*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Turn off peer to peer. I've seen issues with a linksys router and torrents. Turning down the number of active connections made no difference.
Lots of great information in this thread so thanks everyone, looking forward to this :). Is anyone with virgin, i had to uninstall WOW as the virgin superhub would factory reset when trying to update the game, any simular problems with Diablo 3 been reported ?

I know that putting hub into modem mode was a work around but a lot of agro just to update a game tbh

This happens to my super hub aswell. So strange :/
So that's what it was! My housemate must have been updating his WoW. It was driving me absolutely potty.

I turned off uPNP and that stopped the resets - or maybe he stopped updating WoW!
Any reason why my Diablo 2 save would just vanish? I ran CCleaner and installed some new audio drivers, LAN drivers and nvidia drivers. Went to play and my characters are not there :(

Also which is best on modern machines, direct2d draw or direct 3d?
How does the coop work? Do you play through already completed missions? Or can you do quests you haven't yet done and therefore update your own game? Does completing something in MP affect SP much?
Any reason why my Diablo 2 save would just vanish? I ran CCleaner and installed some new audio drivers, LAN drivers and nvidia drivers. Went to play and my characters are not there :(

Also which is best on modern machines, direct2d draw or direct 3d?

Can't remember what's best to use and as for your lost data was it single player or mp? if it was just single player use a trainer to get your stats/gear back.

How does the coop work? Do you play through already completed missions? Or can you do quests you haven't yet done and therefore update your own game? Does completing something in MP affect SP much?

With it needing a internet connection at all times i would assume that it will update both respectively so if you complete mission A on MP, it should be done also when you want to play alone.

Unless they have done what was in D2 and kept both completely separate :(
How does the coop work? Do you play through already completed missions? Or can you do quests you haven't yet done and therefore update your own game? Does completing something in MP affect SP much?
I'm assuming exactly the same as D2. Coop and SP online were exactly the same game, just someone had joined the coop game, so missions completed are shared between the two.
There is no Online/Offline in D3. You can take a "SP" game and invite a friend at any time. There isn't an offline mode at all.

From the beta I presume the host picks a quest from the menu to start at and the players that join are just a long for the ride if they haven't already completed that quest.
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Ha, Open B.net was amusing. I remember using the Hero Editor to make builds and test on open, only to be owned by some open character with every skill imaginable and gosu gear.

Anyone here have the beta that can give some insight into game creation? I'm aware it's all online and I presume the game creation is the same as D2, where you create, choose difficulty, password (open or closed) and run the game up to date with your quest log.
Wasn't online only also full of hackers by the end?
by the end? it's still running last I checked with regular ladder resets/races :)

I don't remember it being full of hackers, but then again I never did much in the way of PvP as I never really enjoyed it. I stopped playing properly not long after a ridiculous dupe outbreak that caused about 90% of the items being traded to be removed... that was fun
I will try have a go at the D3 MP tonight. I've only played SP so far, about to finish the Beta with a Barb after doing it already with the DH and WD. I looked at the MP browser the other day and it has each of the quests (I assume only the ones I've completed, which was all of them for that character) along with the total number of players playing that quest online.
Nah just sure I heard that even battle.net only wound up with hackers in it eventually. Could've misunderstood though, might've been dupes only.
there were a lot of cheat scripts out there, but you could never really do too much in the way of hacking past map hacks (which I'm certain about 80% of the people playing D2 used), unless I completely missed it all
There are still a large amount of 'hackers' around on D2. I played the first two months of the October ladder reset and the bots and maphacks are still around - although hacks such a TPPK, etc. seem to not be.

A lot of users run bots through Sandboxie so the warden system cannot detect. I wonder if this will be a problem in D3. I hope not.
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