*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Still no beta invite here. I wish they used a better method of key distribution, all the random 'competitions' seem to be designed solely to steal your personal details and provide little opportunity success.
Was reasonably excited about this, hadn't watched too many videos of it however until the weekend. Watched 4 or 5 of the Yoggscast DIII vids and now am super stoked for it. Looks great, can't wait to play though the co-op with mates (4 of us that have played games for a few years together all getting it)
Have many people have ordered the CE Version?

I only tend to do this for Blizzard games because your pretty much guaranteed it will be a polished, quality product. Here's hoping they don't let me down.
Saying theres a million combo's really doesn't mean a great deal when 99% of them are absolute trash or simply cannot handle things.

Take the D2 Sorc. It had a load of skills for each element but you never used anything but Meteor, Hydra, Frozen Orb or Charged Bolt and everything else was to amp those skills up. You could do other things but they were never good enough to get you by once the going got tough.

Which is why people did them as challenges. Pure Trap Assassins were fun because you had to think how to get round lightning-immunes in Hell difficulty. Another popular challenge build was the Enchant Sorc, a pure melee spellcaster. And people killed Hell difficulty Baal with them.
Which is why people did them as challenges. Pure Trap Assassins were fun because you had to think how to get round lightning-immunes in Hell difficulty. Another popular challenge build was the Enchant Sorc, a pure melee spellcaster. And people killed Hell difficulty Baal with them.

And how much kit did they gather from other characters or farm on lower difficulties to manage such feats? Enchant Sorc does sound like fun, right up until you hit Hell. Trap Sin too, until you hit Hell. Too many mechanics on Diablo 2 just gimped things too badly. The whole attack rating/defence thing giving characters such bad chances to hit/be hit spoilt all physical combat for me as there came a point where you were missing too often and never dodging hits and when you came up against enemies immune to several things which covered all types you could deal it got a bit futile.

There was only ever so far you could go on characters before your gear became such a big crutch. Hell was the turning point where you suddenly went from being able to walk Nightmare Baal to struggling against even swarms of basic foes on some characters.
And how much kit did they gather from other characters or farm on lower difficulties to manage such feats? Enchant Sorc does sound like fun, right up until you hit Hell. Trap Sin too, until you hit Hell. Too many mechanics on Diablo 2 just gimped things too badly. The whole attack rating/defence thing giving characters such bad chances to hit/be hit spoilt all physical combat for me as there came a point where you were missing too often and never dodging hits and when you came up against enemies immune to several things which covered all types you could deal it got a bit futile.

There was only ever so far you could go on characters before your gear became such a big crutch. Hell was the turning point where you suddenly went from being able to walk Nightmare Baal to struggling against even swarms of basic foes on some characters.
I think enemies immune to physical was my most annoying one, suddenly losing about 90% of my damage output, still enjoyed it though
And how much kit did they gather from other characters or farm on lower difficulties to manage such feats? Enchant Sorc does sound like fun, right up until you hit Hell. Trap Sin too, until you hit Hell. Too many mechanics on Diablo 2 just gimped things too badly. The whole attack rating/defence thing giving characters such bad chances to hit/be hit spoilt all physical combat for me as there came a point where you were missing too often and never dodging hits and when you came up against enemies immune to several things which covered all types you could deal it got a bit futile.

There was only ever so far you could go on characters before your gear became such a big crutch. Hell was the turning point where you suddenly went from being able to walk Nightmare Baal to struggling against even swarms of basic foes on some characters.

That's why most people rolled hammerdins ,orb sorc's and necro's (50 odd summons was wayyy OP) since they can all solo everything, although i could never solo uber tristam with my orb sorc.

the hammerdin made the game painfully easy, so long as you had the right gear....

God i miss playing that...:(
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I think enemies immune to physical was my most annoying one, suddenly losing about 90% of my damage output, still enjoyed it though

I always enjoyed it until Hell, then the ramp up in difficulty was just so ludicrously high that it made most characters too frustrating to play. You could struggle through fighting physical immune enemies for a bit on Hell with Berserk on Barbarians but then you'd always run into an extra fast lightning enchanted physical immune boss that you had no chance of ever beating or something similar.
Lots of great information in this thread so thanks everyone, looking forward to this :). Is anyone with virgin, i had to uninstall WOW as the virgin superhub would factory reset when trying to update the game, any simular problems with Diablo 3 been reported ?

I know that putting hub into modem mode was a work around but a lot of agro just to update a game tbh
Lots of great information in this thread so thanks everyone, looking forward to this :). Is anyone with virgin, i had to uninstall WOW as the virgin superhub would factory reset when trying to update the game, any simular problems with Diablo 3 been reported ?

I know that putting hub into modem mode was a work around but a lot of agro just to update a game tbh

That would P me off, did you phone them up at all and ask why it happend?

Never heard about this before (probly cause im not with virgin and nor do i play WOW but still)
Lots of great information in this thread so thanks everyone, looking forward to this :). Is anyone with virgin, i had to uninstall WOW as the virgin superhub would factory reset when trying to update the game, any simular problems with Diablo 3 been reported ?

I know that putting hub into modem mode was a work around but a lot of agro just to update a game tbh

This happens to my super hub aswell. So strange :/
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