*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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Ok... went out and caught the tail end of the evening raz... came back and got in first time... DAMN YOU BETA GODS! I have no idea whats going on. Can't even see straight... Time for bed methinks.
Ok will do cheers. Just seen it available on GAME and Gamestation but doubt I'll be risking it lol :)

might want to check the rainforest as its currently showing as available @£65 tho in the past 10-20mins it was showing as unavailable then while I was looking around on there its now showing up as available.

I already have a pre-order for £63 elsewhere as I've mentioned in the diable 3 c.e thread on here so not bothered to put it through checkout to see if the order goes through.

as for game/gamestation they've been bought out by comet from what I've read so there shouldn't be any problems with the pre-order.
Ok will do cheers. Just seen it available on GAME and Gamestation but doubt I'll be risking it lol :)

GAME doesn't take the money out of your bank account until the order is filled anyway, i.e. until the game is released. So your money is pretty safe with them because they don't take it as a deposit as some other retailers do.

My initial impressions of the game can be summed up in one word, AWESOME! It's a shame the beta was so short though, wasn't really that much to 'test'. The graphic's weren't up to par with what I expected. Nonetheless I am still considering the C.E.
The monk was far stronger. Kills everything faster, takes little damage, much better CC.

And I'm not a noob at playing a caster, its my primary class of choice in these games and I had no problem in torchlight, sacred 2, PoE with the caster classes. But the one in D3 just felt incredibly weak and boring to me, especially when I played a monk right after it.

I was kiting, I hated it. Run around, cast a few spells,completely out of mana and hardly anything was dying, while my monk was just 1 hit kos, fun fast combat and really enjoyable.

dunno mate, I've been 2 hitting anything with normal spell and 1hitting full groups with arcane orb. When it gets nasty, pop diamond skin and enjoy being invincible for 5s. Didn't use a single potion since start, I don't think I've lost any health at all, maybe there is a problem with your playstyle?

Anyways, trying out barb now, if anyone wants add me PhoenixUK
initial impressions are that it's good, nothing amazing so far but it has that 5more mins... I'll just check whats up here ... maybe another 5mins ... oh whats that shiny ?!!!! :p
I finally got in, enjoying it loads with a demon hunter. I'll try all the classes by the end of the weekend.

I'm only 21 so im a bit too young to have played dungeon crawlers so this is basically the first of this genre I've played. Loving it.
downloaded really fast, played the first couple of quests and now the wife is giving me evils. going to have to try again tomorrow, but after binning off SWTOR i think im going to be buying this.

MAC client out at the same time? and can MAC players play the beta? I want to get a freind to give it a go.
Finally in. Checked my Battle.net account and seems I didn't have a BattleTag after all! After I created one, logged in fine first time.

First impressions? I don't think I'll be staying up late to play this lol. I thought you could customise the look of your characters too.

You can customise each character by equipping different sets of gear. There are 16 different tiers available. :)

is this all the game is?? some PVE? very boring

No, although a lot of games are 'just PvE' - this doesn't make them boring. Aside from the 4 Player coop, Blizzard have already announced there is going to be PvP. However it won't be in the original game as they decided to take time to improve it, they will release it when it's 'finished' for free.
downloaded really fast, played the first couple of quests and now the wife is giving me evils. going to have to try again tomorrow, but after binning off SWTOR i think im going to be buying this.

MAC client out at the same time? and can MAC players play the beta? I want to get a freind to give it a go.

Dont know if those are rhetoricals but yes. Been playin on my MBA and it lags a bit but so fun.
Played through as a Wizard and Witch Doctor. I have to say I was quite underwhelmed, this game is Call of Duty with swords and magic.

It's polished and reasonably fun but there is very little depth. I'll be waiting until the game has matured a bit to see if the endgame is any good, because I can't see it being very challenging based on what I've played so far.
Finally got on earlier and played for a couple of hours. This combined with reading how the games works leads me to one decision:

I'll be waiting for Torchlight 2... or load up D2 again since ladder reset isn't far away.
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Played through as a Wizard and Witch Doctor. I have to say I was quite underwhelmed, this game is Call of Duty with swords and magic.

It's polished and reasonably fun but there is very little depth. I'll be waiting until the game has matured a bit to see if the endgame is any good, because I can't see it being very challenging based on what I've played so far.

To be fair it's impossible to judge from what we've seen, you'd think the same about Diablo 2 if they gave you the first hour of that.

It's meant to get really hard.
I played for a hour or two just now, all single player. My first impressions are:

1. I forgot how easy and simple the Diablo games were

2. What's with the washed out look of the game? (I am now aware that there's a Diablo 3 pixel shader update available to sharpen/brighten the look)

3. It's enjoyable, nice and polished and it plays really well. Going from playing Witcher 2 to this has been somewhat of a jump though lol
Bad graphics repetetive gameplay, Baldurs gate > diablo 3
And HL2 > Anno 2070.

They're completly different types of game. An aRPG is not a cRPG. And PvE is boring? Please...

@phil675 The first two hours of the game on normal difficulty were always going to be a cake walk. Believe me.. Nightmare and Inferno mode will provide a challenge, and there's always hardcore mode..
Telling me it's easy during the start is like telling me it's easy at the start of Pokemon games against Caterpies, rattatas and pidgeys.

Well duh.
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