The New Stargate Universe Thread

I think its obvious that Lou Diamond hates the major incharge on Destiny. Perhaps he has already been boffing his wife but if not seems like he is going back to have some anyway :| Anyone worth their salt just wouldn't use the stones knowing he was coming onboard to crap on everything.

Another poor episode imo - I don't see that it's giving us much - great Eli goes to a night club and isn't a fat geek. Now you see Rush is becoming the only other char I like (than Eli) - you get the old mad scientist mode with him.

And stuff like CO2 scrubbers etc. Wasn't destiny unmanned? Why have them on at all eh? And if it has shields good enough to fly into a sun how come nothing in the other Stargate series has been close to that level of tech (remember oh noes we are flying very near the sun etc and are burning/dying of radiation etc). The only way they could write off some of the lack of Sam/Rodney/Daniel involvement is based upon timely but then how would Jack be so fat ;)
Bring back Atlantis.

I think people are realizing watching Atlantis was way more fun compared to SGU, it's so bloody slow and plodding and i want to see 99% of the cast die in a hail of bullets as even if all hell breaks loose and it becomes the most action packed series ever ill still hate most of the people in it!
They have tried way too hard to copy BSG and fallen on their arses doing it with a bunch of people that have zero charisma.....except Rush but i doubt thay can base an entire series on him alone in a giant ship....can they?:D
I think its obvious that Lou Diamond hates the major incharge on Destiny. Perhaps he has already been boffing his wife but if not seems like he is going back to have some anyway :| Anyone worth their salt just wouldn't use the stones knowing he was coming onboard to crap on everything.

Another poor episode imo - I don't see that it's giving us much - great Eli goes to a night club and isn't a fat geek. Now you see Rush is becoming the only other char I like (than Eli) - you get the old mad scientist mode with him.

And stuff like CO2 scrubbers etc. Wasn't destiny unmanned? Why have them on at all eh? And if it has shields good enough to fly into a sun how come nothing in the other Stargate series has been close to that level of tech (remember oh noes we are flying very near the sun etc and are burning/dying of radiation etc). The only way they could write off some of the lack of Sam/Rodney/Daniel involvement is based upon timely but then how would Jack be so fat ;)

Colonel Telford has never met Colonel Youngs wife before the series. Telford will definitely cause trouble for Young because well they don't get along obviously, i have a feeling Telford will use the communication stone stuff to his advantage by pretending he is actually Colonel Young to get to his wife for revenge.

They must have said a dozen times that the Destiny was sent out ahead unmanned with the intention of the Ancients/Alterans gating aboard sometime in the future when its far enough into the universe, hence the CO2 scrubbers. It's also been implied in the show and by the shows creators that the Destiny has been visited or occupied sometime prior to the people from earth gating aboard, most likely the reason for the CO2 scrubbers being in such bad shape, not to mention the age/damage to the ship. It could have been unknown aliens or possibly the lost tribe of Asgard in Pegaus (The first stop of the Destiny was through Pegasus, it's also been heavily implied by the creators that the ancient spacesuits on the Destiny are the same as the spacesuits worn by the pegasus asgard).

As for better power sources, the ancients had ZPM's an infinitely better power source. Also the Ancients have had interstellar travel and have been invtenting funky tech for millions of years, a hell of allot longer than most of the other technologically advanced races in the stargate universe including the people from earth so im not surprised the destinys shields are strong. Presumably its also recharging the energy used to keep the shield on while its inside a sun so its a practical system.
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utter twaddle again, the character interaction is embarassing, insisting on weaving a link between everyone involved. The idea Lou Diamond Philips can simply counter every command the normal guy has made is ludicrous. Jack unfortunately has just completely given up giving any kind of crap about the show, he was rather crap in the final years of SG-1, been writen badly with no effort put into acting at all. You get the impression he thinks its a joke but probably throwing money at him to do cameo's now.

The whole premise of the ep is ridiculous, they'll make an insane untested completely obviously risky attempt to get people off the ship, with no way of actually getting new better people onto the ship to get the tech which they ultimately want from the ship anyway. Rather than just put more effort into all the useless people sitting on the ship doing nothing they could be using the communication devices to explore and fix the ship.

So massive chance to blow up ship + no way back to the ship, or actually use the existing communication devices to do everything they could possibly want to do anyway till they at least have some more data and a safer more thorough plan.

The club stuff was ridiculous, why on earth would they want to go out with their friends pretending to be other people. I don't honestly think the show could ever be good, new writers, better budget to allow more stargate travel thats not retardedly pointless and dull.

Really want it to get back to pre season 8/9ish SG-1, with a decent cast and a good idea. Though with Atlantis doing afaik, significantly worse than SG-1, UNiverse will be a massive flop, probably won't see a new one for absolutely ages, if ever.
Thought the episode was, it points at a more dark and mysterious plot about what has happened/is happening. Will definatly keep watching.
Thought the last episode (7) was terrible, like a badly written soap with some of the worst characters on TV. How Atlantis got cancelled yet this crap is around is beyond me. I'll give it one more episode but then that's it.
The only credible actor in the show is Robert Carlyle, I'm sure if he wasn't part of the show it would get cancelled, without a doubt.
The scenes in the nightclub were so cringy it wasn't funny, the teeny elements of this show really does drag it down.
The constant travel from the ship and back to Earth makes no sense. Hardly anything has happened in the show yet, and the whole crew is crying about how their standed in space? Why go into space in the first place if you're not prepared for anything like this to happen? I hate watching shows like this where their constantly crying about their one reacted this bad in BSG and their whole world was nuked.
I think some are being a little harsh on the show here, a few of the characters are pretty decent, like rush, young, greer and eli (some of the time), the stuff going on between people like rush and young is alright, although id like to start seeing rush actually do more questionable things as they've only been hinted at really so far.

