitions for a career etc?

If it’s genuinely treatment resistant then it could be something else at play like neurodivergence.
I didn't have issues socialising when I was younger but now I almost feel like I can't as I haven't done anything for so long I don't know how to socialise or interact with people as I feel like I have nothing to offer. As for the career route, I've never really known what I've wanted to do.
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24 Feb 2004
I didn't have issues socialising when I was younger but now I almost feel like I can't as I haven't done anything for so long I don't know how to socialise or interact with people as I feel like I have nothing to offer. As for the career route, I've never really known what I've wanted to do.
Oof, career wise I know that feeling!

That said just by posting here and talking about how you feel is a HUGE step and I'm proud of you for doing it! :)

See what the doctor can do for you but demand action - if you don't feel like you're being listened to on Wednesday insist on seeing another doctor, ideally there and then.

As for socialising it can be so tough when you feel that way and I'm still struggling with that myself these days. I've found a few online communities that have helped me however which has been a great outlet.

I genuinely hope the best for you going forwards :)
13 Apr 2018
That said just by posting here and talking about how you feel is a HUGE step and I'm proud of you for doing it! :)
Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that.

See what the doctor can do for you but demand action - if you don't feel like you're being listened to on Wednesday insist on seeing another doctor, ideally there and then
I will as I'm really starting to feel that there's only one way to make feeling like this stop.

As for socialising it can be so tough when you feel that way and I'm still struggling with that myself these days. I've found a few online communities that have helped me however which has been a great outlet.
If you don't mind me asking, what type of communities (e.g local or just things your interested in)? as it's been that long since I've socialised with anyone other my family I don't even know where to start.
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24 Feb 2004
Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that.

I will as I'm really starting to feel that there's only one way to make feeling like this stop.

If you don't mind me asking, what type of communities (e.g local or just things your interested in)? as it's been that long since I've socialised with anyone other my family I don't even know where to start.
Prior to Covid I was attending local board game and D&D game nights and with the power of technology you can still play these online even when trapped (by force/choice/circumstance) in your house :)

Luckily I've met some great people that way who have been very supportive.

I will as I'm really starting to feel that there's only one way to make feeling like this stop.
Don't give into those kind of thoughts, please. Still lots of life to experience :)

(I wouldn't recommend my method either though!)

I had similar with approaching my GP saying these meds weren't working for me and they said to increase them again. I strongly disagreed so instead stopped cold turkey. Was it a good idea? Hard to say but it's not medically recommended
24 Dec 2004
Bad day today feel awful just worrying about everything. Worrying upping my meds a small amount has made things worse. Just cannot relax today need to be constantly doing things or I feel awful. Feelings of cannot cope anymore are strong today. Bloody Anxiety I hate the way it just hits you like a train. Need to push through today and see what tomorrow brings.
24 Dec 2004
Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that.

I will as I'm really starting to feel that there's only one way to make feeling like this stop.

If you don't mind me asking, what type of communities (e.g local or just things your interested in)? as it's been that long since I've socialised with anyone other my family I don't even know where to start.

Try contacting your local Andy man’s club they can help you find groups that you can go too they also do online stuff too.

Also your local Mind can help with activity groups in your area. Meeting up with others and having a brew and a chat whilst doing something productive. They can also help with Mental health support too.

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19 Jan 2013
Running on fumes. Coming to the end of another deployment with the end in sight. I've only spent about 2 weeks at home since Christmas. People will no doubt want to make plans for me when I get back which i appreciate, though is it bad I just want to drink a bottle of beer in my back garden and just listen to my records and take a week or so to unwind?
19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
though is it bad I just want to drink a bottle of beer in my back garden and just listen to my records and take a week or so to unwind?

Absolutely not - even the best of us sometimes just want to have a lazy day or two. There's so much pressure in life these days both physical and mental, that you need to take time to decompress.
Just talk to those you need to and explain how you're feeling - if you don't at least try and talk then it's impossible for anyone to try and understand
2 Jul 2019
I don't find joy in anything I do, and just feel like everything is pointless and won't ever get better. I just don't know what to do.

As for the isolation it just something that happened over time, there isn't any particular reason why I stopped going out, I just did. I did recently go for a walk, but everything just feels like I'm on "autopilot"/"light are on, but no one's home" I don't take anything in.

And tbh I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed doing anything.

Has this all always been the case? Has it been more progressive, always there, or you've just realised it?
Speaking out is a huge step, so huge respect for posting :)
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13 Jun 2013
Feeling ok, reason I'm posting is I've been to the depths with my mental health and resurfaced, I've just gained my first job in 14 years which I was nervous about, this weekend I did my 1st shifts and I think I can stick it, I coped with it. It's only a part time cleaning job so very unglamorous but the people are ok and it's a nice place to work. I'm a very average person, don't give up, when you're at rock bottom you can get better, believe it can happen.
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13 Apr 2018
Try contacting your local Andy man’s club they can help you find groups that you can go too they also do online stuff too.

Also your local Mind can help with activity groups in your area. Meeting up with others and having a brew and a chat whilst doing something productive. They can also help with Mental health support too.

Thank you for this. I'm definitely going to make myself go just to be around other people.

Prior to Covid I was attending local board game and D&D game nights and with the power of technology you can still play these online even when trapped (by force/choice/circumstance) in your house :)

Luckily I've met some great people that way who have been very supportive.
I think that's why I've been feeling so unhappy, as tbh I've realised that I feel lonely as I don't interact with anyone outside my family. I'm definitely going to make myself to start going places and interacting with other people.

Don't give into those kind of thoughts, please. Still lots of life to experience :)
I'm really trying not to, that's really one of the reasons I posted as I just feel hopeless. So I'm trying anything to stop thinking that way.

Has this all always been the case? Has it been more progressive, always there, or you've just realised it?
Speaking out is a huge step, so huge respect for posting :)
It's been progressive and I never really noticed it, then when I did I just kept waiting believing it would eventually get better on its own.

I think the reason is recently my parents went down to see other family members (I'm still living at home) and that's when it hit me how empty my life is and how lonely I am. It felt like I'd fallen off a cliff and it now seems like it's impossible to try and get back up.

There are effective treatments for (drug) treatment-resistant depression. Asking your GP for a referral to a psychiatrist is necessary to get access to those treatments. Or go to A&E and tell them the state of your thinking.

I'm certainly going to ask my GP if they can refer me onwards.

I appreciate the replies, it just makes me feels a little bit better been able to write down how I feel.
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2 Jul 2019
. I'm definitely going to make myself to start going places and interacting with other people.

Definitely do. Nobody can say if that's a quick fix, the exact fix, or only part of the issue. But from what you say, it does appear it could be a good way to get yourself moving in the right direction, which could spark the enthusiasm needed to go enjoy other things again, or find new interests or meaning. Start slow if you have to as well :)
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