*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Well surely if they are just testing how many connections are being made, then they would have made it a 2MB download file rather than 2GB and annoy a hell load of people :p

Now, I'm getting an Error 12 saying I have no Diablo 3 license attached to my Battle.net!

And now an Error 37.

What next?

"Error 69? Erm...just busy really. No reason lolz!"

I get no error codes, just a picture of Rick Astley. :(
You'd think these companies would do some research when they do these kinds of things. There have been numerous examples and usually the response is "we didn't realise this many people wanted to play" which is a pathetic excuse.


Yea! They should have released a beta or something to work out how many servers they need.

Oh wait...
Sad panda :( One computer gives Error 12, other gives Error 3005. Side by side on two different machines with same account.

And rage that 'Remember account name' tick box doesn't work!

Now Error 75. Like Pokemon, gotta catch em all!
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i had the problem your having, i deleted my blizzard folder in C drive and re downloaded the client and it worked fine.

Been doing that constantly , it doesnt work.

Well said.

You people have no idea how backward Blizzard's servers are.

GW2 beta - no one has to wait to log in, or be denied from logging in because any excess players are offered temporary overflow servers. They still get to see how many people are logging in and how much their main servers can handle.

I see no reason why other companies cant implement a similar feature.
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