Quite a few people are reporting this. That is quite a big jump where one cannot say it is margin of error. Who knows what Nvidia are up to. Yeah, game ready probably is. Never really noticed any difference when upgrading to game ready drivers before. I can imagine in most instances they just look over the code to make sure there are no bugs or conflicts in it for the said game and call it game ready without any actual optimisation for performance actually done.
I will stick with the drivers I have until next year probably. Unless I end up grabbing Shadow of Tomb Raider or Just Cause 4, then I don’t see the point in upgrading. I doubt I will pick those up until the price drops to closer to a tenner by which point all the bugs will be ironed out also. Got plenty of games to keep me busy with until then
I never did play any of the Witcher 3 dlc, so I am going to be playing that now that I am done with Final Fantasy 15