*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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I hope all the followers are as useful as each other. It gets a bit boring seeing the same ACT II mercs on almost every character on D2.

Well lets be honest, your choice of mercs was laugahble. Rogues who had poor skills or little to no value and would drop dead if an enemy sneezed on them. Barbarians who had NO skills of any value and were simply glass cannons. Iron Wolves (?) with a selection of elemental skills, though only the Cold one was worth a damn because of the slightly more beneficial effect of frozen/frosted enemies.

None of them could compete with Act II Nightmare mercs with either Might for a Skeleton Master Necro or Holy Freeze for everyone else.
You can't really compare it to the Witcher 2 or Skyrim, they're played from an entirely different perspective. I haven't seen any Guild Wars 2 screenshots.

I think it looks good, Blizzard never attempt to win on graphics, Diablo 2 was positevly archaic on release, yet it's still being played 10 years later when 'prettier' competition have all but disappeared.

I'd much rather have it run on nearly any computer, have excellent framerate and minimal loading times than have slightly more gloss.
Looks far far behind Witcher 2, GW2 and Skyrim, and its coming out around the same year.

Diablo 2 looks far far behind Dragon Age 2 however I know which game I would rather play.

Blizzard have never been about outstanding the graphics. They have thier own art style and allow for excellent hardware scaling.
I think it looks good, Blizzard never attempt to win on graphics, Diablo 2 was positevly archaic on release, yet it's still being played 10 years later when 'prettier' competition have all but disappeared.

Sacred 1 + 2 havnt disappeared for me. I tried Diablo II a few times, but could never get into it because of how dated it is.

I actually started playing this Genre with the Sacred games, and like them a lot.
bet this will be a huge letdown when it eventually gets released.

seems like they have been making it forever aswell

I think you've already made your mind up about the game even though the beta isn't even out yet. I'm not a blizzard fanboy but i have complete faith in them getting it right like they have with all their previous games.

As for the sacred comparison - fair enough although personally i found that game rather annoying due to its endless mob respawn mechanic and ditched it very fast whereas d2 devoured hours of my and my friends lives even years after its release.
But I've never actually had any of my time devoured by any of Blizzard's game. The only thing I remember feeling really epic was a demo of Warcraft 1 that I used to have when I was a kid.

None of Diablo II (I tried it out far too late and it was too dated), Warcraft III (I played it a few times and it felt ok, but nothing really as good as AoE or early C+C games were), nor WoW (I played 1 month and simply couldnt believe how bad and outdated I found it for such an insane monthly fee) devoured any of my time.

And I never played starcraft either. I always hear so many wonderful things about Blizzard, but I simply never experience it in any of their games, most of them are just 'Meh, its ok but nothing to keep me playing' type games.

I thought however that Diablo III would be even better than Sacred 1 + 2, Torchlight, and Mythos from everything that I hear about it, and it very well could be in most peoples opinion, but I still might not like it anywhere near as much.

I'd much rather have it run on nearly any computer, have excellent framerate and minimal loading times than have slightly more gloss.

The thing is though that most gamers already have a PC capable of playing games with higher quality graphics than what Blizzard put out, and thouse who dont actually could afford it with the amount of money they pump into playing WoW. So I dont really understand why a game released in 2011 / 2012 cant make good use of at least mid range DX10 hardware, which D3 really doesnt appear to be doing.
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I played Diablo III at Blizzcon '08 and I found it really fun, smooth and incredibly polished (almost 3 years ago!). They even had co-op available so myself and 2 of my friends played the same level together and no one had a bad thing to say about it afterwards (lasted around 20 minutes or so).

I'm looking forward to it. I don't really get why some people are dead set on the game being a flop already though!
I don't really get why some people are dead set on the game being a flop already though!

I doubt it will be a flop, but most games over the last couple of years that have promised a lot and been really hyped up havnt been anywhere near as good as they were hyped up to be.
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