goes and wander off a cliff somewhere.... my years of formal english education has failed. i can;t communicate
i am using a ds3 with a 6400. i have a 40mm fan over my nb it helps keep the temp to udner 50 at full dual prime load I am using the f4e bios
at 400mhz i need 1.4vcore but its dual prime stable for 12 hours
with *** rest of the settings at auto, with the vdimm at +.3
however at 415 I can get the system to run dual prime but after between 1-3 hours the comp jsut reboots.
i tried 430 but at the speed i need a vcore of 1.48+ to even get into windows. does this means that my system has reach a wall ?
i am assuming that it does so because it overheats and not instead of anything else.
I have another problem is that my idle temp is around the high 40s c while my load temp is arund 60c
am i right in inferring it due to the crap cooler setting and needs a better layer of thermal paste?
i am using the ac 7 pro with the standard applied paste
any suggestion on what settings to change to get a better overclock?
i will probably set my ram timings to 5-5-5-15, even though my geil ultra 6400 should be fine, but jsut be safe.
I am thinking of raising the chipset, fsb vcore by +0.1 to try and test for better stability at 430 without the insane high vcore
my overclocking aims is 3.6ghz
please advice on the various issues and if you guys still can't understand me, I have to go take remedial english which is very bad
ps: everest seem to be reporting a vcore drop of around 0.02-3 while using dual prime, you think it wise to use the pencil mod?