Struggling with drinks on a night out. Have discovered high gluten sensitivity in the last 12 months and coming away from the likes of bread, pasta, and beer (*sad face*) have had fantastic benefits to my health. As such, I've been drinking cider with meals out/parties but I can normally limit that to about 3-4 a night. On a longer night out on the town I find that anything after 5 and I'm feeling disgusting/sick with the sheer volume of sugar I'm putting into my body. Weirdly, too, even though I'm not a big drinker, I cannot seem to feel merry/drunk on cider, it's more of a sugar buzz than anything.
The obvious answer to this would be to either try gluten free ales (not all that common in bars/clubs yet, anyway), wine (I only enjoy red, and it's not exactly something I want to drink with my mates, would prefer to leave that to meals out with the missus or at home with dinner), or spirits I guess? Although I've not really tried enough to get an idea of what I like. I'm not altogether keen on whiskey, either.
Any ideas of what I could try? I don't want to be on *insert drink here* + coke/diet coke all night either, as I try to avoid sugary drinks, caffeine and sweeteners where possible.
Crying shame as I love beer and ales