Meshuggah are one of those bands that you warm to slowly, but once you're hooked it becomes a lifetime addiction, for a lot of people anyway. They have a hypnotic quality rather than head-banging appeal, at least in my case. I get the same sort of feeling with a few other bands that are completely different, such as Blut Aus Nord (black), Portal (death); they all create a sort of pocket you fall into and sway around in, a mood, so to speak, rather than it being about memorable song-writing/riffs/leads/hooks - although Meshuggah have quite a few epic riffs.
I'm also really looking forward to the next Special Defects album which Fredrik is working on, why must you take so long Mr. Thordendal!!?!?! Even when the guy is mucking about, it's godly:
I like this vid too.
Edit: Getting really hyped for the new album, need it now! Listened to Chaosphere again last night, it's so damn good, heavy as anything.
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