I agree, and tbh I still think the S1 finale of BSG was the best way to leave any series hanging, I actually found it utterly unexpected, we all knew she was a cylon, and had behaved as a wonderful colonial, and then congratulatory handshake/BANG!
Superb storywriting.
That was a genuine cliffhanger and insanely gutsy, but it paid off enormously.
There was a genuine sense of 'Oh ****, he's really gonna die', That scene was staged perfectly, the reaction of the main and secondary characters in the confusion, the slo mo, Adama bleeding out profously on the Dradis console.
This was the character that you'd have thought the writers would never put in any danger as he's the main male lead, but no, Bam!. Great stuff.
I love SGU, I actually think it is the BEST of the Stargates by a mile.
Although I loved SG1 and Atlantis was okay.
This is different, it feels real and the acting is top notch which let us be honest is a first in Sci Fi.
I cant understand why people dont like it.
I can think of dozens of sci fi shows that have great acting, both past and present. I don't think SGU has raised the bar by any means, but it's allowed the franchise to catch up to modern expectations.
There was some great acting and actors in SG1 and SGA unfortunately most of the time it was buried underneath a layer of comedy, with SGU it's allot more in your face. (Which seems to be the trend now for serious stuff).
The SG-1 episodes 'Meridian', 'Abyss' and 'Lifeboat' spring to mind for some great acting, along with episodes like 'Before I Sleep' and 'The Shrine' from Atlantis. The actors were top notch, and imo underrated (Michael Shanks in 'Lifeboat' is superb). The problem was the scripts they had to work with tbh (Not that it was bad by any means).