***The Official Asus Eee PC Thread***

The screen is fine, with new drivers, you can get a larger resolution anyway.

Regards to the XP, many people are using it, and saying its fairly smooth once run through nLite, however if you multitask a lot of things, it becomes sluggish which is expected. Have a read through www.eeeuser.com.
Just a quicky question fella's

How long does the battery last on a single charge..#

Does anyone have or use a proporta mobile charger.. how many charges can you get out of it!!!

On a single charge, you'll get 2+ hours.

I take it to college most days, with brightness on about half, battery lasts about 3 hours.
3 hours.
ish :P

no idea on a charger :)

<,< beaten. lol

I need 2 gig of ram cus i want vista badly :(

btw syke you clocked your eee up to 900mhz? At stock its only 630. Gives a nice boost in performance :)
Windows Fundamentals on my 4G EEE PC, runs really smoothly! Quick startup and very responsive.

With Office 2003 on there and some other programs/drivers etc, about 2Gb is left free.

Cool, it's just a shame that the 4GB blacks are overdue. :(

If I get one I may well look more into Fundamentals, seems like it's easy to get according to Microsoft's site, which is good.

I'd only be installing the likes of MSN, Firefox and Netbeans (so also Java), so shouldn't take up too much of the available space.

Main thing is I'll be waiting on the black ones coming in stock, which by the looks of things, nobody actually knows when that'll be. :(

GeForce, you installed/tried any games on Windows Fundamentals?

Trying to decide whether to use XP or the Fundamentals.

All i'd install is probably; MSN, Firefox, MOHAA and a few other things.
The most I've done games-wise is Quake 3 Arena, which it runs on default settings with no problems. Frame rates high enough to not cause any noticeable lag.

Games will, I'm guessing, perform slightly better under Fundamentals than under XP SP2, simply because it's a stripped down version and as such, there a far fewer processes running. I can't see there being much in it though.

To be honest, I only put Fundamentals on it because I have a copy. I wouldn't have gone out to get it specifically for the EEE. XP will run absolutely fine, and disabling some of the default services and processes will definitely help. nLite is always an option too - you can get XP down to about 500mb if you strip everything out that is not strictly required.

Yeah, i want it to run smoothly as possible, and as mentioned, just them programs etc. What would you recommend, XP or Fundamentals?
If you need to buy a copy of either specifically for the EEE, then you might as well go for Fundamentals.

If you have a copy of XP already, then nLite and strip out as much as you can, and just use that. After installing, disable all the services which you don't need and disable things like indexing, system restore etc, and that will be just as good as Fundamentals in terms on performance on the EEE.

I have a copy of both..just not sure what to install, i dont really wanna go into hassle of nLite.

Ive got you on MSN i think GeForce, if you're online at all..might have a few questions, if thats OK.
Installing XP as we speak :cool:. Can see myself going back to Xandros at some stage though.

Why did it take you so long? muaha! :D

It is a personal thing about what OS to use.. but I opened the Eee last nite and knew before hand without even using Xandros for more than 10mins that I wouldn't like it. There are simply so many apps/games for XP, and the fact that XP works great on the Eee there is no excuse to go for it... unless you don't like XP/love Xandros/are a not a very demanding user.

One thing i'm not liking on the Eee is the limited resolution on the screen.. even after the hacks it is a killer on the eyes when upscaling. I really wish it had a 800x600 or more panel.
Haha, was just getting used to it.

Ill most likely use a smaller version, but i was just testing how easy it was to install using usb. Ive basically installed the full version for now, and it seems very quick.

I agree about the resolution, i was stuck on 800x600 when i installed XP, took a while to get the drivers, lol.

Really liking the Eee so far. I use it hours a day, hehe.
Is SSID enabled on your belkin? Can other computers see the belkin ok?

Only prob I have with wireless (same usually goes for all wireless devices I encounter) is it doesn't always managed to get an IP via DHCP so have to give it a static IP along with banging in the default gateway/DNS in the IP setting of the wireless.
ahh there was some form of belking protection enabled. sorted now.

quite impressed with it, the screen is suprsingly clear for the size.

The reslution is poor for websites though!

If I have a EEE with a vanilla install what are the 1st things I should be doing? ie new drivers etc?

I bought it for £130new and was gona ebay it but may keep it now.

XP is all installed, along with various programs and Office 2003, leaving me with 2.63gb, not bad.

Although..starting to get tempted to put Xandros back on :(.

It had less problems tbh, the wireless was so much more stable, for some reason.
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