**The Mental Health Thread**

I went round to see my only friend last, wish I hadn't, come home feeling like ****, he knows I have some issues going on that really bother me, being a 32 years old, living with my parents still, never been in a relationship, I have a large nose and all he done last night was have a dig at me all night, I can take a joke but the way he was saying these things felt like personal attacks, really ******* hurt me.

He's the only 'real' friend I have, the others are just FB acquaintances, but **** it when you have friends like that I guess its better being alone.

I've not really been in here for a while, Christmas is family time and I've been trying to be more positive and active. Of my head meds, still dealing with BPD but left all the Facebook support groups, there are some really miserable people out there looking for validation for acting like **** and people giving it to make themselves feel better. Give proper advice and you get slammed for it. Goodbye FB support groups. Just need to be even more active and get more weight lost, make me feel happy. Still down about my losing my car before Xmas though, need to find another.

Having just read your long post then your update I can say that YES, you were dealt a **** hand, on the positive side it is being dealt with. You're being treated, feeling better and making your Grandad proud by sticking around, supporting your nan and taking action to improve your life.

Word of advice going forward, don't wait for the hospital ever, a day after they said they'd be in touch, phone them, keep phoning them.

As for your friend, do you know why people do that? It's because to those looking in he is doing ok but looking out he's seeing all his insecurities and issues, he's a mess and putting others down makes them feel better. Never let anyone putting you down make you feel bad, pity them for being so low they feel the need to do it. Either point this out to him or just drop the friendship. There are more genuine and honest people out there to make friends with.
Hey all,

Not really sure what write here, maybe just explain how I'm feeling.

So I've had depression and anxiety for many years, things started going down that route when I was 9 and my brother died in a car accident at the same time my parents separated and my dad moved out. Fast forward 25 years and the last 18 months have been really bad, my mum was very ill and spent 6 weeks in hospital (rushed to ICU twice (now doing a lot better) ), I had 3 months off work middle of last year with depression and anxiety problems and although I went back to work I did feel right still (I felt going back was the "normal" thing to do) been on antidepressants and seeing a counsellor since July/August and last I went to work and just sat outside not wanting to go in and today I've felt anxious all day.

I'm off sick and going go back to the doctor tomorrow and see what they say, I've just had enough of it and want to get better.

I felt the last time I was off I'd just come to terms with being depressed and anxious but I didn't do anything to help it. I'm just worried I'm going to lose my job and go deeper into depression.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense.

I've not really been in here for a while, Christmas is family time and I've been trying to be more positive and active. Of my head meds, still dealing with BPD but left all the Facebook support groups, there are some really miserable people out there looking for validation for acting like **** and people giving it to make themselves feel better. Give proper advice and you get slammed for it. Goodbye FB support groups. Just need to be even more active and get more weight lost, make me feel happy. Still down about my losing my car before Xmas though, need to find another.

Having just read your long post then your update I can say that YES, you were dealt a **** hand, on the positive side it is being dealt with. You're being treated, feeling better and making your Grandad proud by sticking around, supporting your nan and taking action to improve your life.

Word of advice going forward, don't wait for the hospital ever, a day after they said they'd be in touch, phone them, keep phoning them.

As for your friend, do you know why people do that? It's because to those looking in he is doing ok but looking out he's seeing all his insecurities and issues, he's a mess and putting others down makes them feel better. Never let anyone putting you down make you feel bad, pity them for being so low they feel the need to do it. Either point this out to him or just drop the friendship. There are more genuine and honest people out there to make friends with.
Great post. I had 3 close friends and this year it's all gone to pot a bit.

One friend I gave a job to, labouring for me. He's few years older and has generally made a hash of his life, gambling issues, kids to different women etc but not a "bad" person per say. Howver this time he really let me down and decided not to come into work for a month and wouldn't contact me. He was notorious for having sick days but I let it go due to him being a buddy and actually good at his job. I couldn't protect him anymore and he got fired for it and since then we haven't spoken.

Another friend, my best man at my wedding, I haven't spoken to for a month now. He always complains that I never go out drinking with him but that's all we ever seen to do together and I have a family unlike him. I've invited him to come do other things like join the gym I go to, come for a run or bike ride but he's not interested. He just wants to go boozing.

Anyway this Christmas he wanted to go out on the lash and I was struggling for cash, Christmas is expensive for families so I turned it down. I can't afford to spend £80-100 on a bender, but another friend invited me and the family to his house for a few drinks and a take away. Obviously this has caused a problem, I only ever make time for this other person etc.

Every time I speak to my friend he puts a sly dig in about my other friend. I've tried to get them all to socialize together but deep down I can see he doesn't want to because he feels threatened by them. It's like I have to juggle a wife and a mistress rather than a friend.

