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They've been out a few hours and the people that have tested them so far have insanely powerful systems that will hit a natural bottleneck anyway in performance. Wait until people with slower systems try them in the games mentioned and then criticise the performance of them.

I still can't believe that people have such retarded brand loyalty that they feel the need to be hyper critical whenever the other "camp" does something lol. Graphics cards are a simple choice, not a sodding lifestyle.

I've not really got involved in the fanboy arguments but just reading the forum every now it becomes obvious that there are a few people who act like a branch of AMD's marketing department, they're either on the payroll or just have a really unhealthy obsession with promoting AMD as the second coming and making NVidia out to be the anti-christ. AMD are probably close to becoming a church.
The Core i7 3770K system showed a decent improvement in Crysis3,but the older CPU showed not much improvement.

Anyway I will try to find some time and see if I can do some tests myself.

Its probably best, i get the feeling these reviewers don't understand any of this or the don't want to upset Intel.

Bar one Game Anand couldn't find much improvement either, Total Rome II looks good but i would have thought Crysis Warhead would have a huge CPU Bottleneck on 2 GTX 780TIs.

Like with Mantle it doesn't look like they are testing for CPU bottlenecks at all.

If i can find 250% better CPU scaling in BF4 in 2 minutes how is it that seemingly they can't?
When we going to see you guys bench results? Would like to see 1080p from some you guys.

I ignore all the press bench's never sure how true they are. User bench's means so much more to me.

Will have full set of 1080 results up by 8-9pm. Just need to finish up doing some benching on the last whql.

Any requests before I change driver sets?
@ humbug, Did you really need to quote a massive post directly bellow it.

I would use ^^ and even without would know you were replying to post above your reply. ;)
Just read this quick... Driver review over @ Guru3d & Hilbert has described this driver as GOLDEN - for high end SLi setups. He also explains why this driver is not going to do magic things for people with a more mainstream single GPU based graphics card.

Full GTX 780 Ti SLi benchmarks here: http://www.guru3d.com/news_story/geforce_337_50_beta_sli_performance_benchmarks.html

Epic. Can't wait to give SLI a whirl with 3 Tis

Epic results there in Hitman, Neil
Thought it might be interesting benching for more ancient (yet still somewhat capable) rigs like mine :)

Results are 1080P BTW on pretty high settings on most of the games.

Biggest gain for me is with Rome 2.
Thief showed a little improvement.

All benches except Tomb Raider locked at 60 Hz by the game (except Hitman which was locked at 50 hz)


Hitman Absolution
335.23 33.84 50.58 41.25
337.5 35.01 50.48 41.82

Thief (32bit)
335.23 19.80 61.30 36.60
337.5 22.30 60.70 39.00

Thief (64bit)
335.23 18.40 61.00 31.20
337.5 19.80 61.30 36.20

Tomb Raider
335.23 70.00 108.00 89.30
337.5 71.70 110.90 90.50

Rome 2
335.23 33.00 60.00 39.50
337.5 37.00 75.00 45.20

Can't edit it any better.
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4 stock Titans

3930k @4.8




337.5 @1600p

Big improvement at 1080p, but when you compare the results to 1600p it is obvious there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Come on NVidia get your finger out.:D

Hitman Absolution:
[335.23] 33.84 - 50.58 - 41.25
[337.5 Beta] 35.01 - 50.48 - 41.82

Thief (32bit)
[335.23] 19.80 - 61.30 - 36.60
[337.5 Beta] 22.30 - 60.70 - 39.00

Thief (64bit)
[335.23] 18.40 - 61.00 - 31.20
[337.5 Beta] 19.80 - 61.30 - 36.20

Tomb Raider
[335.23] 70.00 - 108.00 - 89.30
[337.5] Beta 71.70 - 110.90 - 90.50

Rome 2
[335.23] 33.00 - 60.00 - 39.50
[337.5 Beta] 37.00 - 75.00 - 45.20

Decent Min FPS gains on Rome 2 again. :)

Can someone do BF4 please?
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