^^ good shout, i would want 0 crabs in my protein shake as well
Just tried some Cottage Cheese for the first time in my life straight out the pot. While not a pleasant experience I also didn't want to spit it out in disgust. So I toasted the crust of my brown bread loaf and spread some CC on it with no other topping(butter). It took the strange taste away but maybe because I didn't spread it thick enough. So the overall taste was of toasted bread but it had lumps..
thought id start eating a bit more healthy food, decided i fancy'd some chicken breast with green peppers, red peppers and sweetcorn
best i could do..
Stick some pineapple chunks in with it, or a few spoonfuls of your favourite jam and it becomes a great yogurt
A crumbled digestive or two gives a nice crunch as well.