The "New Gear/Willy Waving" thread

I've only used it for 45 min, it seems ok, AF is improved, RAW files is lovely from the camera but it is still quite daunting in the fact that it is now has a new ceiling for me to reach, I've felt that I've pushed the mkii as far as I can so it is both scary and exciting to see what I can do with this new AF. Which is why I invested in this (and the dual card slots).

Feels rather dirty having that Sigma there :p

Surprised you don have the Canon 70-200 2.8. I know you prefer primes but those lenses are normally in a wedding togs basic kit. The Sigma is good but the new Canon should get you very close to L prime like sharpness with L prime like bokeh.
Surprised you don have the Canon 70-200 2.8. I know you prefer primes but those lenses are normally in a wedding togs basic kit. The Sigma is good but the new Canon should get you very close to L prime like sharpness with L prime like bokeh.

I don't even take the Sigma with me, in 30 weddings I've not found myself needing longer than 135mm.

My style is kinda up close and personal, and you know what is kind of surprising? After every wedding the feed back I get, one of them is always along the line of "We really love how you are so discrete all the time, we didn't even know you were there.". Even though most of the time I am 3ft behind them with a 35mm.
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I don't even take the Sigma with me, in 30 weddings I've not found myself needing longer than 135mm.

My style is kinda up close and personal, and you know what is kind of surprising? After every wedding the feed back I get, one of them is always along the line of "We really love how you are so discrete all the time, we didn't even know you were there.". Even though most of the time I am 3ft behind them with a 35mm.

I guess it depends a lot on the church. I have been to 2 weddings and was a supporting photographer at 2 others, and in all of them the photographer had to be at the back of the church- they all used 70-200mm 2.8s, one of them using a step ladder to get some height.

I've found the 70-200 useful to get a few candies and add variety to a set that is otherwise taken on 35-50mm primes.
I did think of the church thing and hence why I have it, if I ever needed it but I don't so I'm glad I only dropped £400 on that rather than £1,500 on the canon. It'll just be £1,500 of a doorstop otherwise.

Granted the sigma has paid for itself with a few theatre shoot that I did so it's not all a waste.

I don't like long focal length to get candids, The resulting photograph never feel like you are a part of the scene and more often than not its just a head and shoulder shot. I've rented the 70-200/2.8 IS once too and I think it was used very little hence my general lack of use of it. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

The next lens will probably be a 45 t/s or upgrade the 50 to an L.
I did think of the church thing and hence why I have it, if I ever needed it but I don't so I'm glad I only dropped £400 on that rather than £1,500 on the canon. It'll just be £1,500 of a doorstop otherwise.

Granted the sigma has paid for itself with a few theatre shoot that I did so it's not all a waste.

I don't like long focal length to get candids, The resulting photograph never feel like you are a part of the scene and more often than not its just a head and shoulder shot. I've rented the 70-200/2.8 IS once too and I think it was used very little hence my general lack of use of it. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

The next lens will probably be a 45 t/s or upgrade the 50 to an L.

How much gear do you actually carry around/take to a wedding Raymond?

Personally I don't like carrying excessive gear around during the day. I'm currently only planning on carrying two camera bodies and 3 lenses, a 35 and 85 attached to the camera's, and a 14-24mm in a lens pouch for scene setting.
In the evening I may carry a couple of flashes, but haven't fully decided how I'm going to handle that yet as I may prefer to keep them off camera on a tall stand and just lift up the ambient a bit.
Apparently the 14-24mm is a heavy lens and I was planning on using only a prime for wide angle, so I'v put my self on a healthy eating diet to offset the additional weight of the lens... :p
How much gear do you actually carry around/take to a wedding Raymond?

Personally I don't like carrying excessive gear around during the day. I'm currently only planning on carrying two camera bodies and 3 lenses, a 35 and 85 attached to the camera's, and a 14-24mm in a lens pouch for scene setting.
In the evening I may carry a couple of flashes, but haven't fully decided how I'm going to handle that yet as I may prefer to keep them off camera on a tall stand and just lift up the ambient a bit.
Apparently the 14-24mm is a heavy lens and I was planning on using only a prime for wide angle, so I'v put my self on a healthy eating diet to offset the additional weight of the lens... :p

The case stays in the car, I take what I need and swap them round when I get a chance.

The ball for the monopod isn't sticky and I will change the head on it at one point, it comes with a video head but I wanted those feet.
Be interested on your verdict about auto focus speed. I am very much in the market for one of these.

Sorry, missed your post until now.

The focusing seems fine to me, just what you'd expect from a Canon USM lens. The only issue I've had is using it at very close focal lengths without restricting the focus range via the switch on the lens, which results in it hunting quite a bit, or vice-versa, when I've restricted the focus but then forget to switch it back and wonder why it won't focus at longer distances.

Obviously that's just user error and I need to get used to using the switch more :)
The case stays in the car, I take what I need and swap them round when I get a chance.

The ball for the monopod isn't sticky and I will change the head on it at one point, it comes with a video head but I wanted those feet.

That's why I was interested in it, don't know much about tripods ect though, so not sure which head to get...
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