Was going to make a new account for this post but a lot of people probably going through the same, and definitely people going through a lot worse, so will just stick to this thread. And again, part of me thinks, is this really something you should share, but last time I was really low, I posted in here, and it genuinely helped, and
@MrRockliffe, bless his heart, even reached out, which again meant a lot
But yeah...going through a really dark time at the moment. Nothing particularly triggering it, just similar to my last post, a lot of things slowly creeping up on me as well as a lot of things that end up in a vicious circle that compound things. As an example, a few months ago, I felt fairly good and was back in the gym regularly, started cycling again but last month or so, I've just gone downhill which means I've not done anything like that, which makes me feel worse as I hate it, but then feeling worse makes me feel even less like going in the gym. It's ridiculous as I know that dragging myself in there will make me feel a bit better, but I don't. I remember growing up when my dad was horribly depressed, and I'd just say stuff like "if you know doing this will make you better, why don't you?" thinking it was so easy, now I know that it's not.
The worst part is though, I really feel like I've hit that point where I could quite easily just not be here and I've never felt like that. I'm not going to do anything stupid, but the sad truth is that is only because I couldn't bear the thought of what it would do to my kids. I hate the fact that were it not for them, I really don't know if I'd bother. I see these videos on social media all the time of dads who lost their battles to mental health, and the effect it had on their kids, and it just breaks my heart.
I'm just so miserable and I hate the person that I am at the moment, I'm not nice to be around, I snap so easily and I'm just tired. I should be excited about going to the British Grand Prix tomorrow, like I do every year, but I'm sat here thinking of reasons not to go and selling my ticket because I don't really get enjoyment from stuff that I usually would.
I hate having to make these posts, but I literally have no-one to talk to, last couple of years of slowly getting to this point have just meant I don't really have close friends I would be comfortable talking to about this stuff, my girlfriend just tells me to get on with it and has no interest whatsoever, just makes it in to a competition about whose got more reason to be miserable if I try and talk about it. So occasionally I get to the point where you poor people have to read a post like this.
I know I should go to the doctors and get help, but I haven't because I'm scared what that will do for things like life insurance or our health insurance policies for the family, or just how it might have knock on effects for them down the line, stupid really.
Sorry guys. I really do appreciate threads like this though. I don't post in it often but I do regularly read it and love the support everyone gives each other