I mean lets be honest here, if she was committed to another man (married) then had an affair with you, whats to say she won't do it to you?Update.
- trying to stay away as per last post and had the girl I was having an affair with blocked on all msging and social apps, blocked due to all the red flags and couldn't trust her despite not being able to prove anything
- she then kept coming through on Teams finding excuses to ask questions that were work related but not compelling enough to warrant asking me, this was tough as I missed her badly
- one night she then msg me something non work related out of hours on Teams and it weakened me to the point where the next morning I replied non work related also and that just spiralled out of control to the point where I've now unblocked her and we're speaking again, met with her for lunch a couple days ago
- she's now making as much effort as possible to tackle my trust issues and her argument is that every time she puts things into motion to be together, I get cold feet with lack of trust etc & break it off (I've had to endure hearing dramatised stories about her at work where she has been quite a flirtatious character which she says is to be confident in a work environment)
- its a tough situation that I don't want to be in but unfortunately feelings are involved, we have been on and off for 10 months now
I've not read into the details of what you posted but unless she's really unhappy in her marriage (abuse maybe?) she should at least break that off before committing to you and be open about it?
The whole thing feels like a tv drama series!