*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Interested to start this game next month. I hope it'll be good as I've not played the ones before it and I'm quite bored of the only game I'm playing ATM (Starcraft 2)
Do the animations for the bolts shot by the Demon hunter class change as you obtain better crossbows? If not does anyone recognise what skill is shown in the video as I dont think I have seen it before :confused:

Edit: Didn't realise the footage was that old :o
Do the animations for the bolts shot by the Demon hunter class change as you obtain better crossbows? If not does anyone recognise what skill is shown in the video as I dont think I have seen it before :confused:

Edit: Didn't realise the footage was that old :o

The two skills used there are evasive fire and rapid fire, evasive fire is what is causing some of the backflips.

Runes change the visuals of the skills, so it could be related to that. Iunno, not overly familiar with the demon hunter, so I could be wrong.
Pretty sure monk specific weapons i.e. fists and diabos have spirit regen on as well. Had a few spirit regen fist weapon drops in the beta,

I think after getting over the initial hill of having no spirit regen at all, it will make a difference to the gameplay. Regening spirit when traveling, etc will be great.
I'll be used to it having played TQ so much ;).

Nothing showing on my account on the battle.net webpage but people have reported that you can still log in even if it's not showing. I'm just installing it on my work PC to "test the theory" :)
not sure what to make of D3, they keep taking bits out which is making me think its not very polished, i hope it lives upto the usual standard of a blizzard game.
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