I agree they're doing a few things that just seem wrong in a show like stargate, like the scott, chloe and eli teen drama cringe worthy stuff, no one cares or wants to see that rubbish in stargate, i like that they're trying new stuff and think the show is quite good overall, but obviously some stuff will work and some simply won't, i did however find some of the bits in this episode quite funny otherwise, i definitely agree the ending could have ended with the dramatic eastenders music, imagine how funny that would have been! :D

Yeah basically you can either take this show seriously and miss out on some of the fun or you can just watch it for the entertainment its meant to be, i think it has an odd mix of all elements, scifi, drama, that can also come off as teeny, out of place or just comical etc, i just hope it improves, they really need to set up some good arcs now and start having more action, even proper character conflict and bsg stuff would be good but i would really prefer some good off world action!
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Well I've had just about enough of Stargate: Hollyoaks now.

I wasnt really feeling the show at all, even from the start it seemed to lack the necessary punch and hook that a new show should have to actually make you want to continue watching.

The characters are contrived, shallow and make decisions that are simply ridiculous, even in the context of a sci-fi show.

I continued watching and said a few weeks ago that I would give it a couple more shows to grab me. This weeks episode was the last I will be watching though, as some others have said, how stuff like this doesnt get cancelled but stuff like Firefly does is beyond me. The whole wife jumping into bed and seemingly being unperturbed by the man she is in bed with having a different face, different body and different private parts to her husband struck me as particularly silly. Perhaps I should pop on round to my best mates house (as he has a fairly hot gf) and tell her that he isnt away on work in the North Sea at the moment..and that infact I am him , just in another body and see if I get a bunk up too. I mean, what could go wrong, its a totally believable chat up line.
I'm not disagreeing with your points about the show overall, but wasn't the wife thing addressed in the final scene?
I agree they're doing a few things that just seem wrong in a show like stargate, like the scott, chloe and eli teen drama cringe worthy stuff, no one cares or wants to see that rubbish in stargate, i like that they're trying new stuff and think the show is quite good overall, but obviously some stuff will work and some simply won't, i did however find some of the bits in this episode quite funny otherwise, i definitely agree the ending could have ended with the dramatic eastenders music, imagine how funny that would have been! :D

I heard it in my head :(
To compare this to BSG directly doesn't quite seem fair - at least in terms of the being stuck in space alone as the whole BSG universe is set in a time where space travel is common place - Stargate isn't set that far in the future (more now than 100 years time).

Also, I don't mind the whole teeny thing going on - this is after all the "wrong group of people" for the job so they can hardly be forgiven for not getting to grips with their predicament right from the get go ... unlike Young et al who have adapted a little better (not totally however - unlike Rush who seems in love with the Destiny).
I'm not disagreeing with your points about the show overall, but wasn't the wife thing addressed in the final scene?

Not really.

All we saw in the final scene was a knock at the door, her open the door and Telford being stood there.

We got no indication of what he was doing there, whether he was particularly known to her before all of this began, whether he was now going to pretend to be her husband or anything else.

It could well be that his wife is a bit of a whore, who puts it about a bit...that might explain quite a bit. I mean he has seen her for what...maybe 4 or 5 hours in total? With a totally different face, different body ...yet she believes it when he says that he is actually her husband, just inside a different body, and believes it so much that she is willing to then get into bed with this different face/different body guy.

I must admit, its not a method I have tried on women, but if it only takes 5 hours to convince a woman enough to sleep with me that I am in fact her other half in another persons body then I've definitely been going around things the wrong way :D
Not really.

All we saw in the final scene was a knock at the door, her open the door and Telford being stood there.

We got no indication of what he was doing there, whether he was particularly known to her before all of this began, whether he was now going to pretend to be her husband or anything else.

I thought it was obvious from the dialogue and general hostility shown between young and telford that telford appeared on youngs wifes doorstep at the end to take advantage of the situation to screw with telford. I'm sure whether there is some previous histoy or not will be explained in future episodes.
I thought it was obvious from the dialogue and general hostility shown between young and telford that telford appeared on youngs wifes doorstep at the end to take advantage of the situation to screw with telford. I'm sure whether there is some previous histoy or not will be explained in future episodes.

That would be the logical assumption of course. However thats all it would be, an assumption. Logic isnt exactly the strong point of the show though so in the end it could be anything. I'm sure it will all be clearly explained for those people who can be bothered to continue watching it though.

Thankfully for me, FX have started reshowing Babylon 5, so I have plenty of quality sci-fi to watch instead. :)
Could someone please explain to me how the stargates are on the planets when the ship or the ancients have never been that far?
The Destiny is following 'seeding' ships that plant a Stargate on planets deemed worthy of possibly being inhabited, so there would be all manor of planets they can go to - not necessarily ones that can be lived on but just ones with a resource they can use for instance (as in Water).
The Destiny is following 'seeding' ships that plant a Stargate on planets deemed worthy of possibly being inhabited, so there would be all manor of planets they can go to - not necessarily ones that can be lived on but just ones with a resource they can use for instance (as in Water).

Then it might be possible to catch up with the "seeding" ships?
I'd think they are a long long way ahead so unless they find a new way to travel insanely fast (such as the trick they used in the last episode of Atlantis) then it's unlikely anytime soon - but who knows one of the ships might have broken down or something and they might just run into it in a few seasons time (if SGU's still going).
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