The new tomb raider game

stevebiggins said:
I wish the postwoman would hurry up with Tomb Raider,i`m currently off work sick as i managed to stand on the plug on the hoover yesterday morning.
So i need this game right now!!!
From what you guys have been saying it sounds fantastic.

Sounds like a lame excuse just to get the day off to play games to me :p
Sid,i`m in agony mate,struggling to sit here at my pc with all this pain!!!
And i`m still waiting for our post!!!
Could be sleeper hit of 2006 I would say, considering I had zero expectations considering the past form of the series - not even mentioning the movies.
paul8811 said:
anyone else finding it a guessing game when jumping from pole to pole as to what direction to press? Really frustrating :mad:

just make sure that you jump forwards to the pole and it should work fine.If you try and jump side to side sometimes lara jumps a different direction.
Post finally arrived at 1pm,game installed and well pleased with it.
My rig not upto running using next gen,currently running at 1680x1050 w/s everything on execpt aa+next gen,getting a steady 80-100 fps so i`m happy.
Headrat no need for you to eat my disc now,find something else to eat!!

lee32uk said:
PS2 controls:

Left Analogue Stick - Move Lara
Right Analogue Stick - Manipulate camera
Square - Use grapple hook. Triangle button then pulls object.
Circle - Roll/crouch
Triangle - Move objects/pick up objects
X - Jump button
D-pad - Use inventory
Select - Use PDA

L1 - Lock on target (red reticule means target within reach, greay reticule means out of reach)
R1 - Shoot
R2 - 1st person perspective for shooting
Right analogue stick - change targets
triangle - shoot environmental object/kick enemy when close
Square - Grapple hook enemy
Circle - Slide attck into enemy
Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.
Just got an e-mail from the place I ordered it from - stock is delayed and they expect it on the 10th :(

If they ship it then it'll be up to 7 working days for delivery :(

Serves me right for ordering from the cheapest place I could find! :)
ajgoodfellow said:
Just got an e-mail from the place I ordered it from - stock is delayed and they expect it on the 10th :(

If they ship it then it'll be up to 7 working days for delivery :(

Serves me right for ordering from the cheapest place I could find! :)

Ouch! How cheap is cheap?!

I'm installing now, but it seems to be the slowest install I've seen for a while. A mere 8 gigs to install but its taking forever. Also wasn't chuffed with the NVidia advert at the start of the install telling me that its going to look like poo unless I have a mega hyper super NVidia card.
£17.49 inc P&P

Really wished I'd paid the extra 50p or so - I forgot to check at most of the main online places, just checked Gameplay and the like
Ouch. And yes I was surprised that Gameplay were more expensive than their competitors. Just be consoled in the fact that I can't play the game yet because the installer seems to be getting slower and slower and slower...
i got the full version and its running great on my:

3500+ (@ 2600)
Geforce 6800GT (@ 430/1.15)
1Gig corsair pc3200

i dont understand the people who are witnessing huge framerate drops with the next gen on. Granted i am running at 1024x768 but with everything on high, v-sync on, fsaa on, 16 x af and next gen turned on. Sure i can tell the diference between next gen on and off with regards to framerate... but without next gen it runs perfectly.. with next gen it runs at a lower but still aceptable framerate (imo).

nice little next gen vs next gen off comparison for you.




AHAHAHAHAHA looks like our American friends may have to wait a while to get their copies:

HE US launch of Tomb Raider: Legend has been delayed because a couple of scenes accidentally had a pair of breasts in the background.

We all know that next to Saudi Arabia, America has a terrible fear of breasts, despite the fact that half of the population have got them and the other half would like a pair to play with. But to avoid a repeat of the Nipplegate crisis that gripped America, the game’s release has been delayed.

Apparently the game contains a chapter set in Tokyo, where several women are dancing in the distance. The animators had initially modeled all the women naked, so they could simply drape different dresses around them later. For the sake of completeness they gave them nipples, as you do.

Once the graphics were meshed over all was well and the game could be launched. However what the designers hadn’t realised is that some people have special software that can remove meshes to see what is behind them.

There is an example here. The makers of the game have already issued a patch so that all those who have gone to the extent of removing meshes from the software will not be offended and in the meanwhile the game will be delayed. µ
>_< NOD32 threw a spasm at a .dat file that was being installed and it crashed :(

I feel strangely naked disabling NOD32 during the install.
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Any further news on the patch ?

Im playing with next gen on, it just about acceptable most of the time but occassionally it does crawl a bit.
I have found a patch at, you have to install their software though :mad: but updates to v1.10. Havent even tired playing the game yet.Its 16MB

It states something like, fixes problems which high end pc users have experienced ...... etc etc.

Well download has done off to try in a min

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