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I got a beta invite the other week, but I no longer have a gaming pc :p

Well if you don't want it I'll gladly take it off your hands and save you such a troubling dilemma :p

I honestly don't get the logic behind the £45 price tag on battle.net.
Because they know people will pay it :)

But why when you can get it much, much cheaper and still have it on release day then put it on your b.net account anyway? I mean we're not talking a few quid, I just preordered it on tesco with that code from the last page for £28, thats £17 difference.
Very smooth. :) I've had no problems hitting the 60fps v-sync limit at 1920x1200 for full settings.

If you can run most the other stuff coming out around now, I doubt you'll have an issue with D3. :)

Would you mind telling me what PC setup you have? I have a Q6600 @3.4 and GF 470GPU and I can only get 30fps with VSync on. Even if I lower some settings it stays at 30fps, like it's some sort of limit. If I remove VSync it goes to about 45 I think. I read that some of the FPS drop is due to latency to the US servers though.
But why when you can get it much, much cheaper and still have it on release day then put it on your b.net account anyway? I mean we're not talking a few quid, I just preordered it on tesco with that code from the last page for £28, thats £17 difference.

Some people may live in places where it's not possible to get a physical copy on release day. Buying with blizzard means being able to download the client ahead of time. To some people that's worth the premium.
But why when you can get it much, much cheaper and still have it on release day then put it on your b.net account anyway? I mean we're not talking a few quid, I just preordered it on tesco with that code from the last page for £28, thats £17 difference.

Tesco won't make any money selling that price though, they will probably pay more than that for stock but take the hit to get market share. Acti/Blizzard will make nearly the same no matter how it is sold. Works the same for the COD series, when a game is so popular you can price it high.

Savvy people will always find the best price, most will just buy it from where they feel most comfortable buying from.
By the way, if you do order from Tesco, if you do it through a cashback site you can get even more off, for example topcashback have 8.08% cashback from Tesco entertainment
Would you mind telling me what PC setup you have? I have a Q6600 @3.4 and GF 470GPU and I can only get 30fps with VSync on. Even if I lower some settings it stays at 30fps, like it's some sort of limit. If I remove VSync it goes to about 45 I think. I read that some of the FPS drop is due to latency to the US servers though.

i7 940 @ 3ghz + 2x 280GTX in Sli.

I've definitely noticed FPS drop due to the connection lag spikes, but I've run through a few times when the connection has been fine and it's been creamy smooth throughout. :)
i7 940 @ 3ghz + 2x 280GTX in Sli.

I've definitely noticed FPS drop due to the connection lag spikes, but I've run through a few times when the connection has been fine and it's been creamy smooth throughout. :)

Ah, so a fair bit better than my machine. I thought my machine would run it on max, it runs The Witcher 2, BF3 and Rage on max/near max and D3 is nowhere near that level.
Personally I'm on the fence (though leaning towards buying). If I could try the beta I'd be more likely to stump up the cash for a pre-order. I think the £45 price tag on the battle.net site has put me off, even though you can easily get it cheaper elsewhere. Weird how the mind works :p

I've added you on Steam FrenchTart, my steam name is Hungry Hungry Hippos. Hit me up when you get the chance.
A good tip to get rid of the lag completely is to start the game, start your quest, then tab out, open task manager, find 'Agent.exe' right click and select 'end process tree'.

Agent.exe is the blizzard downloader continuing to upload the game to others, maxing out your up stream and crippling your down stream.

When I do this I get a 180ms ping and the game is smooth as silk, thats on a i5 2500k, and ati 4870.

Going to order a 7870 soon as I do get the odd fps drop when questing with 3 other players and spells are flying.
A good tip to get rid of the lag completely is to start the game, start your quest, then tab out, open task manager, find 'Agent.exe' right click and select 'end process tree'.

Agent.exe is the blizzard downloader continuing to upload the game to others, maxing out your up stream and crippling your down stream.

When I do this I get a 180ms ping and the game is smooth as silk, thats on a i5 2500k, and ati 4870.

Going to order a 7870 soon as I do get the odd fps drop when questing with 3 other players and spells are flying.

What does it upload? If it's treating you like a torrent to speed up other peoples downloads then cheeky ********!
What does it upload? If it's treating you like a torrent to speed up other peoples downloads then cheeky ********!


Loads of games do this with their updaters and have for years.

Can you imagine how long it would take people to update something like WoW on a patch day if every single person was only downloading from just the Blizzard servers?
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Loads of games do this with their updaters and have for years.

Can you imagine how long it would take people to update something like WoW on a patch day if every single person was only downloading from just the Blizzard servers?

Not at the expense of screwing up my CPU load ... it seems like it's a bug in the system though and capping at at 100% useage(!)
Have the CE ordered from Amazon :) Price is high but I love the series and I can justify it for the hours and years it should keep me entertained. I still maintain 3 accounts on D2C (non LOD) even today.
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