People who've followed the franchise would agree that BF4 was a mess at launch, however, the fundamentals were absolutely there for a good game.
When you watch that video @DEL 707 posted above, you can see they no longer give one winnet of a **** and the game is lightyears away from being one of the best.
Yeah - but the fundamentals in 2042 aren't far off right? Both the gun play and movement in 2042 is leagues better than BF4 (as it should be considering 2042 is 8 years newer than BF4).
I completely agree that content is sparse, and I do think them delaying the start of the 'seasons' to March is not a good call. The same happened with both BF1 and BFV (not receiving any content until April of the following year after launch) and it definitely means people drop off before coming back.
I have a friend who loves Battlefield but never buys it at launch - always buys the game the summer after it launches as "it's usually not **** by then" as he puts it...
Review was spot on. BF4 needed several updates to fix netcode and performance and bugs.
2042 is worse, because even after fixing the technical side, gameplay is still bad.
What parts of the gameplay don't you enjoy? Not trying to play devil's advocate here - just genuinely trying to gauge what people do/don't enjoy about it.