The MSI Neo2 Platinum Owners Help Thread

I am going to get a s939 mobo to use with the x2 3800 I'm getting in a couple of weeks. Would you recommend this mobo? I was going to get the DFI UT NF3 Ultra D, but after looking on the DFI-Street forums, it looks like a bit of a nightmare!

I am assuming that I can boot up from an x2 3800 and do a dos flash to the latest bios, which has support for the x2's??
Cheers Slatey, that's the answer I was looking for!

So do you reckon I'll be able to get good overclocks on this mobo with an x2 3800 if I pair it up with some ocz plat 3200EL rev2?

I'm going to get an xp90-c to cool it - my xp120 doesn't fit on this board. Does anyone have experience with the xp90-c?
im having no luck Oc'ing what so ever, got:

A64 3200+ Winchester (which previous owner said can do 2.3Ghz no probs)
1Gb BH5 (but need OCZ booster to get full whack)
MSI Neo 2 Plat
Hyper 480W

Basically put mem at 166, and HT @ 3 and FSB at 205 (x10) and tried the most intensive test on prime and errors came up instantly. putting volts up did nothing - yet on the mixed stress test no error (only did for hour though). What am i doing wrong?
Looked through this thread (and made quite a few posts in it's early days), but not found anything quite like my current problem.

Had an issue with a 20GB hard disk I was hoping to install. I had 4 Hard disks in my old KT7A-RAID, but couldn't put them in my new rig due to having only 2 PATA channels on the Neo2, and had to install the DVD-ROM on one of them. Only used 2 80GB drives up until now.

At the weekend, I thought, might as well plug in one of the old 20GB ones I had lying around (intending to use it as a back up for Docs, music and an Image or two). Unfortunately, it couldn't decide whether it wanted to be drive D: or E:. Every time Windows (2000) was booted it would swap over and Windows would say "Windows has made changes to your system and needs to be rebooted. Yes or No." VERY annoying - every boot. I checked everything I could in Windows, and then considered a Bios check.

Oh dear. I had 1.5 and looked at all the changes since then up to the current 1.B and thought: why not? Never had problems flashing before.

The flash seemed to go okay. No problems were reported during the process. I rebooted the machine, and the screen stayed black. Cleared CMOS, and it tried to POST.
Now, the D-Bracket goes through it's usual flashing sequence, and stops at "Initialising Floppy Controller". Anyone who's read my posts on this very thread knows that this doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem with the floppy drive (can mean anything to do with any disks) and so retried with all disks and the floppy disconnected. On screen things are a little more interesting. Despite there being a problem with the "Floppy controller", it still says "CMOS Checksum invalid - defaults used" (as it should) "Press F1 to continue, DEL to enter setup". Pressing either of these just causes the machine to reset to video initialisation.

Has anyone come across this and is it fixable without hot flashing (I don't know anyone with a similar board)? I have found a company that will send out preprogrammed Bios Saviours so I may do that. Can't post their name here as some of their products overlap OcUK's.
On an alternative tack, do MSI value their customers enough to send out Bios chips (I'll happily send mine back return of post). I don't particularly want to send the whole board back, as that'll be like cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer, and has been working okay since Xmas.
When you did that BIOS flash, did you enter the BIOS and "Reset to Defaults"? May be worth a try?

Any chance of booting to a CD? Maybe if you disable Floppy Controller in BIOS this could be an option? Or even a USB Floppy drive?

Have you tried the BIOS Flash game with one stick of RAM?

(I will be watching this closely as I am also on 1.5.... and posts like this will stop me updating..... LOL. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it")
Simple question

Does this board support X2 chips stablely
I already have a 3800+ here and need a good reliable board based on the NF3 ultra
slatey said:
i have a 4400 running stable and a 3800 stable...

Did you need to flash the board

I dont have another S939 chip handy so did it at least detect it as a single core?? and then allowing you to flash the Bios later

MAllen said:
When you did that BIOS flash, did you enter the BIOS and "Reset to Defaults"? May be worth a try?
I can't get into the BIOS - it hard resets (all the way back to VGA, though that might be because it doesn't have valid bios settings) when F1 or DEL are pressed. I cleared the CMOS using the jumper.

MAllen said:
Any chance of booting to a CD? Maybe if you disable Floppy Controller in BIOS this could be an option? Or even a USB Floppy drive?
Hmmm... I'll give it a try, though I don't think it will go as far as accessing storage devices.

MAllen said:
Have you tried the BIOS Flash game with one stick of RAM?
Not yet, my forum trawling elsewhere has come up with that option, but I didn't get time last night.

MAllen said:
(I will be watching this closely as I am also on 1.5.... and posts like this will stop me updating..... LOL.
Do you have reason to flash it?

MAllen said:
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it)"
True, but also note that 20GB more storage is NOT a good enough reason to update it to 1.B. :D
ColinR - I use SCSI. So don't actually need PATA or SATA of any form. In fact, I have them all turned off.

The only reason I would be interested in that BIOS upate would be if I upgraded to one of these X2 CPUs. :D

Also I am interested in problems with the MSI board as I have been pleasently surprised as to how little hassle it is. (Especially when compared with other threads like the DFI one)
I have all the drives disconnected at the moment, and it's rebooting (as it would be with your rig after reseting the CMOS via the jumper). If you are planning on flashing soon, don't flash to 1.A, as there's a bug with USB2 (it doesn't work - only runs up to 1.1 speeds), and I have had issues with 1.B (not sure if this is an unfortunate unique incident or not).

This has been the most troublesome board I have ever had, but then again, it's been the newest technology I've ever had too. As I was rummaging through the box looking for the Neo2's manuals I had my KT7A-RAID there and reminisced of the good times, and the two flashes I did with that :rolleyes: :)
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