*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Seems good so far. Got to lv6 on a Wizard then decided to call it a night. Ping was a little awkward, wasn't so bad to begin with then got really laggy and unstable, warping constantly and such, but began to even itself out towards the end again.
Seems like a stressful open beta. Sure is testing their servers. Glad I had my invite and played a decent amount a while ago - I would die from stress trying to play this weekend.

Hope the errors clear up for the rest of you so you can play. The beta sure is a nice taste and I wouldn't say it will ruin the flavour of the full game. May just be me being a long term fan though.
Seems like a stressful open beta. Sure is testing their servers. Glad I had my invite and played a decent amount a while ago - I would die from stress trying to play this weekend.

Hope the errors clear up for the rest of you so you can play. The beta sure is a nice taste and I wouldn't say it will ruin the flavour of the full game. May just be me being a long term fan though.

Echoing this.
Good fun but I find it a bit too easy to pick up items from the ground when you don't particularly want to.

Might pick it up depending on reviews.
Been trying on both my PC and MBP for the past 30 mins. PC gives Error 3003 Unable to connect to service, while MBP gives a BattleTag is required. Wish they would pick one random error message and just stick with it if they don't want us to cram their servers this bad!
Must say, pretty impressed with the game so far. Love the Demon Hunter. Barbarian is just uber damage. Missing the paladin though still :(
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