Best thing to do is join a club or something, meet new people.
Reading through this thread, and drawing from what I see in my personal life, I wonder what's causing all the angst with young people especially? I don't think I remember it being this prevalent in my peer group 10+ years ago.

Lately I've had some exposure to younger architects and designers through the project I'm working on and some are so angst-ridden they can barely communicate. Making allowances that it may very well be more prevalent in a more artistic industry such architecture due to the types it may well attract, it's still noticeable enough that (older) people are commenting on it.

Maybe it's just more openly discussed today than it was 10 years ago when I was in my 20s, but it just seem especially younger people are more anxious or a wider scale.
Reading through this thread, and drawing from what I see in my personal life, I wonder what's causing all the angst with young people especially? I don't think I remember it being this prevalent in my peer group 10+ years ago.

Lately I've had some exposure to younger architects and designers through the project I'm working on and some are so angst-ridden they can barely communicate. Making allowances that it may very well be more prevalent in a more artistic industry such architecture due to the types it may well attract, it's still noticeable enough that (older) people are commenting on it.

Maybe it's just more openly discussed today than it was 10 years ago when I was in my 20s, but it just seem especially younger people are more anxious or a wider scale.

I've noticed this as well, but also affecting people of my age-bracket too; people in general are now more self-centred, and less tolerant than ever.

Things that occur to me are:

Economic pressures - people feeling squeezed by rising prices of housing, utilities and food, while pay has remained static. Home ownership is becoming a distant dream for the young now.

Generational disdain - the older generation coming up with the '*********' term for the generation they raised. Witness any discussion by older people on young people affording to buy a house, and it swings round to it being the fault of the younger generation having avocado toast and starbucks lattes before long

Social Media - this is the big one for me. On the surface, social media is great for keeping in touch with people and seeing what they're up to. For anyone (including me) who suffers from any form of mental health problem, it can also prove destructive and harmful: You only see the 'best' of people's lives on social media, but it comes across like everyone else is (almost always) having an amazing time - certainly better than you - all of the time, while you're sat at home reading about it. There is also the pressure that comes with social media - the modern equivalent of 'keeping up with the Joneses' in the sense that you have to try and portray yourself in the best light possible to attract friends and a potential partner. Profiles on dating websites can be hard too, with the list of amazing activities and amount of travelling that people seemingly do. All of this can leave you (me) feeling inadequate (at best) and like you'll never match up to those type of requirements, and completely worthless and futile at worst.

Sorry, I rambled on a bit there, but the pace of life nowadays, the economy and (anti)social media can go some way to explain what you've described.
I've been in a bad place this last week and about an hour ago I had a call from Team Prevent who arranged a time for me to have a phone call with a Team Prevent Psychiatrist (or whatever), you couldn't make it up.
Whatever happened to face to face?
Reading through this thread, and drawing from what I see in my personal life, I wonder what's causing all the angst with young people especially? I don't think I remember it being this prevalent in my peer group 10+ years ago.

Lately I've had some exposure to younger architects and designers through the project I'm working on and some are so angst-ridden they can barely communicate. Making allowances that it may very well be more prevalent in a more artistic industry such architecture due to the types it may well attract, it's still noticeable enough that (older) people are commenting on it.

Maybe it's just more openly discussed today than it was 10 years ago when I was in my 20s, but it just seem especially younger people are more anxious or a wider scale.

I reckon it's an imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and never having stress tolerance models wired in to their brains when growing up. Low stress tolerance from being babied basically. You have to be exposed to stress as a kid to experiment and do your own thing a bit and build up these adaptive models. That's were confidence comes from... a sense of competence from knowing you have these tried and tested models stored in your brain of how to react to situations.

I think it's from lack of hardships to train/harden the nervous system. Endurance sports, being yelled at by adults, being cold, wet, hungry, tired, etc. Secondly they are getting too much free time to ruminate when they should be forced outside doing the previously mentioned things by parents. Thirdly over-stimulation from TV, games, internet, porn, and advertising.
Well you know it's not a great evening when you push an admittedly short kitchen knife against your finger, then your chest, think it's a little blunt and toss it into the sink. Meh, at least it wasn't a sharper one I guess.
So how is everyone today? After grieving a little bit (worst still to come) i'm not in such an emotional mess and at terms it's happening and there is nothing I can do about it, (Mum is dying of cancer, Posted earlier in the thread) for the last 10 years Anxiety and Depression has ruined my life , No friends, No family except parents, No job prospects, No education after school, Ruined my Teeth by not looking after myself with a bad diet and put on some weight, Never leave the house because I feel there is nothing to do.

