**The Mental Health Thread**

9 Jun 2005
Haven't watched that video so i'll reply based on your comment. There are some pretty extensive tests that show we do get a dopamine response based on likes on instagram/facebook, depends how entrenched it is in our daily life though.

Yea I guess if you're glued to it, I could understand that.

Best to find other things to do, I'm finding shoot em up games on playstation to be working really well and going out. Even if just on my own. Walks are good for the mind.

Exercise! Nothing helps quite like going to the gym, nothing beats getting rid of all that adrenaline you accumulated unnecessarily throughout the day by lifting heavy stuff about, for that hour im thinking about nothing else and I come out feeling ten times better, (even if it is temporary) and its healthy, I've put on a stone since I started lifting weights and actually eating.
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
I walked out of work on Thursday :(

Forgive me if I'm incorrect but aren't you dmpoole? works at the NHS in Stoke? For some reason I've got that in my head you had a name change.

I'm sure if you explain it and the reasons why things can improve.

You OK? I'm fighting every day. Hope to get in the GP's next week but I'm afraid because of the state I am in.

You may find that as soon as you start talking about it to a GP all your worries go away, it's kind of a release. It's the first step, and it's always the hardest but it it is ALWAYS the best one.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Forgive me if I'm incorrect but aren't you dmpoole? works at the NHS in Stoke? For some reason I've got that in my head you had a name change.

No I'm not or am I? Katanga thinks I changed my name to pretend I'm someone different even though I kept the same sig and posting style :)

Work have been great but things still get to me, sometimes I can't cope with the **** that keeps coming my way.
I put 100% in every day but it isn't good enough for some.
30 Sep 2008
Did something stupid today, went out on a shopping trip with the ex even though we're in very different places. She sees me as a friend, I'm still holding out hope that we can be what we were. It had its predictable downsides but for the most part we got on... it just feels like I'm chasing that connection with somebody.

Now I'm back home, flatmate is out and I'm wallowing in self pity again. I knew it was a stupid idea, it was great to see her but it brings back memories of all the things I've lost, and when I'm not in a good place already I was just setting myself up for a world of hurt in the long term.
5 Oct 2008
I have been reading this thread, and I feel for all of you. I hope you can console yourselves in how you feel and manage to get the backing from your other halves, and your doctors and families. In my case, I struggle to form relationships, and make new friends. I cherish the friends I have and get on with the workmates that I have, but other than that? Nope, and even in the friend groups I have I am usually an outsider. I don't feel particularly close to my family members, though I was with one of my Grandfathers, who died this year. The other one I looked up to as well and he died earlier in the year. I had one person I felt I could talk to about it, yet he was the Grandfather who died more recently and I never got to. :(

I personally feel the world will be better off without me and to anyone who asks me why I drink so much, I will answer that if you woke up and saw me in the morning then you would have a drinking problem too. One thing I am good at is acting as most of my friends have no idea of how I am at the moment.

I will most likely delete this post tomorrow, when I've sobered up. Ninja props to you if you've read it. (Or not, If I have forgotten I posted it.)
1 Jun 2006
the key to all of it is to try and relax remember we all human beings. many people feel the same.so you are not on your own how you feel. once you realize that and just enjoy being YOU you will be better.
23 Apr 2014
Relaxing is pretty difficult for most who are just trying to get by, many of us with constant work pressures on the mind on top of god knows what else if you’ve got a family to look after, bring in things like debt or the vast majority of people who have no savings and it’s easy to see why anxiety is so common.

It’s hard to just check out and that’s why professional help is usually required in the end as only a few can correct their own thought process without it.
1 Jun 2006
well that's the thing isn't it. we are all similar. most thing you think are wrong or bad the next person to you thinks the exact same once you realize that.you will be fine. that's the thing realizing that most people feel the exact same **** as you do puts it all in perspective.

before you say you haven't a clue ive been to the utter depths of human minds being. no tablets solve that its realizing your normal.many have similar feelings down / ups . hope you all are well.
14 Oct 2007

You will always be an insider here link, I remember those L4D days we had on the servers that you and french provided, do you still run those by the way just wondering? If you can't find IRL friends you can relate to I understand, all I can say is that you will always have a community here for you.

I am not very good at these messages so I will leave it at that, we are here for you
23 Apr 2014
well that's the thing isn't it. we are all similar. most thing you think are wrong or bad the next person to you thinks the exact same once you realize that.you will be fine. that's the thing realizing that most people feel the exact same **** as you do puts it all in perspective.

before you say you haven't a clue ive been to the utter depths of human minds being. no tablets solve that its realizing your normal.many have similar feelings down / ups . hope you all are well.

I don’t really think that’s the solution to be honest, we aren’t all similar, we’re all human yes but the ways in which our minds are wired can vary hugely, the way we’ve been brought up, how we look, our natural personalities, it’s endless really on how much we vary.

We may have similar initial thoughts about a situation, for example most people will have some anxiety about say an interview but if you have a chemical imbalance or a diagnosed anxiety disorder then that situation likely isn’t going to pan out well.

I think telling people that what they’re going through is normal is just trying to brush a huge issue under the carpet. I know you’ve got good intentions Dg but “It’s normal just relax” is rather simplistic for the complex topic and the mental anguish some members here are going through.
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1 Jun 2006
no that is the main issue.you been programmed that way. many humans think exactly the same. by realizing that you wont be anxious.think the base cause of your issue.tablets dont solve it .

as said road the the issues many of you face and worse.realize its normal.then you will progress.
15 Apr 2012
I beat my anxiety by taking up rock climbing. Been over 10 years since I had a proper anxiety/panic attack. It was very hard at first, but pushing myself more and more took away the feelings.
23 Apr 2014
no that is the main issue.you been programmed that way. many humans think exactly the same. by realizing that you wont be anxious.think the base cause of your issue.tablets dont solve it .

as said road the the issues many of you face and worse.realize its normal.then you will progress.

Won’t bother responding further as you seem to be piling all mental health problems into one box. Also at risk of having the thread closed with telling people they don’t need medication to solve it, no idea why you think that’s an appropriate comment either when you have little to no knowledge of each individual members issues.
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