have you checked that you have the jack plugs in the right socket?jmhduck said:The sliders are visible but moving them up and down makes no difference and I can't mute the channels either.
have you checked that you have the jack plugs in the right socket?jmhduck said:The sliders are visible but moving them up and down makes no difference and I can't mute the channels either.
FatRakoon said:No no, I understand that... What gets me, is how quickly it heats up to 44, then how quickly it cools down to 33.
Just put Speedfan 4.25 on, temps as follows:MAllen said:LOL.... 12 degrees... are you in Iceland?
What does the heatsink feel like to touch? Could also try loading up speedfan and see what that reportss.
DaveMac said:edit : just noticed fan speed that would make sensor 1 the NB and sensor 2 the CPU
s0ck said:So, is there any modded bios available atm, to get a higher vcore?
My venice sits happily at 2650 @ 1.65, yet.. only seems stable with CoreCentre at 1.7~
But I have to do that in Windows. need a bios update or somewhat!
DasFruitMachine said:If you're on air, I'd be careful with that voltage