I will have to go to the doctors soon to review a tablet i'm on, I am going to ask him to do a blood test with Thyroid levels, Vitamin levels etc, Is there anything else I should ask him?

After hearing the news about my mum and seeing her decline everyday she wanted me to go to college, I am 26 is it a good idea?, I don't want to be stacking shelves the rest of my life, I am thinking about it not sure which courses to look at as I feel like i'm not interested in anything probably because I have no experience in doing anything.

(Grim post but that's the story of the last 10 years of my life)
My major problems over the last 8 months has been a new work colleague who is absolutely useless, in fact there isn't a word to describe how bad he is. For example a job that takes me 15 minutes takes him 3.5 hours, a job that takes me 1 day takes him 5 days and management have done nothing about it. Besides his slowness he is incapable of learning anything and asks the same mundane questions over & over again. Around September he ended up giving me a nervous breakdown and I had my first two weeks off work with 'illness' since 1988 (seriously).
Three Fridays ago I broke down again because I couldn't take his nonsense any more and took another week off. When I arrived at work on Monday (two weeks ago) all the desks had been changed around so I'm nowhere near him and got two 24" monitors blocking him from sight and I'm happy as Larry.
My other two colleagues are now getting the nonsense and they haven't got the patience I have. One of them is ready to explode any time. I can just sit there with a smirk now.
I still get the odd question from him and it's usually complete crap. For instance we have an Hospital Notes tracking system and even though he's used it for 8 months he still can't get the hang of it.
"Why are you using that part of Filefast?" - "Because I want to know where the Notes are" - "But the notes are in your hands" - "Oh" :)

Anyway, thanks for asking, I'm in a good place now.
I went round to see my only friend last, wish I hadn't, come home feeling like ****, he knows I have some issues going on that really bother me, being a 32 years old, living with my parents still, never been in a relationship, I have a large nose and all he done last night was have a dig at me all night, I can take a joke but the way he was saying these things felt like personal attacks, really ******* hurt me.

He's the only 'real' friend I have, the others are just FB acquaintances, but **** it when you have friends like that I guess its better being alone.
I was alone and afraid at 32... now I'm 38 and .... nothing at all changed in the meantime :p

I have, however, come to the realisation that I perfectly deserve everything I get. I'm not a "nice guy" who's just misunderstood or any of that happy clappy BS. I'm actually an a-hole. Aggressive, thoughtless, lazy, angry, often stupid, entirely inwardly conflicted about everything, insecure, unreliable, moody, selfish, ignorant, self-absorbed.

What more could a girl want, I ask you? :p
I have, however, come to the realisation that I perfectly deserve everything I get. I'm not a "nice guy" who's just misunderstood or any of that happy clappy BS. I'm actually an a-hole. Aggressive, thoughtless, lazy, angry, often stupid, entirely inwardly conflicted about everything, insecure, unreliable, moody, selfish, ignorant, self-absorbed.

I must be your exact opposite (except for the odd mood) :)
So how is everyone today? After grieving a little bit (worst still to come) i'm not in such an emotional mess and at terms it's happening and there is nothing I can do about it, (Mum is dying of cancer, Posted earlier in the thread) for the last 10 years Anxiety and Depression has ruined my life , No friends, No family except parents, No job prospects, No education after school, Ruined my Teeth by not looking after myself with a bad diet and put on some weight, Never leave the house because I feel there is nothing to do.

I will have to go to the doctors soon to review a tablet i'm on, I am going to ask him to do a blood test with Thyroid levels, Vitamin levels etc, Is there anything else I should ask him?

After hearing the news about my mum and seeing her decline everyday she wanted me to go to college, I am 26 is it a good idea?, I don't want to be stacking shelves the rest of my life, I am thinking about it not sure which courses to look at as I feel like i'm not interested in anything probably because I have no experience in doing anything.

(Grim post but that's the story of the last 10 years of my life)

My dad died in early 2016 due to cancer, went from fine to dead in about 3 months. My mum and I cared for him at home during that time where he eventually died and that was quite the experience.

I'm 33 this year. Technically still live with my mum and don't keep much company. I wouldn't say I have been as extreme as yourself, but in terms of family, friends and career I have been pretty limited on that front. I have suffered from depression and it's been an excuse/crutch for many years that has made what I expect to be the basics of life pretty difficult. Thinking back, a lot of it was self-inflicted. The underlying depression didn't help, but I could have done better.

But this is where hindsight is a wonderful thing. I've been working on myself for some years, slowly but surely taking 1 step forward but eventually taking 10 back. It's been a vicious cycle where I have pushed myself, been happy in a relationship but eventually it's taken it's toll. I could be all cliché about my dad dying and life changing... not quite that easy, but I tell you what it put things in perspective. My dad had a disappointing life for the most part, especially in the later years, he suffered and the only thing he left behind that was any sort of achievement was me.

