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Is my google-fu weak or is the Starter Edition technically the demo? And am I not able to play it without a guest pass? I can see that it will be available after 30 days from release as a demo so I'd have to wait until then?

(I'm not asking for a guest pass, I think people who have bought it and will get a late delivery deserve it first.)

Yes the starter edition is just a demo (same content as beta) and right now requires a guest pass.

From what I remember WoW was the same, but after a while blizzard just let everyone have access to a trial account. If you want to try it in the first 30 days it may not be too hard to get a guest pass. They are rare right now (i still need one), but once more peoples CE arrive over the coming days, more will be available.
Is my google-fu weak or is the Starter Edition technically the demo? And am I not able to play it without a guest pass? I can see that it will be available after 30 days from release as a demo so I'd have to wait until then?

(I'm not asking for a guest pass, I think people who have bought it and will get a late delivery deserve it first.)

What? So if I buy the standard edition I only get a demo? :confused::confused:
:) Tweeted from "Bashiok"

Never let anyone say Diablo III fans are not orderly. #datsquare

Starter edition is pretty much the same thing as beta minus the RMAH - so pretty much a demo. For all I know though everyone using a guest pass gets a starter edition activated on their accounts so whether or not they'll be able to play is difficult to say. From what I understood though, they should have access to the game, and Blizzard themselves will have starter edition passes available on their website in 30 days time for those who haven't bought the game yet/have not received guest passes.
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...As for the people with more money having better gear, don't forget there will not always be a supply of the best stuff, some will be so rare that those who find it may just keep it for themselves, and so be better equipped than someone who pays.

Exactly. I think a lot of people keep forgetting that the best and rarest gear still needs to be found first, and not all of it will go on the RMAH.
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Why would you buy anywhere else other than from Blizzard?
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