* The Metal Thread *

I'm a Devin fan, but the only DTP I really like is Ki.

He'll never top Terria but this sounds great anyway.

I wonder if he could give us another Terria.

It's odd I somehow avoided Ki and didn't hear it properly till the new DVD where he plays the 3 new albums in full.. Should get to it really.

I personally think Synchestra is some of his best work :) Thats why Devin rules I guess, there's not one overall standout album.
:cool: Cheers for the upload. Can't wait to hear the new Killswitch album with Jesse back.
The original S/T and Alive or Just Breathing are among my favourite albums; not that Howard wasn't good but he seemed to lack a certain something.

End of Heartache was absolutely blinding. Daylight Dies had some great tracks. After that it was getting a bit stale with Howard. Jesse just comes up with more interesting stuff for me. Alive or Just Breathing is definitely where it's at. Whilst Howard was probably more powerful and accurate on the clean vocals for a gig that size, Jesse makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up more than once.
Interestingly I thought the Howard era stuff came across best in that gig. If only they could merge into one superbeing/vocalist Super Sayian stylee, that would be incredible.
^^ Howard is much better live compared to Jesse.
Jesse is way ahead in the studio though. Much better aggressively and on cleans (IMO).

Unrelated; the new Converge/Napalm Death split has just been released.
This is a very good cover of the Entombed version.

^^ Howard is much better live compared to Jesse.
Jesse is way ahead in the studio though. Much better aggressively and on cleans (IMO).

Unrelated; the new Converge/Napalm Death split has just been released.
This is a very good cover of the Entombed version.

Love this picked the vinyl up the other day
Another old one, forgotten all about this lot (Xentrix) until I came across 'Kin' when going through some old CD's recently, released early 90's.

That Ahab sounds pretty good, although you obviously need to hear the album in full to get the full effect.

Is it bad I think they sound like Isis, I guess it might reveal my ignorance of this genre of music (post rock/metal).

Googling tells me they are funeral doom, but it sounds like post metal :/
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