So I've taken that and apply that to my life, what am I leaving behind, what's my legacy and I'm making sure my dads efforts weren't for nothing, that I do him proud. Doesn't mean life changed overnight, but my attitude did.

26 is still very young, you have a good opportunity to make any changes you like. Get yourself to a college open day later in the year and see what's on offer. There's formal courses, vocational opportunities, see what floats your boat. You won't be the only 26 year old and it'll be a great way to not only find something more fulfilling in life, you should make some friends along the way.

As for weight and teeth... Exercise really does help depression, this has been a huge boost for me. If you want an excuse to go out, go running or cycling! Running is less investment. I've always cycled and that always helped me but in October I started running. I went from not being able to do a couple miles without walking to doing a 6 running events up until 31st Dec and next weekend I'm running a half marathon. I've not even been running 6 months. It's something you have to do for yourself. Teeth can be fixed also, if it's something that really bothers you there's things that can be done. Sure it'll cost, but it's something to work for.

Don't overload yourself, but start something and something for you. If you can't, do it for your mum or in spite of Cancer. It's not gonna be easy when the time comes and you need to be ready to do right by her and your family, your father will need plenty of support. But doesn't get lost in all that, make sure you do things for yourself and make something positive out of a horrible situation, otherwise what's the point?
Finally found out what has been going on with me. Diagnosed with GAD and Panic disorder. It's pretty horrible. My Dr has been absolutely brilliant. I've seen a mental health nurse and I'm on 50mg sertraline to calm things down. Hopefully be doing some CBT to change it and try figure out what is going on. It's MASSIVELY out of character for me to be anything like this, which has been the hardest thing for me to accept. It's not until you sit down with a mental health nurse and start talking that you realise the amount of things that you have been carrying that can cause stress hypersensitivity!
I was alone and afraid at 32... now I'm 38 and .... nothing at all changed in the meantime :p

I have, however, come to the realisation that I perfectly deserve everything I get. I'm not a "nice guy" who's just misunderstood or any of that happy clappy BS. I'm actually an a-hole. Aggressive, thoughtless, lazy, angry, often stupid, entirely inwardly conflicted about everything, insecure, unreliable, moody, selfish, ignorant, self-absorbed.

What more could a girl want, I ask you? :p

You hide it well on here (I know that's easy online). Your posts come across well written and I rarely see you snap at anyone, always keep your responses civilised.

I guess when you believe you're all of those things though, then it's hard to break out of after so many years. It's easy to say in a society where everything is about sex, getting married and having children but you don't need to base it on what a girl would want, we all have different wants and needs anyway.
Finally found out what has been going on with me. Diagnosed with GAD and Panic disorder. It's pretty horrible. My Dr has been absolutely brilliant. I've seen a mental health nurse and I'm on 50mg sertraline to calm things down. Hopefully be doing some CBT to change it and try figure out what is going on. It's MASSIVELY out of character for me to be anything like this, which has been the hardest thing for me to accept. It's not until you sit down with a mental health nurse and start talking that you realise the amount of things that you have been carrying that can cause stress hypersensitivity!

Sorry to hear that Andr3w. I too was diagnosed with both PD and GAD back in 2001. If there's any advice or answers I can give just ask.

I consider myself in full control now. I still have to take meds but rarely get symptoms anymore and when I do I can control them very well and they are mostly mild. Recently had to commute to London for a course for my work but got through it and surprised myself how well I coped.

My point being is I think it's important you know that it will get better over time, experience will help and if you can, try to educate yourself on it as much as possible and also if you can get chatting with other sufferers! It helped me massively in the beginning. CBT will be great and should help you a great deal, I also recommend Mindfulness too. The panic attacks will stop as well, there will be a point where something clicks and you realize. For me I was really angry about something, can't remember what, but I had a panic attack start just after. But because I was so angry I told my brain/body to do its worse I don't care anymore and it literally just dissipated instantly. It's hard to explain but because I gave up and wanted it to do it's worse, it couldn't because the fear of it getting worse was truly not there, so it wasn't feeding it?? Hope that makes sense and my post has helped a little.

I feel like I have just talked about me me me there but it was with good intentions to show you it will get better :) Good luck with it all and I hope you deal with it quickly.
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I'm not too bad at the moment, fingers crossed.
With regard to society in general, I think we live in times that are almost geared towards anxiety. Just look at the news reporting, they continually shout that everything is out of control and disaster just around the corner.
Housing is a big issue imo, young people can't see a way they'll ever have their own place and independence. A decent career is another, knowing that if you do a degree, you end up with huge debts.
Imo the last 20 years have been completely screwed up.
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