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from what I've played in the beta, barbarians are overpowered for that area, i was just using cleave (with rupture) and ground stomp (with deafening crash) and ploughing my way through everything fast, i tried demon hunter since everyone was going crazy for it but i thought it was so slow to play compared to the barbarian
Still can't decide whether to get this straight away or not! :(
Mainly because I can't decide between a Wizard or Demon Hunter :p
Does anyone from the beta know if the Demon Hunter class is on par with the wizard as I heard it was pretty over powered.

Also whats the map layout for this game like? Is it linear but free to explore with a hub (like dark souls for those who have played it :)) or is it more just going through corridors then sorting out gear at the end of each one?

I've finished it with all classes bar the monk (can't be bothered, pretty bored of beta now) and they are about the same TBH. All the classes seem about the same DPS wise, since they all have AOE attacks. The DH, Wizard and WD in particular feel similar since they all shoot things. I think DH was a bit more fun than the Wizard since the Wizard shoots a boring ice beam or shoots arcane bolts, whereas the DH gets machine-gun style blasting and gets shots that go through targets.

The map is the same as any isometric RPG - you have the town where you sell/buy your gear and you run out from there to fields then a cathedral and there are waypoints around the place that let you fast travel between places. You also get a town portal to teleport straight back to town. There are a few random quests around the map, and the maps are randomly generated (I think not completely though sinceI think most of the outside around the cathedral was the same and some set areas are the same where the character says stuff). You also find cellars in the first part of the game that you can go in. You should check out the gameplay vids on youtube.

I don't think anyones going to know the answer to that, the beta is the first 30 minutes of the game, so it's like levelling from 1-8 in wow and asking is a mage overpowered at 85.

Took me about 2 hours for each run through, with skipping dialogue. Can't check exactly now since they wiped characters for patch 16. It is only very few skills and gear that you get to try out though. It's like just as the game gets interesting it ends.
from what I've played in the beta, barbarians are overpowered for that area, i was just using cleave (with rupture) and ground stomp (with deafening crash) and ploughing my way through everything fast, i tried demon hunter since everyone was going crazy for it but i thought it was so slow to play compared to the barbarian

I was a bit disappointed with the barb - most of the attacks are just hitting with a slightly different coloured swirl (except leap obviously). Only played one up to lvl 11 though, so I'm sure there is more intersting stuff to be seen. It's very satisfying when you hear that bashing and the enemies go flying off :D

Really don't like WD though, his moves are just too silly (hands coming out the ground, flying bats and acid frogs). And I really don't like the zombie dog design, they look like shaved poodles and the hind legs aren't right.
Will be playing Monk on release -- Barb has the best set of skills for the beta imo, cleave + frenzy. Leap is awesome too when you realize you can jump between floors or over gaps etc with it.

The short cool down immunity and support skills of the monk plus burst damage attacks like seven sided strike should be fun. The only thing that is lacking really is mobility imo, dashing strike generating spirit instead of using it would be amazing.

Edit, in reflection this mightn't be as big of a deal when monks get some spirit regen.
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I'm probably going to be purchasing the collectors edition of this game.

Does anyone know if the included copies of Diablo II and Diablo II: LoD on the USB come with a CD-key that can be applied to your battle.net account?
I have a horrible feeling that I'm gonna be moving house shortly after this game is released which will leave me without a net connection for who knows how long...
I have a horrible feeling that I'm gonna be moving house shortly after this game is released which will leave me without a net connection for who knows how long...

In the same boat, moving flat on the 30th and doesn't appear to be virgin in the area. So having to rely on BT.
Will be playing Monk on release -- Barb has the best set of skills for the beta imo, cleave + frenzy. Leap is awesome too when you realize you can jump between floors or over gaps etc with it.

The short cool down immunity and support skills of the monk plus burst damage attacks like seven sided strike should be fun. The only thing that is lacking really is mobility imo, dashing strike generating spirit instead of using it would be amazing.

Edit, in reflection this mightn't be as big of a deal when monks get some spirit regen.
I was just going to say the monk armour sets will have spirit regen on. And monk for me too :).
Not checked up on this recently but is there still issues with the 580/5XX series card? I was getting 1FPS last time I played the beta -.-
Can't believe I still haven't got beta access, this must be the only beta in the history of everything I've never managed to get into :p

Oh well, not long to go now!
I was just going to say the monk armour sets will have spirit regen on. And monk for me too :).

Pretty sure monk specific weapons i.e. fists and diabos have spirit regen on as well. Had a few spirit regen fist weapon drops in the beta,

I think after getting over the initial hill of having no spirit regen at all, it will make a difference to the gameplay. Regening spirit when traveling, etc will be great.
Hope they have new versions of the Baruza crossbow and the Windforce bow in this game just for the retro people :D

Looking forwards to this, can't wait! ordered CE from Amazon a little while ago so just waiting for that.
I'm going to probably play the Demon Hunter so having nice bows will be good. I will probably take all the characters through normal though before committing too much to any single class as the beta was quite short, you don't necessarily get a feel for how the characters do overall.
Boooo! :)

We'd like to thank everyone who has participated in the Diablo III beta. You've done an admirable job of testing, and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback you provided during this critical phase of development.

In preparation for the launch of Diablo III on Tuesday, May 15, the beta servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, May 1. At that time, all beta accounts and character information will be reset. Leading up to Diablo's May 15 launch date, players will only be able to create comments and forum posts on the official Diablo III community site if they have pre-purchased Diablo III or have a StarCraft II or an active World of Warcraft game license attached to their Battle.net account. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay tuned to this website for exciting news and updates regarding the upcoming release.

Thank you again for your participation, and we'll see you soon on Battle.net!
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