Shaft is a fictional character but I would not want to see a white man play that role.
Could you imagine the uproar if a white man was reumoured to play Shaft in Shaft (2020).
Holy crap, the internet would likely explode.
The point is that race is an intrinsic factor in those characters because the stories concern race, racism, etc. I've yet to see it explained why race is intrinsic to Bond, particularly in the modern day when it's harder to argue a white establishment that would only employ white spies, or whatever.
By your logic there is no reason why James Bond couldn't be Jane Bond in the next film. However I strongly disagree. James Bond is a white role.
What next Mr T being cast as a white man in a new A-Team movie? Mr. T is a role that has little reference (if any) to race but I pity the fool that casts a white man in that role.
Some fictional characters are just black or white, male or female, it isn't a slight against anyone.
Tbh Von, your point about the establishment only hiring white spies isn't really logical based on Bond being white. It's not like he represents everyone they've got.
No, my point is that you can't even point to some sort of 50s era Britain where a black man might have struggled to get into such a position.
Bond is meant to be a secret agent, someone black would standout like a sore thumb
Perhaps I missed the comment that it was in response to, but has anyone made that argument?
Doesn't that really depend on the assignment and couldn't the reverse be equally true?
There's an awful lot of "just because" logic in this argument.
As for Jane Bond, I'd need to be convinced that she was a physical match for her foes. You'd need someone comparably strong and vicious as Xenia Onatopp.
Bond is meant to be a secret agent, someone black would standout like a sore thumb
in the world of bond
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Perhaps I missed the comment that it was in response to, but has anyone made that argument?
The only decent Craig Bond so far has been Skyfall.
No, but I was heading it off at the pass, as it's about the only plausible argument I could see if we were talking about Bond set in the 50s/60s. As we're not, it's not even relevant on that front. It's the same sort of reason we might once have objected to a female M, because a woman at that level would have been basically unthinkable in times gone by.
Or the fact he was created as a white man and there's no real sense, apart from it being a gimmick, to change that. That's the character that was created.
It's just one of those things, it's not racist that he'd stay white, and someone saying he should stay White is not a racist either.