I’m in a very good place at the moment, better than I have been in years. A few observations of myself, which may be helpful for others... not sure!
I accept that there will always be a suite of completely contradictory truths in my life. Rather than viewing this as my life being in disorder, I just accept that it’s different parts of me voicing different things and really there is a whole chorus of voices, none of them knowing what is actually best for me... so it’s all just down to making choices.
Broadly speaking, I chose to enjoy my choices. I have historically found that whatever choices I make, I would always pine for the benefits of the alternative - making myself dissatisfied with all options. In other words, I have dropped needless pining and accepted that all paths have pros and cons. Only by dropping that mentality have I found that I can genuinely enjoy (without effort) the whopping great big pros in my life.
I have stopped wanting everything all of the time. A lot of dissatisfaction has stemmed from wanting to control and have everything I could ever want; mostly sexually (a common problem with men) but also materially and in terms of general ‘control’. It’s really a very childish behaviour, even if it ties in with adult desires.
I’ve accepted that even in a perfect world with everything in order, there will always be some element of dissatisfaction or anxiety. Worrying and solving problems gives me a purpose so there is part of me that is always going to seek out issues when really there are none, but there are merely different paths. Having different paths is not an inherent problem.
Sometimes you just have to say “**** it”. Living life as a perfectionist is a miserable life. Nobody and nothing is perfect. Stop trying to be a god because you will end up crushed with the responsibilities and diligence of a god. Being a perfectionist is really quite detrimental and in many ways childish.
As a result of accepting the above, I feel like I’ve stopped ‘frantically bumping into things desperately trying to make myself happy’, have actually grown and become far more satisfied with myself. It’s funny that by keeping your extremities and anxieties in-check, you can actually look up and see how great the big picture actually is.
What do you do?
Well, there’s a few things to bear in mind:
Worrying about things that haven’t happened (or the consequences of things that have happened, but the subsequences have not fully resolved) gives you the full experience of the bad thing (or the ‘bad consequence’) actually happening... without it actually happening. It’s like ghosts; being scared of them gives you the full terrifying experience that ghosts are actually real, when they are not. Remind yourself that it’s completely wasted energy and ridiculous.
Anxiety is often like romantic obsession. You have an emotional feedback loop (worry/love) that keeps reliving itself and won’t end, either because it’s satiating or otherwise addictive. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but you do have to sort of shut that process down and say “this is a feedback loop”. I find that if I deliberately act as if there isn’t a problem, the obsessive / repetitive feedback loop is interrupted and suddenly... there isn’t a problem (or more accurately, it goes back to proportion). How ridiculous that such agony can be cured by what is effectively a ‘glitch correction / restart’!! Have a think about how you would act if you weren’t worried, then brazenly act that way. Try not to think about it to much - see if there’s a difference.... or don’t, as when you stop worrying, you won’t notice that you have. But we all worry a bit from time to time, no biggy.
Similarly, the most stupid thing with these problems is that being aware of them tends to make them worse. A ridiculous thing I have done in recent times is wake up and worry that I will feel anxious. I mean, how arse backwards is that?! If you keep checking your ‘emotional barometer’ you give it a disproportionate power over yourself. So you really do have to force yourself to just ‘get on with it’. That’s not being dismissive, it’s just a genuine solution to being paralysed by worrying.
Just.... **** it. Let go. You can’t control everything. You’re not a god. Let the chaos unfold!! It’s really rather liberating. Bring it on, mwahhaha!
Just some thoughts to chew on
Fantastic couple of posts there @Nitefly - appreciate your thoughts. I follow similar thought patterns (as we all do) but it's refreshing to hear someone put it so succintly.
Is this philosophy something you've come to accept yourself, or are you actively reading/learning any stoicism works, as this seems to be bang on the money?!