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is this all the game is?? some PVE? very boring


Finally got in


First impressions: graphics are atrocious
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Finally in. Checked my Battle.net account and seems I didn't have a BattleTag after all! After I created one, logged in fine first time.

First impressions? I don't think I'll be staying up late to play this lol. I thought you could customise the look of your characters too.
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Finally in. Checked my Battle.net account and seems I didn't have a BattleTag after all! After I created one, logged in fine first time.

First impressions? I don't think I'll be staying up late to play this lol. I thought you could customise the look of your characters too.

That's what i thought at start, wait till you get into first dungeon, that's when everything changed for me, loving it !
I got in for the last hour or two.

I started out with playing the wizard class and hated it. Then I tried the monk and loved it.

Though im not so sure I want the CE anymore, but I already cancelled the standard edition order I had for £24 :(

Or I can make do with neither until its cheaper, its a good game, but I found PoE more addictive but too short.
Loving it. Graphics are a little underwhelming, but I'm thoroughly enjoying playing it although I logged out and resumed the game and started from the beginning which was kinda boring as I was 1-shotting everything. I suppose when I get nearer the end boss again it'll be more challenging. Deffo playing Demon Hunter at release. :D
Another thing was that the wizard was really weak, kept running out of mana, taking too much damage, chugging potions and died a few times. Boss fights were a nightmare. But the monk just cleaved right through everything fast and easy.
Another thing was that the wizard was really weak, kept running out of mana, taking too much damage, chugging potions and died a few times. Boss fights were a nightmare. But the monk just cleaved right through everything fast and easy.

:eek: Really? Every class should be a breeze on the first chapter of the first difficulty level which is essentially a tutorial/get to grips.

Do you just run in and never kite? Use potions? Ah you said you did, nvm.
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Another thing was that the wizard was really weak, kept running out of mana, taking too much damage, chugging potions and died a few times. Boss fights were a nightmare. But the monk just cleaved right through everything fast and easy.

I just played through as a Wizard, it's very strong, you have a lot of control to stop you from taking damage. Boss fights are just a case of run around / frost nova and then attack when you're at a safe distance or they're frozen.

Once you get the rune that makes your shock cause targets to explode + the knockback you pretty much can't be touched again.
very short beta, so far the barbarian is my favourite class, great fun smashing everything up. Graphics are pants - is this how they will be in the final game? very underwhelming on that front.

Overall: will definitely buy, should get a good amount of fun out of this game
I regret cancelling my £24 standard edition pre order now. Its good enough for that much, but not good enough for £55 for the CE anymore, that's how I feel.

I cancelled the SE before I knew about this beta, I should have waited. Its only a few quid more to just order the standard edition again anyway and cancel the CE.
I just played through as a Wizard, it's very strong, you have a lot of control to stop you from taking damage. Boss fights are just a case of run around / frost nova and then attack when you're at a safe distance or they're frozen.

Once you get the rune that makes your shock cause targets to explode + the knockback you pretty much can't be touched again.

The monk was far stronger. Kills everything faster, takes little damage, much better CC.

And I'm not a noob at playing a caster, its my primary class of choice in these games and I had no problem in torchlight, sacred 2, PoE with the caster classes. But the one in D3 just felt incredibly weak and boring to me, especially when I played a monk right after it.

I was kiting, I hated it. Run around, cast a few spells,completely out of mana and hardly anything was dying, while my monk was just 1 hit kos, fun fast combat and really enjoyable.
Has anyone else had a insanely slow DL rate whilst trying to DL the BETA? Mine was fluxuating between 50kb/s and 500kb/s but it is now barely going over 30kb/s :confused::confused::confused:
Just finished the demo as a witch doctor, It's very limited at the moment but I'm really looking forward to varying skills once the full game is out, I have it pre-ordered for £25

The graphics are terrible, I have everything maxed out and it looks ok, I can put up with it but they are nowhere near as good as I was expecting
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