The New Stargate Universe Thread

A few episodes ago when they came across the other ship and went to investigate, Rush found evidence on that ships logs about Earth's location but he wanted to keep it a secret.
He has an idea of how to control the ship, but I don't think he can truly control it.

He may know about Earth's location, but does he have the ability to control the ship enough to plot a course to Earth and arrive there in good time (ie. not after a 10000 year trip)?

My feeling is that he wants the crew to get back to Earth. But he himself does not want to return to Earth. If he could get everybody to Earth, I'm sure he would.
They've know the gate address to Earth since the pilot episode. They just don't have enough power to get back.

Rush has control of the bridge, which we first saw him access in (Aftermath, 2x02) Although it's subjective as to whether he has full control of it, as it requires a full crew to operate properly. What we do know is that he's able to manipulate the countdown clock to some degree so that Destiny drops in and out of FTL. He doesn't have full control of the ship.

When they found the Seed ship (Awakening, 2x03), it was clear (It was Eli that pointed it out iirc, but Rush already knew and wasn't bothered to bring it up) that the seed ship had plentiful power reserves, which could be used to dial the destiny stargate back to earth. Ofc the little alien dudes who were on the seed ship stopped them from doing so, by siphoning power from Destiny instead.

It's physically impossible for them to turn the ship around and return to earth through conventional means as it would just take to long. They would be long dead before they reached home. The ships been travelling for millions of years.

Enjoying the show so far, but it is going a bit slow. Do agree that it's not living up to its potential.
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I'm still enjoying it, but as the general consensus is they are not living up to its potential. There is so much they could do with this but they seem to be keeping it safe and it's really frustrating!
Last episode was weak. Getting a bit sick of the character developments and filler episodes. I want to see cool tech, explore the ship, blow some stuff up.
I'm starting to get frustrated with it too. There's too much rubbish and not enough aliens and spaceships and pulse blaster rifles. We need less of the "stones" mind communication device and more cool stuff that matters.
I'm starting to get frustrated with it too. There's too much rubbish and not enough aliens and spaceships and pulse blaster rifles. We need less of the "stones" mind communication device and more cool stuff that matters.
its dawsons creek/vampire diaries in space
You watch Vampire Diaries? I tried watching that for half an hour, but gave up. It really wasn't my type. I think VD is designed to cater for the teenage female audience.

One problem right now is that there is official baddie. Before, we had Rush, then he became a goodie. So, they found an alien race - they disappeared. Then they had the Lucien Alliance - now they seem to have become good.

Maybe they need to give the guy from Prison Break a bigger part and make him an uber baddie.
lol no i dont watch it i only watch SGU because theres not realy any other space scifi series going, but its more of a teenage drama in space a lot of the time :(
The US is only one episode in front, and I've seen that, so whatever you say khan it's already been out in the UK.

I thought it was a few episodes back rush found all that out?

They're an episode in front but we're a week behind. I think the currently discussed episode hasn't yet aired over here and it would be sad to see yet another Stargate Universe thread closed. "Cloverdale", S02E05 will be airing next Tuesday on Sky 1, the latest episode over here was Pathogen, S02E04.
You watch Vampire Diaries? I tried watching that for half an hour, but gave up. It really wasn't my type. I think VD is designed to cater for the teenage female audience.

One problem right now is that there is official baddie. Before, we had Rush, then he became a goodie. So, they found an alien race - they disappeared. Then they had the Lucien Alliance - now they seem to have become good.

Maybe they need to give the guy from Prison Break a bigger part and make him an uber baddie.

I wouldn't call rush a good guy, far from it. His priorities seem to be a bit out of whack.

I was under the impression that Simeon (Robert Kneppers character) is going to feature heavily in some of the episodes ahead.

I doubt the Lucian Alliance as a threat is gone for good both to Destiny and Earth.

Can't really see how they can make a big bad alien race like the Goa'uld, Wraith or Replicators. It would be a bit samey. Although the Blue aliens are kind of the most persistant force in the show so far. Again they haven't dissapeared for good, promotional pics/trailers would seem to suggest otherwise.

It's got all of the ingredients, it's just going at a snails pace. 2-3 episodes without much happening might not seem like much, but it is really. I mean as viewers, were watching these episodes weeks apart in some cases. It would probably be easier to marathon each season in one go for shows like this.

The show seems to be stuck in this cycle of permanent build up, similar to the route LOST went. It gets frustrating after a while, especially when there like 5-10 minutes of payoff and answers rewarded for hours of viewing time.
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Iv'e been up and down on universe, but tbh the last couple of episodes iv'e been impressed.

Without the need for the sc-tech and action i prefer to see, the last couple have dragged me in to intrigue mode. There's definately a lot that needs dragging out and explaining... im reserving judgement, there's definately room for what their doing to come good.
Yeah i think its down to them focusing too much on character development and plot build up, they're definitely not doing enough with the show really the more i think about it, theres a lot of potential but they keep going slowly and that can only go on for so long before people lose interest.

Speaking of potential, what sort of plots do you imagine they could/should have went with given the chance?

I still remember the first few episodes when rush appeared to be up to no good but actually wasn't as such, when he took the stones i thought he should have kept them and saved us all the body swapping bits for most of the first season, he could have gotten up to all sorts then, i mean it did get quite good when he bashed heads with Young but there should have been a lot more of that.
We need a new systemlord dammit. That would spice things up nicely. Bahl's twin brother or something, would be great :D
Tbh most of the plot points they've started dangling i quite like

Whats going on with Destiny and it's actual mission, What happened to Franklin?, The aliens on the Seeder Ship, The nature of the aliens from artifical planet in 'Faith' , Chloe's transformation, the Blue Aliens, The Lucien Alliance and their intentions.

It's all good, they just don't seem to be making full use of them.

I much prefer more stuff to do with the mythology/universe than the personal squabbles of the characters tbh. The problem with the characters is i think for the most part, they're just to damned unlikable.

I'm hoping to be surprised with 15 episodes left, but they can go very quickly.
they seem to have abandoned all the good plots they statred for lost style unanswered questions and "zomg but i love him !!!!" eastenders style dialogue.

the stones are also very annoying, even for a drama the effects of isolation on a group of people would be much better than the "ohh I'm getting a bit claustrophobic i'll go spend time with my lesbian wife who's clearly developed a drinking problem".
but hallucination episodes are even more annoying in a drama than a typical scifi as there isn't even any real character development as only 1 of the characters in 90% of the episode in the hallucination is actually real.
I only hope this doesn't go the way of Caprica although thankfully the viewing figures are on the way back up after the first ever sub-million episode.

From what I have read the episode after next Tuesdays one is shaping up to be a good one and it's also the first episode of SGU to break from the single word title scheme!
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